Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 323 Severe Dika Patient Patient (Five Finally)

"You are Yuxi Bo Tong? The person who died in the Third Human World War?" Sasuke stared at the losses of the tube-shaped teeth that lost the kaleidoscope.

From this distorted expression, and it is not difficult to see in an angry voice. He has already struggled to fighten the rich flame of the burning in his heart.

"Hahahaha! Yes! It is me! And I also pushed the entire Yiszhike to the abyss of the extinguant! Your brother, just a piece of chess that I was using." With the soil, it is unscrupulous. Laughing.

He has lost his cartridge to write the eyes, and it is aware that he is going to die immediately, so the whole person has nothing to do.

Light from this point is not difficult to see, this guy's willpower is quite weak, there is no firm spirit, and it is not afraid of frustration to eliminate the determination of the unfair, just just a simple ventilation, this world is awkward.

"Bastard! I want to slaughter you!"

The second pillar was originally not a person who controlled his emotions. When the moment, he lost rationality and immediately started printing at very fast speed.

The Kung Fu is still less than two or three seconds, the thorn of the birds flashed on the right hand.

Just when he had just lifted the heart of the belt, he suddenly heard a voice from the ear of the ethnicity for the death of the parents and people.


Next second ...

Yishibo belt was directly taken away by an invisible force.

And those who do this issue are the heaven Peden, which is dropped from the sky.

After him, not only the five , but also the core members of the organization, ghosts,, Didala, corner, flying segments, etc. are all all.

I saw the Tiandao under the long-door control first, I took a look of the Wolf, and immediately used the irony tone to laugh: "I should call you Yu Zhibo spots, or should you call your Zhiso Belt? "

"It doesn't matter! Just like you like it." Evergiving a robbery with soil.

"Interesting! This is really interesting! I can't think of everything behind the scenes. It is actually an Yisi Bo belt soil that has been identified. The endurance is really a thing that is likely to happen!" Didala opened The mouth is excited.

"About you to conceal your identity, we have a little more. Now, I still need to handle more important things."

Said, the long door controls the heavens to comes to Allen, says with a high tone: "I will give you two options! One is joining! And I will have a small beast in your body when we need it. The other is that we have killed you here. "

"Kill me here? Who gave you a courage? Is the pair don't belong to your turn?" Allen is like a laugh.

"Yes! You can have the eyes you can have!"

The long door obviously belongs to the severe Chinese and second disease, and it really actually regards himself as a role of the savior.

Seeing this scene, Allen didn't help but sigh: "You are really ignorant! Since this is the case, then I will let you see what is the real round."

The voice just fell!

He put his body represents Yangji, and also blessed together on behalf of the written eye.

It is still less than half a minute, the chitinous writing is a pair of rounds, while a few black-looking jade begins to condense around the body.

At this time, Allen's body began to exude a powerful breath, so that the natural energy in the surrounding air begins to have twisted and confused.

"Another pair of wheels ... Reincarnation ?!" The long door was completely shocked by this scene.

Because he has always firm, this pair is a gift to himself, and it is also destined to change the reason and mission of this world.

But now, another person also has a round look, and from the power of power, far from this eyes.

"Nothing is worth a strange! The so-called round eyes, in fact, it is only the product that is incremented together in the yin and yang and other five Chinese Chakra nature. And your eyes are not ourselves, just borrow others, I believe you should already Feeling, in many times, it is said that you are in the control reincarnation. It is better to say that the round look is controlling you. So don't say that you are a ridiculous words of God, otherwise I can really can't help but laugh. "Allen is like a laughing explanation.

"What ?! My eyes are not my own?" The long door has grasped a keyword.

"Yes! About this, you should ask Mr. Tu, who claimed to be Yizhi Boss, his clerutination of this matter." Allen referred to the land of the ground to stand on the ground.

The latter heard these words, the face was changing, and he wanted to escape.

I haven't ran out a few steps, and I have been compliant on the members of the organization and the chief hand control.

Without the help of the kaleidoscope, he does not win anyone in the field.

Of course, there is an except for the intellectual disability of the flying belief.

"I think you need to make an explanation! Yuxi wave belt!" The voices of the long door revealed the cold anger.

"Your eyes are Yu Zhibo spots!"

The truth is said to be very elevated.

He doesn't want to die, at least don't want to die here, die in the hands of the long door.

"Yu Zhibo spheres? The legend with the ninja gods, the first generation of the gods, the end of the chaos of the chaos? He didn't die too late?" The corner pumped a breath and pleading.

"No! He has always lived to the end of the third endurance war. And this double round looks, it is him." "With the land, a butt is sitting on the ground.

Because even if you escape, there is no kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, he also lost the use value, it could not be promoted to the grand-eye plan.

"No wonder! No wonder this pair is like having its own will! It turns out that it will not belong to me from the beginning." The long door muttered.

Nothing is better than breaking a fantasy person, let him distinguish this cruel world and reality more crash.

What's more, he also claimed that God ruled that it was so many years.

The light is recalled, and people feel ashamed.

For a while, the entire woods have fallen into a silence.

Only the second pillars stared at the scarlet writing, staring at their big brother, biting his teeth: "Why? Why did you make such choices? Do you don't know the dirty and dirty Shameless? "

"Sorry, Sasuke. At that time, I didn't have a better choice. If I help my father and the Yishusai family launched a rebellion, the entire wood will experience an unprecedented disaster. Even if our coup is successful, it will only leave A very weak village. After seeing other big countries, I will immediately launch a war immediately. At that time, more people have to be forced to be involved in terrible war. "The face of the face turned pain and helpless.