Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 743 "Truth Law" and "Adults, Time Change"


As other people and the Royal Lords have evacuated, Alice Phil is finally coming out of the hiding, standing around the king, staring at the opponent's eyes full of sadness, loss and despair.

Anyone can think of the expression on her face. The legendary Arthur king is extremely low, as if I have lost interest.

After all, there is a trick such as "sword of the victory" completely invalid, Altolia really does not know how he should defeat Allen to win the victory of the Holy Grail War.

If you can't win the Holy Cup, what else does it really?

Thinking of this, dumb king turned the head and showed a smile than crying. "Don't worry, Alice, I am fine, just disappointed with you. It turned out that I have always believed in and carries something. This hook The sword was ashamed in my hand. "

"Don't say this! Berserker is not an unopened union." Alice Phil is very distressed.

"Isn't the universal union?" Sticking Wang watched frowned.

Obviously, she does not understand the true meaning of this sentence.

Just in Alice Phil, I want to explain more about Allen, the satellite is immediately interrupted: "There is no time to explain! We must leave here immediately, contact Berserker. That nuclear warhead has fully proved He said at least 80% before he said. "

"You mean ..." Alice Phil suddenly became very excited.

"Ah! Yes! Take it now, we may have to take some remedies."

To be said, the satellite cuts out of a hooky point in the pocket.

There is no doubt that everything happened tonight, almost destroyed all his cognition and plan, urgently need nicotine to calm down the chaotic brain.

I have to know why I don't care about the deposit on weekdays. It is actually this man deliberately disguised.

In the depths of the heart, he is more painful, suffering from the other Royal Lord, eager to take his wife and daughter to escape.

Because whether you can win the victory of the Holy Grail War, Alice Philler will die.

More terrible is that if the wish is not implemented, then the daughter Ili Yasfill is also a mother's alternative to become the container of the next holy cup.

This is also why it is found in the original plot. After the holy cup has been contaminated, the satellite is almost given up, like a late elderly, staying in the winter in the last trip in life.

The crash of goals and beliefs is naturally one aspect.

But the most important thing is that the wife has died, from a small helper for a long time, Dance is also lost life in the battle, and the daughter must be the same as the mother in the future, do meaningless sacrifice.

Almost, he lost all the people who care and love.

Such a blow, there is no self-suite, it is quite strong.

It is estimated that the reason for supporting the satellite, leaving only a deep embarrassment of the satellite.

Soon, the two cars have four people, including the dull king, and disappeared in the night.


At this moment, there is still a calm winter, and there are almost thousands of people who are arrested or killed by the police.

The streets and alleys can see the flames of the burning of the bears and countless shops, and civilians.

Occasionally, I can see the police and firefighters sitting on the roadside.

Obviously, the confusion manufactured by French Marshals is not long, but the destruction of the city is disastrous.

It is estimated that light is an economic loss, and it is not expected to recover from a few months to more or two years.

In addition, this riots also destroyed trust between people.

Especially those that are controlled, it is estimated that he is unclear, why he will suddenly be crazy, why not in the darkness, tyrannical and anger are suppressed.

Of course, these magicians who have followed the Holy Grail War have no semi-cuisine relationship.

At least in the ninety-ninth magic circuit of the body, all of them were destroyed, even the spell was taken away by the fiancee, and the eyes of Green Light were still in the eyes of Green light. The ordinary people did not care more.

Now, he is sitting on a wheelchair, only one thing that is full of things, it is the control of rewarding from the people.

"Sorry, let you wait. It is really busy this evening."

With a low voice, the church priest peak is slowly coming in from the side door.

It is not difficult to see from the tired expression on his face, dealing with the trouble caused by Allen and Gil de Thunder in the port, wasted him a lot of energy and time, and even used some unconventional means.

Otherwise, it is hard to get paste in the US military.

"Hey! There is no way, after all, it is a good thing, and hidden work is not so easy." Kennes showed a deep smile.

"Well! This time, it is too big, even if it is the church church, it is difficult to handle, forced I can use it. If the magic is really exposed to ordinary people, it will inevitably There is a new round of mysterious recession, which is unacceptable for us. "Yan Fengzhi is slightly sighed.

But I have lost the qualification of the magician, obviously don't be interested in these, directly open the door to ask: "What is the determination of the priest? Or when you plan to pay the compensation of Caster's payment?"

"Sorry, I don't remember what role when Lancer played when Caster was crusade. Exactly, in this crusade, only Berserker's Royal Overlord is eligible to get an extra calamation reward." Yan Fengzi is not thinking Refused the rude requirements of the other party.

After all, Allen is in the battle, and the possibility of doing other universities in the battle, so the battlefield looks very clear.

In the original plot, many of the scenes of many sonsides are very different.

"That's not Lancer, I don't want to help! But Berserker blocked him! At least in the will, I actively responded to the church call. Light, I think I have a qualified to get an extra monthly reward." Kennes Ruilibrain.

Can't fight!

Otherwise, he believes that it will not take long, and his unmarried wife, who will have something to do with Dulu Mu.

The green light on the head will turn completely into a green hat.

Any man is more humiliating and failure than may endure such.

Looking at the unwillingness and anger in the eyes of the director, Yan Fengzhizhong is aware of the broken body of the other party, and there is a smooth back of the right hand, whispering: "Kennes Achibo Lord. According to your current state, I don't know if you should be regarded as a Royal. "

"Contract with Lancer is the form of commonly borne as unmarried wife Solar, so please don't worry." Kennes throws up the excuses that have already been prepared.

Anyway, outsiders can't know at all, and he is not allowed to make a spell in the case of imprisonment of fiancee.

"Oh? So, now the magic provides with the cursing owner, is all responsible for Ms. Solar?" Yan Fengzi squatted to continue to test.

This priest is obviously ready to set out the news, then tell his ally, the minister.

Kennes smiled nodded: "Indeed! I will now give the spell to Soya temporary storage, but the leader of the contract is still in my hand. And said, don't you think Berserker is too powerful? Only we left All the Royal Lords join hands to remove it first, in order to let the Holy Grail War will resume balance. So give me a spell, whether it is for the church, it is a favorable Things. "

"Oh! Ok, I admit that you are a qualified person." Yan Fengzhizhong is obviously impressed by this sentence, immediately standing up the front of the wheelchair, taking the sleeve to show that the arms are full. "Please reach out, Kenneth."

Director Director did not hesitate, immediately handed the right hand of the unmarried wife's broken little finger.

"You all drink this! Because this is the blood of my constant! For many people! Make sin to pardon ..."

With the spell of the priest, all the spells released the eye-catching red light.

Next second ...

A mantry comes on the back of Kennes.

I saw the lost thing, he couldn't help but send a laugh: "Hahahaha! Yes! This should be my own!"

"So, please continue to be the Royal Lord, fight for glory." Said, Yan Feng is put down the sleeves, and the direction of the side door is slowly moved.

I haven't waited for him to get out of a few steps, and a crisp gun has echoed in the hall of the church.


Without any accident, this bullet directly hit the priest of the priest.

The middle gunman did not even respond.

The director of Wen Director fully proves two truths.

One of them is naturally "adult, the time has changed".

The other one is "true fragrance".

Although in recent years, he also despised the satellite to use a firearm to insult to the magician.

After the magic loop lost by 90%, decisively select the gun as its last weapon.

The reason why Kenneas will kill the priest, mainly do not want other Yushu to obtain a spell as supplement.

Don't ask if you also know that this guy has not given up the plan to capture the Holy Cup.

Because he had clearly refused Allen's last invitation, except for the Holy Cup, there is no second way to restore your horrible injuries.


At the same time, after returning to the top floor of the building, Allen personally kitted a table full of vegetables, trying to attract the mood and unfortunate.

After passing the passive skills of "the crucial moment of the far away", he didn't plan to put it back to the mother and daughter.

With the fourth Holy Grail War began to run toward unknown directions, the sky knew what happened next.

What's more, there is a sun, and he can finally do not have to use the education and mental health of Sakura throughout the day.

"It seems that you don't plan to let us go home, right?"

After eating this, I don't know how to be dinner or the heart of the night, and the Kwai finally took the two daughters to take a shower and whisper.

"You guessed, lady. After all, the performance of the minister is too disappointed, whether as a father, or as a husband, he is seriously dereliction of duty." Allen did not think about thoughts. reply.

For this answer, the sun is undoubtedly prepared, just helpless laugh, did not argue with his husband.

Because she knows, the other party is correct.

Time ministers may be an excellent magician and an excellent master, but it is not a good husband and father.

In this man's eyes, the pursuit of magic to high is the first.

As for others, it is all based on the side.

After a long time, the sun asked again: "Do you kill the minister?"

Allen shakes his head: "No, no. I will only let Sakura destroy him as the dignity and pride of the magician, and put these things. At the feet like garbage. But I don't do it, I don't mean Others will not do it. After all, the most dangerous people are now around, but he knows about it. "

"The most dangerous person? You refer to ... Yan Fengqi ?!" The sun is surprised to cover his mouth.

"Yes! Maybe you still don't know? When the minister is one, then the three touch Gilgamesh's bottom line, this hero king is quite dissatisfied. And he followed the peak Talking time is much longer than your husband with him. The most important thing is that for the sorers, the death is not a big thing, just need to find someone to replace it. It is a happiness that Yan Fengqi just has a spell, and it has lost the owner assassin ... "

Allen did not hide anything, straightforwardly said that the crisis faces under their eyes.

He feels that the happiness is still there. It is very likely that it is too big because the threats you bring are too big.

Time minister is just suitable as the top of the cannon gray.

"I beg you, rescue the minister. No matter what to say, he is a biological father of Sakura. My requirements are not high, as long as he is alive, even the second half of the life needs to be lying on the bed."

The Kwai Plute is a bitterness.

As a full-time housewife, she could not afford the hit brought by her husband. They also didn't feel that they would support this home.

"I can only say that I don't have to guarantee, I will not give you any guarantee. As for the minister, I can see if I have chosen."

After saying this sentence, Allen opened the floor window and pulled it directly.

During the drop, he didn't forget to pick up the mobile phone to press the answer button, said to someone on the other side of the phone: "Well! Well! Yes! It is waiting for me. Of course, if you want to solve it Kennes, I don't have any opinions ... "