Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 353 Angel Small South (Five Finally)

There must be a courage under the reward!

This is the principle that Allen has always believed!

In his opinion, it is only two reasons that people who have a desperate desperation in order to achieve a goal, one is for lofty ideals, and the other is to get a rich return.

Now he has put all the two things all in front of the other party, as long as the name of the knives from the iron country have the ability to do, it will not be able to pay attention.

"It's a unbelievable masterpiece! Do you have to use it to create a sword?" The blacksmith's uncle is full of regrets and disgusting.

Because in his eyes, this is a hard work of a craftsman. It is also a high-end art. It should be preserved to save after the death.

But Allen did not hesitate to nod: "Yes! The hammer is not a weapon I good at, so it is now useless to me. Remember, my request is to keep this hammer property does not occur. In the case of a large change, it creates it into a sword, rather than simply rude, and then dissolves it and re-cast. "

What is the most important thing for a copy of weapons and equipment?

The answer is the attribute and various hit effects at the time!

If there is no such, their value will be greatly reduced.

Although the blacksmith uncle did not know these, but also understood the important role of the strange symbols and texture, very solemnly guaranteed: "Please rest assured! I will never destroy anything on the hammer without grasp. "

"In this case, I will give you a forged artifact."

Said, Allen's fragrant phosphorus has made a look.

The latter heart leads God, immediately bring all the materials and this uncle, and go straight to the voice of the village to use to forge tolerant.

The two people have been completely left, and the small south came back to God. It is not a very certain tone: "Where is the hammer you get from? As far as I know, I don't seem to have a flame of a type of weapon. The rumor is only right. It is similar to this precious baby. As long as there is, it will be impossible to silently. "

"No, you are wrong. The reason why weapons will be famous, is usually not because of their own, but because people who use weapons. If there is no suitable power to wave them, good weapons are just a dead Tell. "Allen is unhappy to answer.

"So ... in your opinion, people are more important than weapons?" Surprised expressions on the small face.

Allen has a smile and responded: "Yes! The same weapon, the power to show in different people's hands is different. Because the weapon is from the moment of being forged, its value has been fixed in one. There will never have any changes. Only someone will pick up it, its value will change again. In addition, in order to thank you to bring my most needed knife, I can meet you a wish. "

"Wish?" Xiaonan worked blinking.

Although this is no longer the first time, she still feels a bit of the idea.

"Yes! I am a person who knows the map, any person who is helped with me, I will give feedback according to my own way. No matter what you want to get, you can say it, as long as I get it. Will not refuse. "Allen took the initiative to explain.

"Sorry, I don't think there is any wish to achieve." Xiao Nan refused this piece of pies that fell out with empty.

Cautious her, completely untrustworthy young people who are hailed to bear the most dangerous molecules, just like she has never trusted to be self-told.

Of course, this kind of attitude that will remain suspicious is not the beginning, but after the betrayal, it is forced to develop a habit.

In the ninth, especially the ninja, not the five major countries, if you don't develop this habit, you can't take it for a little dead.

"It doesn't matter! You can think slowly, my commitment is always effective." Allen did not think about thinking.

"Thank you! If I think it will tell you. Give it, this is something that makes me hand it over."

Said, Xiaohuan handed a reel that saved confidential information.

Allen immediately took over and swept it, and his face suddenly revealed the expression of incomparably surprised expression: "Let the ghosts put it back wrong Xiaoli, then lurking around the side? Is there anything necessary?"

"Yes! I have seen it, and he is taking a very cold breath of a big snake pill. It is never the kind of person who will be willing to be placed. Moreover, compare us, he is more willing to trust the trust. To ensure sure There is no sleep, you must stare at him twenty-four hours. People who were best for implementing this task were trending, but they had to stare in black, so they could only let the ghosts came to do. "Xiao Nan straight Say the intention of the long gate.

Although the whole of the whole organization, most of the core members of the whole organization have gradually becoming the development of the United States from the original mutual.

The joining of the pocket allows the situation slightly more.

Especially this guy also has mastered the anti-theirti army of the big snake pills, and its factories and potential are absolutely not to be underestimated.

Don't say anything else, the original generation and the second generation of the original and the second generation of the coffin, once the firepower is full, it is estimated that even the long door personally goes out of the horse.

"Well, then follow him, I have no opinions." Allen didn't care shower.

Compared to this kind of hug, he is more concerned about when you can resurrect.

After this period of research and testing, Verna Lazas has found the key to extracting the medium from the tail and has begun to quietly plundering these media.

However, due to a slower relationship, the tail beast has not been perceived.

I have almost 90%, and I can directly seal into the outer road magic. I prepared for the resurrection of Ten Township.

Xiaonan obviously didn't know what Allen was thinking. He continued: "In addition to this, the long door also let me ask you, what should we make one of the organizations of the political power established by the anti-army? Attitude?"

Allen hesitated for a few seconds, and immediately replied: "Do not ask!

Don't sign anything, don't intervene their internal things and contradictions between each other.

During the old order, this time, the new order is about to be established, in practice, actually the process of selecting the future ruling class.

In this process, there will be countless unqualified people or forces to be eliminated, and only a few groups that have won most civilian support and support can win the final victory.

Although it sounds a little cruel, it can get a better future.

If we have intervened, then many unqualified people and organizations will be retained, so that the new era of the future is a heavy historical burden. "

"I understand! I will turn your words to the long door. If there is nothing else, I will go back now. I hope that when I meet next time, this world can have a little in the way."

After saying this, the small south is disappeared, and only the faint flowers in the air.