Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 267 becomes a member of the root (4/5)

After the battle, Allen did not hurry, but a butt sat on the ground waiting for the so-called "reinforcement".

It is about less than a half or more, and the root tissue led by oil women will be acacted.

I haven't waited for him to ask for examples, and another support forces made from Kakasi, Mikek, and fog, and the three generations of fire.

From the perspective of members, it is obvious that this time I want to play the feelings. It is basically Allen to know, and there is a good relationship.

However, Allen did not hesitate, directly came to the roots of the oil, throw a series of baubles on the ground: "Including the black soil, terracotta, all the rigorescent squades have been eliminated by me."

"well done!"

Staring at these one-to-have tolerance, and the oil woman will show up and appreciate the joy and appreciation of the face.

Despite the quantity perspective, the ten ninja in the district is nothing to do with 10,000 righteous villages. However, in terms of quality, it directly hurts the other party's exquisiteness.

In particular, the son and granddaughter have died, even if the personally tough people like Dasu, it will be sorrowful. If it is possible, if it can be cold, it is too sad, or the sadness is over, that is in the village It is definitely a major good news.

"Everything is for the will of the group and the roots!" Allen is clearly expressed his choice.

Seeing this scene, Kasi next to him warned: "Hey! Do you know what you are doing?"

"Ah! I am very clear! From today, I have never name, no feelings, no past, there is no future, my heart is only mission. Compared with the will of the fire, I can do it privately. I will sell the three-generation rigs of the village ninja, I have more recognized the idea of ​​the monarch. "

Allen deliberately puts out a pair of anticipatiso to help extreme dismissions and disgust.

The oil girl nodded and nodded: "It is good! Silently support the big tree in the back, it is the root that I am waiting in the earth. As for the weak and decaying upper layers in the village, The group hidden people will deal with it later. Let's go, I will report to the group Hidden adults, you will be the talents of the roots. "


To be said, Allen left with the support team of this root, all of the three generations of fire sent people all in place.

The members who have been until the roots are completely far away, and Kasi is helpless. "Hey, I know that it will develop into this way. It seems that the three generations of adults have committed a serious mistake."

"What should we do now?" Mike wiped his head asked.

"What can I do, go directly to the village to report this news, as for the rest of the thing, not you and I can participate."

Kakasi glanced in the gorge in the gorge, and a large amount of blood sprinkled on the ground, the whole person exuded a darkness.

As a person who has been closely exposed to the group, he is more attractive than anyone who knows that guy is to suffer from the new generation of betrayal.

If Allen really joins the root, it will become the sharp sharp knife in the group hiding hand, enough to cause a huge impact on the existing rights structure in the village.


After a few days of hurry, Allen and root organization support trousers finally returned to Woody Village.

Normally, he should first go to the fire building to report the task situation, and then we can do other private things.

This time, he first went to the root of the root while countless people's gaze.

When I walked into the dark underground room, I have already waited for a long time, I finally slowly stood up from the chair, and said: "I am very happy to see you alive!"

"Tony Hidden adults, he is not only alive, but also kills the fire fighting team. The granddaughter, including the Shadow Danwood, black land, close to the terracotta, and the other eight have good strength. After this Fighting, the rock is afraid that it is still a long time for a long time. "The oil got rooted and quickly took out the balance.

"Oh? It seems that you have to be better than I think. Tell me how you kill these rocks in a short time?" Tibetan is somewhat surprised.

"To put it, this will be more than you have previously sent the meeting. Especially the thunder, if you don't mind, I can demonstrate it here."

Ailranda looked up and down on this old man who brought the whole ninja world in the world.

It is not the same as expectations!

The group looks at the eyes, and it is neither is not a spicy, and even a calm breath is emitted.

But what he did, but it was a fierce!

Maybe it is said that the true singer is very good, but the guy who has moved his hand.

"Of course! Please demonstrate it to me." Tibetan did a gesture.

Allen did not say, immediately launched a thunder.


The glazed Torre Characle is wrapped in the whole body, even if it is a few meters away, you can still feel the kind of horrible destructive power.

"It turns out! It's an incredible talent! You actually master this Lei Ying Injury in just two days." Tibetan couldn't help but emotion.

We must know that after he got this, he also sent people to practice, but there was no exception eventually caught the violent Terrestrial Chakra, causing permanent damage to the body.

In the end, this danger and powerful tolerance can only be bundled.

I thought that the three generations of Lei Yings took a thunder and ten thousand rock to never the horror record, and he had a magical flame in his heart in the burning of the bears.

With such a powerful hand, it is only a step away from the position of the fire.

"No! Not only this! I also made a little improvement of this tapping, such as this ..."

Next second ...

Allen once again released the horrible Torre Characle to the air and turned the entire room into a huge electric field.

When he handled the current to interfere with the nerve signal transmission, everyone found that he couldn't move.

The smile appreciated by the group is also freeze on the face.

If Allen has not been in place where there is no further move, he will definitely launch an evil, and get rid of this state of people.

After about a few seconds, the electric field was revoked, and the body of everyone was gradually returned to normal.

As a person who personally felt this horror power, I asked in an unpleasant opening: "What did you do? Why do all our people can't move?"

"It's very simple! It is an electric field. I convert a lot of Ray Character Characle into the electric field surrounded by the body. Anyone who enters this range will immediately be disturbed by the weak current, causing the brain to lose the muscles. In addition, I have already sorted this method of cultivation, please visit. "

Said, Allen took out the reel that had already prepared it.

As for others, it is possible to understand and learn, so no matter what he is.

Anyway, I am finely popular in Kasi. When I now even condense the thunders that I have a slap size, I don't have to mention the thunderbirds rush to the goal in an instant and transformed into electric fields.