Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 660, the killer of the heart

"The captain, this is the intelligence that Drake's guy just passed."

Moore suddenly relieved the ability of transparent fruit, and in the air dock, handed over a note that wrote a small word full of flies.

Obviously, this is not his first interception of X. Drake secretly sent out, so it seems that it is not nervous, but it is very easy.

"Oh? This guy has been reported to the Navy this time?" Qi Qi is very interested in asking.

Moorer shrugged and replied: "Nothing, just said about the brilliance of joining us, and we are changing the details of the endless people. Don't worry, I have replaced with the modified letters. "

"Oh, it is a sad guy. He is afraid that you will never know that all the information that you passed out will never be strictly filtered and modified." Carrylfa looked up the mouth of the mouth revealed.

"I hope that one day, he can know all this. So, I can use this gun, directly break his head." Moore lightly touched the back of the long rod of a lot of magic runes Come into a gun.

Most of the time, the outside world's impression of this sniper stays in terms of manager of the huge power.

But very few people know that his real killer is actually this gun.

Within one kilometer, any locked goals are absolutely unable to escape the tiger killing of the nail.

"Relax, don't kill, the ship carrying the world government to send killer ships yet." Allen said unhappy.

"Killer? Hey! I really don't know where the five old stars have come to the courage, actually dare to assassinate the monsters like you." The eagle couldn't help it.

He doesn't think this world, who can kill this terrible man before, even the strongest ancient weapon is not good.

Allen returned: "Perhaps the ability of these two killer demon fruits is very special, coupled with their except for the weapons that have just been invented, so I decide to shoot. But I don't care, I am now only I hope that these two killers can bring a little more fun to this boring life. "

The voice just fell!

He immediately rushed to hook his finger in the corner.

I saw that the Golden Lion Schiki, which was transformed into a soul, slowly came out from the hiding, and the whole people like a sculpture.

However, all the members of the Devil's Ming Pirague who tried to know that this guy is so horrible after recovering the full state.

In addition to the top of several fewers, the remaining basics are typed.

Especially the trouble of fluttering fruit, you can instantly make the weapons in people to control.

Before the eagle eyes, because of the big idea, wear a chest on the spot.

If there is a double defense of life energy and armed colors, plus the treatment of water in time, afraid that even the grave grass is three meters high.

Since then, everyone realizes that the Golden Lion's History Base is unfamed from the One Piece, Luo Jie and the white beard. It is not a walked name, but it is really powerful to the imagination of farce.

"The ship from the scientist station has taken out, how long does it take to go to seven water?" Clean up the seaweed and the shell Robin came over.

"Up to two days! However, their whereabouts are always confidential, so they may be advanced or post-delayed. In short, we must be vigilant in these few days, it is best not to act alone." Lu Shen's serious warning.

When I entered the CP9 became a trump, he had heard some rumors about the two hands covered with blood killer.

Just I didn't expect, after so many years, the other party did not die, but hide by the world government.

"For these two killers, what do you know?" Robin's dark hair continued to ask.

"Sorry, this matter I knows, I know, I just remember that they have been out of ten years ago, directly killing a kingdom of six million rebels. It is said that the blood is very blood in the scene, almost can't see it. The complete body, the cerebrose and internal organs are piled up on the ground, forming a pond that exudes stench. and ... and they seem to have a food! "

When I said this, Lu Qi language is very angry, and both hands have become a fist.

"Damn! It sounds a little disgusting!" Namei looked at his mouth and his face was a disgust.

Not only her, all women present have shown a similar reaction.

After all, the murdere is a matter, and all the viscerals all take out and kill it. It is another thing.

As for the eating, it is more than the bottom line of ethics. It is definitely unable to embrace any civilized society.

"Transformed murderous madness? The world government and the five old stars have never disappointed. It doesn't matter, no matter what their ability, don't want to live in seven water." Allen Excluding a bad breath.

There is no doubt that these two killers have touched his most sensitive nerves.

Just when the atmosphere in the entire dock, the owl suddenly down from the sky, and said that he was excited to say: "The captain! We found the Red Heart Mini Tuan! Too!"

"Oh? Where are they?" Allen stood up.

"Water is rising! They are hanging out, seems to be in the purchase weapon and equipment. Too!" The owl gave the exact address.

However, in the moment of his last word just blurted, Allen was already turned into a lightning that disappeared in the same place.

Looking at the ground on the ground, Robin couldn't help but smile: "It seems that the captain's scorpion fruit is in the case. I still see him for the first time. The devil is so strong. "

"That is, the world government has rewarded five billion Pelile, named the devil fruit, I believe it must have a very powerful ability." Luke touched the chin analysis.

"The ability to make a good power, with the gap between the Honggou between Trafalga Luo, the final result will not change. I am just curious, the guy will become our companion, or it will be like a big Like the stomach female, choose the exchange of evil fruits. "

Krol hands were dragged in the chin, and the tang was full of play.

At this moment, he wears a pair of strange hook claw boxes to give people a very dangerous feeling, just like a hungry beast and is searching for prey.

"Why, do you want to see it?" Keli fair asked with a smile.

"Why not. If we move it, you should catch up."

To say, Kliot launches its own unique ability, directly disappearing without a discrimination, that is unbelievable moving speed, absolutely not shaving in the six-style ...