Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 730 Tong Tong is in the name of the home

In the mansion of Tongjia Zu Chuan, the "home owner" in the name is sitting in the study, flourishing the family assets that have just been organized in recent days, and the horned mouth exposed.

Since the mastery of the dirty dirty and participating in the saints of the Holy Grail, he suddenly disappeared after life and death, he became a true owner from a .

Despite the first time, there is still a little uneasy and fear, but with the time that the two disappeared, all these uneasiness and fear are excited.

As we all know, the island country is a fairly developed capitalist country, so as long as you have money, you can buy it.

With the accumulation of Tongjia's family, it has reached a quite amazing figure, enough to let the Heye live in a flowers and amenities in the half-life.

Most importantly, no one will make any restrictions on him, and even completely abandon the bondage of the magic family, directly enter the business or political circles, and be a big man who calls rain, not like now, in the magician small circle It is a despised waste.

"The only trouble is now this is already registered in the book."

Looking at the name of "Tong Cota" on the list of his own straight relatives, Heye face revealed the expression of a disgust and headache.

After all, the list of immediate relatives means that the law is protected from the law to a certain extent, to some extent, with the power of the whole family property.

I think that the number of people who want to have a visual property will be divided by one third. His inner heart is simply painful than cutting a piece of meat by a knife. It is uncomfortable.

More terrible is, unable to become a cautious difference between the magician, Sakura owns and its excellent magic talents.

This means that in the circle of the magician, it will only be recognized that Sakura is the only legal heir.

Including the lack of engraving, books, buildings, magic gifts, houses, etc., have a series of things related to magic, and he is only temporary management, but cannot really have it.


God knows that those who are not careful, even governments, will do things about how to be mad.

Don't say anything else, look at the news during the Holy Grail War, and how many gas explosions have learned from the Warthum market.

Just thinking about the intention of Heye, how to let the Sakua Tongjia will spread the trend of the treasure, suddenly spread from the lawn and garden outside the house.


I saw the fire of the sky illuminated the sky in the night. The old bugs were in the trap and the alert placed around their lives. The harsh sound was constantly echoating over the house.

"This death! What happened?" Heye slammed up quickly to the window.

As a result, I saw the farmity of the farmity of the emblem of the red rays of red rays.

At this moment, this weekly, it looks like a mature, steady and elegant man, like the devil who comes out from hell, unscrupulous, unscrupulous, and anger in his heart.

Since there is no magician's control, it is impossible to play all the power. Otherwise, there is a three-run magler to adjust, and the Yuan Daki will need to spend at least one or two hours to break it.

But now, what he needs to do is to attack the magic node, chaos the coherence of the entire defense system, and then you can kill it.

"Out of Daki, how can this guy appear here!" Heye was clearly scared by this scene that happened in front.

You must know that the two last time for the sage, it is sixty-years ago, so the relationship on the surface has always maintained a good.

He didn't understand, why the other party will suddenly put the door, and still in this most intense way.

But unfortunately, time minister did not think so.

Especially when I saw a moment of Tongjia straight blood in the study window, his attack suddenly became more violent, just a few seconds of kung fu to 20 meters.

"Hey! Time minister! Are you crazy? Why do you want to do this?" He wild asked in front of the window.

"Hey! You still have a face? Dirty old people have done anything to my daughter, don't you know nothing?" When the minister did not politely asked.

Heya heard this sentence, I can't help but hit it, and the face has a fear.

Obviously, although he is not very clear about what the old bug has done something, but after being thrown into the insect room, we will cry and scream for three consecutive days, or listen to a clear.

"Sure enough! Everyone in the Tong family will die!"

When I saw this reaction, I immediately knew that the other side absolutely knew the truth, the anger in the heart was more prosperous.

He did not have anything else. In less than ten minutes, this ancient mans were completely ignited, and the flames of the sky and smoke can be clearly seen outside of the kilometer.

Whether it is a Tonghe wild, it is still a lot of Tong Shen two, and it has not escaped from the house.

Create one of the three holy cups of the Holy Cup to completely exit the historical stage of the magic world.


On the other hand, in the castle owned by the Iims Beren family, the feast between a king is about to be held.

I saw the conquest of Wang I Canta Dadal driving the Bull pulled the chariot, all the way to shine through the woods and gardens, slowly into the hall from the damaged door.

I haven't waited for the owner to speak, he first lifted his hand and said and greeted: "Hey! Saber!"

"Rider ..."

Dull king is obviously a bit of the act of this inexplicably smashing into other people's home.

Not only her, Alice Phil is also surprised by Alicefield.

But considering the unveiled battle, this guy once has done some ridicitious things, and even published a quite speech, so soon resumed calm, I plan to see what the other party is going to do. Moth.

"I heard that you have a castle, just come to see. But it is a dead place."

While the emperor said, while the chest deliberately made everyone can see their new pants, and there is a T-shirt with a "big strategy" game pattern, and do not forget the full deputy arcua: " How do you wear the armor such as such a big scenery? Isn't it like modern costumes like me? "

"Rider! What are you doing?" I asked with a doubt of the king.

She is seriously persistent, she can't understand the intention of Is Cantar, enjoying every moment of life.

"Can you see it?" The Emperor directly took the barrel on the car, and he opened his mouth and showed a happy smile. "Of course, it is coming to drink! Ok, don't be stupid, hurry to bring the way. Don't you even have a courtyard suitable for drinking?"

Dumb king: "..."

Alice Phil: "..."

At a time, the first floor hall was caught in a silence.

Two women don't understand what this conquer the king's mind is installed.

You must know that during the Holy Grail War, or there is no must be born between the Royal Lord, but the sorers must die almost in order to summon the Holy Cup.

After a whole, I'm excited to exchange a look at each other, and finally I sighed, and I was sitting in the garden in the garden in the back of the garden in the garden.

The high-spirited emperor did not say, a punch will smash the wooden barrel filled with wine, and then use a spoon to pick up a spoon, and stand up and drink.

After you finish all, he wiped his mouth straight and said: "It is said that the Holy Cup is destined by the most suitable people. The battle in winter is the ceremony to select this person. But in my opinion, if only It's just a selection, it doesn't need to bleed at all. As long as the universities can understand each other's pattern is high, then they will naturally find the answer. "

The voice is just falling, and Is Cantar has a glass of wine with the spoon I have used to the Knights sitting opposite him.

Just in Altolia, I was ready to pick up a moment, a glamorous Thunder descended from the sky, and the bombarded the land of the two people not far away.

A lot of soil and gravel four splash!

I haven't waited for any other person to react, Allen has already come out from the pit, and ask for a smile: "Drinking this kind of joining countless spices and additives, manufactured by industrial pipelines Wine, don't you feel some shame? "

"Berserker ?!" Did you expose a nervous expression on your face.

And the emperor is very bought, "Is it? Is it a very good wine in the local market?"

"Hahahaha! It seems that your so-called modern society and industrialization era are not very well understood. The so-called industrialization, simply put the past can only have expensive luxury to enjoy the king and nobles, with extremely high efficiency and polarity The cost is produced, so that ordinary people can consume. Especially like wine, food, once a large amount of production, it will sacrifice part of the quality, taste and taste. So really good wine, usually It will not be very high under production, but the price will tend to be very expensive. Almost a small bottle, to get on dozens of buckets you drink now. "

Allen patient gave each other to some of the basic common sense in modern society.

From the color and taste of the barrel of wine, he can tell the stuff, although it is also made of grapes, but whether the raw material is still a second-class level.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already a good taste, but it is far from the true top quality.

What's more, Allen's mouth has already been raised by the Azeroth's world's different magic drinks, and the wine drinks are more likely to take out these industrial pipelines brewing dozens of streets.