Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 308, the power of change (five more complete)

What is the true war?

In addition to those who have participated in the three battles and lucky luck, they can still be impressed, but most of the new generation has already forgotten the terrible war.

Especially when it is hurt, the entire wooden leaves are in a panic.

Coupled with the Group's members of the entire root organization, hiding in the dark underground secret base, directly leading to a lot of places to crash, many young ninja have not reacted what happened, already Inverted to the ground into a bloody body.

As for the scene of the Chinese tolerance, it is more confusing.

I love this tail of the people directly open a large range of inexperitative bloodthirsty patterns, and the blink of an eye will look at the aristocrats on the Taiwan fire. The warrior squeezed into the meat sauce with the sand.

On the end of the rushing, he leads to the hand, and the end of the wooden leaves will become a group.

Everything that he is not easy to build, it is destroyed, and the three generations of fire, the old face is suddenly revealing an angry expression, and the sorrow is asked: "Everything is you planning? Why? Why do you do this? Just because of the transaction with the rock? Or is it all the conspiracy? "

"Well ... how to say, half is the conspiracy of the group and the big snake pill, and the other half is myself just tired of this boring ninja game.

Naruto, ninja, big name, noble, this world is firmly held by these representatives of old and decadent interest groups, it is time to produce a little change.

And I will stand in a higher place to look at all. Looking at the ninja, this kind of career who only knows that killing, destroying and manufacturing hatred is eliminated by history, and watching the five major countries, including wood, completely die.

Of course, the rock can be more faster, who makes them annoying me. "

Allen smiles smiling.


The three generations of fire thinking that their ear has a problem, and the eyes are like a madman who is looking at a spirit.

But Allen didn't care, and said: "Take a look at this world! Rights have been accompanied by aristocrats, big names and warriors.

The force is held by you by these, the Ninja Chakra and the Ninja!

For your own interests, you have done an endless battle for a day, so that countless civilians live in a deep water.

In addition to desperate patience, they don't choose.

But now, I am coming, I will give them the power of the ninja.

From now on, civilians will no longer be the lambs you want to slaughter, but will slowly grow the young beasts of teeth and claws.

At that time, they will explode unimaginable powerful power.

And the residual parties in these old age will be swallowed down at a short wave of the new era. "

"Strengthen the power of Ninja?"

The three generations of fire shadow grabbed a keyword.


Allen smiled nodded.

"Remember, do I have said before I have said to you?

In fact, its true name is called, a power system from itself from itself, and manipulating the power system.

Different from Chakra, anyone can master this power by practice.

This means that even civilians can learn after paying time and effort.

And the concept can be enhanced through the will!

Imagine that this world has a million, millions of civilians become the ability of the ability, and treats the Ninja and the nobles as a retalian, how long can you persist?

Even if you can stick to it!

What about your family?

What about friends?

What about children?

What's more, I will not only teach those civilians, but also taught them to bear.

From the lowest C grade, to the highest level S-class ban, I will print it to thousands of copies, let those things that are self-cultivation is completely spread.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I have copied all the contents of the wooden seal, so ... "

"Are you serious?" Kakasi did not know when he came to the three generations of fire, and he was strict in the tone.

But Illen didn't use it to stall: "Of course! I have been very serious.

Don't you feel that it is a matter of endurance? Is it filled with irony?

How many darkness is existed in the outer light and beautiful leaves?

How many dirty interest exchange?

Do you know that the Yuxi Bo Yan is actually completely a person's private desire caused by it?

Know that the kaleidoscope that Yizhi Woshi will wake up, it is actually able to change the will of a person, thus thoroughly embarrassing this crisis?

But all this is just because the group hide is the bias of the Unecdo family from the second-generation rigid, causing all the tragedy.

I can even say that the root of Unexpelli is the three-generation rigid.

If there is no acquiescence and indulgence, there will be no daring to collect and the roots, and there will be no more beautiful darkness and tragedy.

As for the, it is just a stupid goods that is brainwashed by the so-called fire.

He does not understand, like this twisted morbid thing, but there is no value of the effect, and even kill his own parents for this person, and pay all the bad names alone. "

"You ... are you really true?"

Suddenly heard the truth behind these scenes, with a trembling in the sound.

"Do you think I need to lie to you?"

Allen has opened his own kaleidoscope in an instant, staring at this, from the end, is being hosted by others on the palm of the palm.

"Kaleidoscope ?! You ... you also have the blood of Yuxi Wom?"

Sasuke shocked and widened, unconsciously opened his own writing.

"No! You are wrong! The so-called writer, but the product of the blend of Chekra and the visual nerve, I just extracted a genus of Unexpected Wave Words. How, after you know the truth, you still Is it intended to stay in this place to die, is you a place where your parents and all people? "Allen means asked deeply.

"Just the opposite! I have to kill the three generations of fire! Let this full of dirty, dark wooden villages completely destroyed!"

Due to strong emotional fluctuations, Sasuke's writer has evolved from second hook jade to three hooks. At the same time, the curse of the sky began to quickly draw natural energy in the environment, and slowly turned a pair of huge meat wings.

No hesitation!

He immediately made himself know the strongest sickness - thousand birds, the whole person rushed to the old man with red fight, wearing a white robes with the speed of Thunder.

It is a pity that it hasn't waited until the next, and Kardi, on the side, will stop it.

This is not said to have a nonsense to a nonsense.

Because everyone knows, there is no meaning to say this time.

Parents have no more than wear!

Yischo Sasuke after learning the truth of the altruation, it is absolutely impossible to be a part of the wooden leaf.