Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 349 You need compensation (1/5)

With the death of the big snake pills, the tissue of the tissue is quickly collapsed under the strikes of the Ninja Co.

The serious injury, Jun Ma, has to transfer a few elite to other bases including the four people. As for the rest of the people, they are used as cannon asks used to delay the enemy.

As for the anti-military army who rushed over and trained from all over the world, they were successfully hiding with the help of the pocket, black and tensile.

When this always, this general command entered the underground laboratory, all precious research materials, records and equipment have all disappeared, only some of the no valuable rubbish left.

Especially those prisoners, basically all asked three do not know, even if they directly use the

Looking at the surrounding scene, this recently has been exhausted, and I will ask for a sigh. I asked quite a helpless tone: "We failed, right? Whether it is a big snake pill, or those The high level of the anti-army is not caught. "

"Yes! We failed." I just became the fifth-generation style, I loved my face nodded.

"It seems that the village is much more complicated than we think. In particular, the use of space forces, self-proclaimed guys, almost a person who has blocked all the ending siege." Cloud The endurance representative of Ruyi snorted with some messy hair.

Obviously, he is also one of the people who have been applauded by the earthwich.

If it is not interested in murder, in the Ninja coalition for this action today, there will be at least half of the above to bear it here.

In the face of yin and yang, whether it is the bloody limit, it is still a great mean, in fact, there is not much meaningful.

This is why, the written eye of the first generation of fires and the writings of the Yishabo family in the endurance of this.

I also want to say anything at all, I suddenly came out of a room in a room, followed by the two teams who were searching for four, and they were thrown out from the room. It's embossed on the wall behind it.

Since the speed is too fast, others can even have to respond.

Subsequently, three people walked out from the house.

I don't have to ask, they are just from Allen, Ningxing and Xiangti, and Rubs and Rubsi II.

"What is the guy of the big snake pill? Actually, even the nest is broken by the enemy." Xiang Phosphorus did not complain.

At this moment, she seems to have some wolf, and there is still a lot of ice retainings on the face, which is obviously the last two boss of Naxmas.

"He should not be a helpful hand, the result is not careful to be done?" Ningjun touched the chin.

If the two of them are unattended, they will undoubtedly let the Ninja coalitions who have heard the abnormal sound.

But the reaction with these people is quite opposite, including the high level of my love.

Especially for the former, I have tightened every nerve under the whole body in the first time. I am very vigilant: "Do you have no disappearance? Why do you suddenly come back? Do you have some of our melona? The secret company knows? "

"Don't misunderstand, the death of the big snake will not have any relationship with me, and I will not retaliate for his death.

Just correct, I have never left, but I have been busy studying for interest recently, so I am very old.

And ... you make this sound into this sound, which is really difficult.

After all, although the strength of the big snake pill is not good, it is quite good in intelligence collection and logistics.

Many times, I commanded it, they can bring things I want to bring in a very short time.

But now, you have destroyed here without any reason. Is it necessary to make some appropriate compensation? "

When I said this, Iron said in Ellan said that naked threats did not cover up, and they did not put the surroundings from the three rivals.

"You this bastard! Let the whole endure into this, actually have a face to compensate?" I finally couldn't help but play a roar.

Despite the loss of the end, he can finally sleep well, and the mental state is stable.

However, due to the lack of Naruto, the pyramid scheme of the masters, the character does not change much, the same is still so violent, bloodthirsty and cruel.

Allen heard these non- but not angry, it was not angry, but I couldn't help but laugh: "Hahahaha! Is it really what I do in this way? No! I just put those problems and contradictions, Thoroughly put on the countertop, so that even the peasants who do not know, they can have been suffering, why not change their own fate. The world is never me, but you can't Inn, Ninja and Naruto, as well as those who only know the extravagance of extravagance, but they are not willing to take responsibility. "

"But you are using the sound tolerance, which is always true for those anti-Jun." Darui asked the eyes.

"Sorry, this is really not concerned with me. It is the big snake pill and pharmacist who uses these anti-military people to carry out some secret human transformation experiments. I have never seen any anti-army, and I have not followed. They have been talking or cooperative. Because I want to say to them, I have already recorded the book. "Allen gives an answer.

"So you are directly dropping a Mars directly on a bunch of dry firewood, and then don't care, sitting on a side to see the fire to ignite the whole world? It seems that you are more dangerous than the rumors." Daruyi eyes flashed in anger Ray.

Not only is his, most of the reactions around the neighborhood are almost almost.

In their view, the situation in the heart is chaotic, as well as the fiscal situation of their own rushing village, no exception, this culprit is coming out.

How is the previous life?

As long as you bring your own care, you can easily scare most of the thieves and robbers, often do not need to be in the commissioner, easily earn high rewards from the client.

Even if it is the lowest, it is basically able to do anything to eat, and even you can save a little savings.

Can you now?

He said to make a task, and there will be a danger of delivery at any time.

If you don't have a good task, you will not be enough to pay for the Ninja pension.

Moreover, the ability of the anti-armor also began to organize organizational and planned to grab the market, but they not only charge, but also provide market and order in their own occupation.

Plus a large amount of property grabbed from the nobility, which makes these guys who have been born in these original civilians are increasingly competitive.

Gradually, a part of the businessman began to abandon the village and put into their arms ...