Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 418 Don't blink (five more complete)

Naruto is silent!

Sasuke is also silent!

Because when the six immortals say "she is my mother", it has clearly expressed its attitude very clearly.

He didn't come to save the world, just to save his mother as a son, even if the mother had committed an unforgivable crime.

Looking at the reaction of these two protagonists, Allen couldn't stand the smile of playing taste: "Look, this is the world of adults, only position, no right, wrong, the child chooses to save his mother is not wrong, because no matter the night How many disasters and deaths have been made to this world, they are unlaborative and biological mothers. Can I want to kill her? Don't say that she will bring much benefits to this world after death, Only those things that have been done in the past, in accordance with the legal standards in most areas, they are full of 10,000 times. "

"What do you want to say?" Sasuo lifted his head impatiently asked.

"Nothing, just want to tell you, learn to use your own brain thinking, don't say what you believe, don't feel that you are standing in justice. Finally, if you don't want to be my enemy, don't want to die Here, then let's leave now. Because next, the whole iron country will become battlefield, can't fell in the end of the head, causing unimaginable terror destruction. "

After the words, Allen will not pay attention to the nun and the second pillar, waving the two copied inflammatory swords, slowly approaching the enemy nearly within easy reach.

Unlike the night of the gathering, the feathers are also extremely powerful, and once the heart, the brain is important organs, it will die on the spot.

But in the same, he is also used to fighten the battle will, especially the consciousness of direct death.

There is no doubt that this is a real power, whether it is strength or thinking.

"Ten Tailings!"

No hesitation!

The first thing to do in the six cactors is to take the god tree to absorb your body with your mother.

In this way, he got all the strengths including the round-write wheel eye, and also had a more adequate Chakra.

"Smart choice! It seems that you are the prey I am looking forward to! Come on, show your power, let us enjoy the stimulus and pleasure brought by the battle."

The voice just fell!

Allen Directly inspired the space to bear the proximity to the front, and the Yan Demon sword in his hand was jealous.


The feather is directly waving, the cactus blocked this hit.

Although the tin rip is collapsed in the artifact, it has collapsed a small mouth, but it is still not cut.

"Yin Yang Seal! Six - Budget Star!"

The feather is obviously not to fight Allen, directly engaged in the strongest seal, intend to create a gravitational source, and throw away from this difficult foreign world.

Although the space is taking advantage of the flying thunder, there is a certain chance to escape.

But as long as it is still far enough, even if it is the flying thunder, it will completely lose its role.

"God! Do you think I will be easily caught?"

Allen directly opens a huge perceptual circle. The whole person shuts out with the speed of the naked eye in this range, and it is not expensive to jump from the huge rising meteorite.


Seeing that Tianxing did not capture the goal, the feathers once again launched the end of the eye, and wanted to pull the other party to fixed.

But next ...

Allen immediately broke the acceleration generated by gravitationality, a moment came to the near, raising the Yan Magic Sword slammed.

Although the six immortals intend to use this hit by the helium in the hand, but I don't know why, the sword is straightforward and there is no passing through the tin cushion, followed by another entity, instantly cut a deep can be cut on the side waist position Terrorist wound.

And because the sword surface exudes an amazing high temperature and calorie, a blink of the flesh and blood near the wound is burned into dark brown, and a pungent crust is exuded.


Dramatic pain makes the six cactors can't help but make a miserable call.

But soon, he immediately smashed several cases of seeking jade, and hard-to-life will force Allen, and launch Chakra for repair.

Unfortunately, the repair speed of the fairy can be slower than the night, and it is not possible to heal all more than ten seconds.

Especially the part of the wound is blended, greatly hinders the regeneration speed.

"Oh, depending on your reaction speed, actually dare to show me a variety of days? I should praise your courage? Or should I laugh at your stupid? Now, how long do you think you can do it?" Allen two hands often spread the surrounding air with vigorous high temperature and fire, slowly surround the opponent rotation.

In the face of the same master of Yinyang, most of the tips have lost their role, and the battle will return to the most basic body integrity.

Simply, is the most basic attributes of speed, strength, and reaction, and experience in progress.

Is there a rich experience of the six immortals?

The answer is obviously negative!

Because he only played a battle between eight scenes in this life, it is the battle of the mother and child, and the rest of the time is in communication, and Chakra and Media are assigned to the disciples. .

Can you fight with Hui Night?

Obviously it is impossible!

After all, people who are weak than her, will only be ruthlessly rolled, and those who are strong than her can be easily crushed.

Feeling the rich and incomparable combat experience and skills of Allen, all the anger on the feather face disappeared, and it is a complex mood that is difficult to describe.

After a mistake, he opened to test the road: "Is there a person in that world as you?"

"No! For humans, I am stronger." Allen gave an answer.

"The strongest? No wonder ..." If you think about it, I'm nodded. "What is the purpose? What is your purpose of this world? Like my mother, is it to plunder the natural energy of this planet?"

"I have no purpose, there is nothing to try. In fact, the reason why I came to this world is actually an accident. If you want to listen to my origin, or after you follow a greedy conqueror It is not so much. I just happened to happened too long. Ok, let's talk, I will take my own efforts. Don't blink, otherwise you I don't see the most exciting moments. "

After saying this, Allen suddenly blew whistle.

I haven't waited for the six cactors to react what happened. Three silver giants have rushed from since a different angle.

"not good!"

The feather is obviously not expected to summon the pet to help fight, and an accidental must be from Ruberts II.

On the other side, Allen has grasped this flashing opportunity, and the whole person turned into red light disappeared in place.