Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 699 of the dead


Red dragon!

When Verna Lasas showed his true gesture, the entire Navy's part of the navy was shaking in the horror of Longwei, as if the little animal encountered his own natural enemy.

Especially those ordinary soldiers and the pirates, fundamentally unable to describe the huge compression in this language, and they have fallen into the ground.

After all, from essentially, Red Dragon is Allen's half-length, with the same huge vitality, magic and the heart of the gods as him.

And it is not as him, and it is active in the power of 90% of the habitual suppression.

So once it releases the real body, it will inevitably generate a language impact on the surrounding things.

Don't say that it is an enemy. If you feel a relatively weak member in the Devil's thief, you can't help it, and you have sit on the ground, the pupil is enlarged to the limit, reflecting the majestic figure of Honglong.

"Open ... I am joking! The dragon on the shoulders of the captain is not a pet! But the real dragon!" Namei voice with strong trembling.

You must know that she has also tried to fell and tease each other with something like fresh meat!

Now that light is thinking, I feel somewhat embarrassed and afraid.

The same, the ghost princess, the ghost princess, rushed, rushed to attach the lead: "Yes! We are still a miracle now! Look at the big mouth of the scorpion, as long as a bite will swallow us. "

"Damn! Don't say it! Otherwise I will have nightmares this evening." Nukki highly rushed to the next half of the daily warmth rushing out of the hair and wet shorts.

It is a pity that Verna Lasas did not take care of these three girls, and both eyes hooked at Nahado, extending out of the tongue, licking sharp teeth and asked her master: "I can go Do you eat some dessert? "

"Ah! Yes! Let's go! But remember the action is quick, then I have a lot of places to help."

On the side of Allen, he walked from the yellow and Kapu along with no one, and came to the poisonous white beard in the body.

"Your situation seems a little bad!"

"Hey! Are you coming to see my joke?" White Beard lifted his head as soon as possible to let the face showed a little expression.

But unfortunately, he failed.

Because this special toxic drug manufactured by poison Q is a typical neurotoxin, it is more faster than any known poison, more terrible.

Even the body of the monster version is also unable to resist the transmission of neural signals completely truncated.

It is estimated that in a few minutes, his body organ will fall into disorders because of the loss of the brain, and the breathing will stop, even more fatal than the wounds on the heart.

Looking at this tried to maintain the last dignity, Allen immediately shook his head immediately: "No! I am coming to do a transaction with you."

"Do it ... transaction?"

As poisoning situation is getting more serious, white beards are coming to become abnormal.

. In addition to the conditions.

As a person who personally feels resonant strength, he is more clear than anyone to the development potential of this fruit.

As long as the body's strength is strong enough, you can even shocked all the planets.

That's right!

In Allen, like a white beard to make a tsunami and earthquake through resonance, it is the most original and low-level use of this fruit.

If you change to yourself, you will upgrade to super power to the planet level.

"Transaction! But it is a devil fruit! If you can change back to those who die son, it doesn't matter if you pay a bigger price."

White beards have almost no docks hesitate, and they will give their affirmative reply.

For him, family and family talent is the most important thing, even if it is called the strongest shock fruit of destructive power, it is no exception.

"OK! Established!"

The voice just fell!

Allen directly took out a bottle of tonic, and he fed his old man before him.

At the same time, his pupil turns into the shape of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, sweeping a scene around the corpse, with its strong moving visual capture capability, firmly locking the Member of the White Beard One Piece Then open the arms instantly launched life energy.

Only a blink of an eye, these disabled bodies were repaired.

I haven't waited for any other people to react what happened. Allen used the ability of the soul. One of the souls that were caught in the battlefield, have not come to the world of the deceased, and re-put them into the body.

"Cough and cough ..."

"I ... isn't I dying?"

"Resurrection? We have resurrected!"

"No! I am a demon fruit power, now there is no whole body in the sea in the sea?"

At a time, everyone was shocked by this scene that I saw.

The deceased resurrection!

This is simply God's power!

But now it is actually mastered in the hands of the sea devil!

"I am honored, now you." Allen said deeply.

There is no doubt that he recruited the dead person, in fact, with the help of the life energy to make a complete body, followed by the soul of the soul, and repeat the soul back to the active body.

If the soul has entered the world of the deceased, or even the body is completely rot, there is no living cell, then resurrection has become impossible.

Of course, due to death, the bloodline factor has left the search for new vectors, so those power lost the power of the devil.


The top war is not only a few hours from the beginning, and most of the cells have maintained a considerable degree of activity, and the soul is not immediately entering the world.

Not only a member of the dead White Beard One Piece, even thousands of souls in the navy are floating in half.

Only Allen does not intend to resurrect these people.

Because he wants to pass this impressive lesson, to completely reverse the values ​​of the Navy's internal mistakes, forcing the new world government created to the Revolutionary Army to continue to take on their own responsibility and obligation.

"It's a fascinating power! I have a little truth now, you are a true god."

Looking at the sons and daughters traced by my companions from the sea, the white beard face revealed the unscrupulous joy.

And Ais also rushed over this opportunity, swing in front of him, said with tears: "Sorry! Old! Everything is my fault!"

"Don't cry, my silly son. This is not your fault, but the wrong thing."

Speaking of this, white beards slowly stood up from the ground, and the head did not return to ask: "You don't mind give me a few minutes, let me know the portal person?"

"No, of course, please. However, there is a small additional request, you can't kill Tiqi, he still owes me a big debt." Allen means a deep back.

"Hahahaha! That is really unfortunate. According to I know, people who owe your debts seem to be fine."

The mood of White Beard At this moment is obviously quite good, even start jokes.

But the joke, I was joking, when he locked the black beard Tiji's moment, and it took a mess and cold horror, pulling the fist.