Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 689 is over the war out!

Promote the city, the world's largest, most robust, and also the most difficult to escape.

Normally, there is a poisonous fruit power Magellan, and there is a master like Domino, and the horses like this, theoretically no one can escape from it.

Especially in more than 20 years ago, there was an example of the only successful jailbreak of Golden Lion, and the prison has strengthened a lot of safety measures.

What's more, based on the ability of Magelun's horrible, most people are afraid that they have not escaped, they are alive.

However, as there is a sentence, the more you like to emphasize it, it is often more prone to problems.

For example, the Titanic, which is called an unstead, no more than a unbreakable alliance ...

With the assistance of the Emperor's Emperor, Hancu, the leader of the revolutionary army did not breathe, and the extension of the prison was in the depths of the prison.

"Interesting! Is it the promotion of the promotion city prison in the poorer?

Dragon is ignorant around those prisoners, and they will continue to go forward, there is no meaning of any stop.

If it is not at this moment, it is in LV5 extreme cold hell. He can't believe that Allen really fulfilled all the commitments in all the alliances.

As for BA, Hancuk, followed the Navy to return to the part after completing their own mission, and prepared to meet the upcoming white beard.

Although the Warring States have never appreciated that Allen will make this world's first beautiful woman, but in a better than one more power, it is a lot of power, or gives the rights and respect of the emperor.


At the time of Dragon, it is a favorite look for his own good friends - Anbrio Ivanjofeng traces, another ship has been secretly detained to the Essen of the Navy.

At the moment, before he was in the punctive station, he watched the public to watch the public in the public to watch his identity.

"Potkas D · Es! Your mother is Portcas D. dew! Father is Gorr D · Roger! You are flowing on the blood of the pirates!" The voice of the Warring States It is clear and bright.


The whole world is falling into a boiling!

Regardless of the naval soldiers present, it is still the fact that the civilians who watch live broadcasts will not believe that their ears have heard the facts.

As for the Ais repeatedly stressed that his old man is a white beard, it has already been completely ignored.

When eating melonia fiercely discussed what kind of ways of the Navy would cut off the pirates, Malin Vantra's calm port suddenly set off a huge waves.

Next second ...

A huge fleet is directly drilled out of water, and it has been opposed to the harmonious navy to be waiting.

The first thing is not someone, it is handheld the big knife standing in the forefront of White Beard Edward New Gate.

Obviously, these guys use the coating process, from underwater, there is nowhere to surveillance, directly came to the final main battlefield.

The eyes of the opposite side of the pair of pairs, the white beard immediately shouted: "Silly son! Take a little bit for a while! Old, I will take you home!"


Eson is moving with tears.

After all, here is Malin Fanto, the Navy is going to set the trap to the White Beard One Piece.

Even so, Edward New Gate is still there.

Light of Light, the old man is not lost.

"Hey! There is no tastle, I have to see what you will stop me."

When it comes, white beards have joined the air behind the fists.

In front of the horrific resonance in the shock fruit, the sea water lost control, set off a hundred meters of huge waves, and hopped to swear to the opposite Ma Ma Navy soldier.

This is not only a nightmare of ordinary soldiers, but also the nightmare of the demon fruit power.

Once really squatted, more than 80% of the naval soldiers will be killed on the spot.

On behalf of the world government and navy face, it will also be built in a few seconds and become a bunch of unable ruins.

"Big fire!"

At the critical moment, the red dog stopped, the ability of madness mortar fruit, simulating the impact of volcanic eruption, launching an attack on a heated tsunami.

With horrible ultra-high temperature, he accessed most of the sea water contained in the huge waves, turned into white steam.

In this way, although there are also many people's skin and respiratory tract being burned, but it is not much more destructive than the tsunami.

"Oh? I have blocked my attack!" The white beard face revealed the color of surprised.

You must know that the tsunami, the power will inevitably be infected with some seawater, and eventually, the ability is never swallowed by the sea.

"Edward New Gate! You will die here today!" The red dog has a face of Flag.

"Hahahaha! Little ghost, you think you can kill me? That's coming! The old man is waiting for you here!"

With the heroic laughter, white beard once again launched fruit capabilities, and set off a lot of lots than a lot of lotus, the entire fleet launched an attack on the navy.

Because there is no injury, and the body is in the peak state, he is full of confidence in his strength.


The red dog is obviously not the kind of person who likes more nonsense, so I will directly wave the fist to the most dangerous enemy on this field.

"It's too tender! Little ghost!" White beards greeted the fist.

boom! ! ! ! !

The horrible magma and vibration release amazing destructive power in this collision!

Even just just Yu Bo, let the surrounding seawate four splashes, and some of the hot magma evaporate, just like the boiling water in the pot and roll up.

If there is anyone who accidentally fell, it is estimated that it will be cooked for a living.

Just in the screwdriver, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the sky, directly in the face of Edward New Gate.


When this heavy punch, he couldn't help but retreat from autonomous, followed by a dark red congestion from his mouth, and his eyes were full of accidents: "Kapu?"

"Hey! Sorry! I promised the Warring States, I will go all out in this battle. So ... you are best carefully, but it will die." The late Navy hero opened his mouth and showed both bitterness and helplessness. Smile.

"That is really difficult for you."

White beard glanced at Ees on the criminal station, immediately realized that the opponent was suffering from the heart.

After all, he only did the old man in the Ace!


Kapu is a little bit a bit grew up from the small look!

But now, he watched the grandson who was carefully raised by his own loyal naval public ...