Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 777 He should be the future!

"Auntie! Auntie! How to stop?"

Sakura is obviously unpredictable at this moment, while kneading the red nose, I asked poorly.

With her current state, even the reaction is slow and half shoot, let alone is a fierce battle.

And this symptom is not a disease, more than a poisoning, curse, and magic, just a simple physiological response, so the magical agent does not play any effect.

As for the use of life energy, she tried it just now, and it is also useless.

Appreciating a femaper, but now becomes a child, I can't help but show a smile of a gloating, but I still handed a bottle of clean drinking water.

"Give! It is actually solved very simple, rinse it with clean water."

Sakura has been sneezed in the unsatisfied, and there is no mood to joke. If you don't say it, you don't say it, you will fall into your nose.

After about a few seconds, with a dramatic cough, a large amount of water reflows from the nasal cavity, and dissolves all of the pellets and all it takes out.

In addition to seeing a little wolf, she has stopped sneezing, but she still has a touch of obsessment in her eyes.

After the young girls were completely recovered, they immediately broke out the ultra-low temperature of all frozen around, and rushed over the speed of Thunder, and the end of the sharp relativity was flashing and frozen.

"Oh, is it angry? I seem to say more than once, I will never be angry to dominate your brain, especially when fighting." Allen is more tougery than the other side, and it is easy to show.

He has absolute confidence in terms of mobile and response speed.

And so far, there have been no opponents that can be in this regard with themselves.

"Bloom! Frost!"

The magic engraving of the right hand of Sakura is lightly illuminated, followed by the palm of the palm of the bones.

After only one second, a large diameter of the huge frost of 100 meters was condensed in the top of the head, and the Thunder was smashed.

You know that this is not ordinary ice flower, but an explosion will explode, freezing everything around, and will also produce large killing magic that is more sharp than ordinary blade.

"Finally, it's true ..."

Allen is unhappy, and it is twitching twelve smeared red marked bullets, and then raises the double gun again, aims at the frost buckle of the frost.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

When the warhead hits the ice flower, the split is blown out, releases the red magma, and the ultra-high temperature quickly dissolves the ice flower, the finalization of the white mist and water droplets of the sky.

"Through the ice!"

Sakura Obviously, it is expected that it is impossible to create what threat to Allen, so the shocking speed of the fog, and suddenly burst into an amazing speed, and hit the cold.

In her hand, it is no longer a simple cabe, but is a giant ice cone that is wrapped in a layer of Ice, and the ice cone is also entangled in armed colors and life energy.

Obviously, once it is played in this, I am afraid that Allen's physical fitness is probably injured.

At this time, I want to fill the bullet in the revolver and definitely!

So Allen is directly launched a magic circuit that uses the body weaved in the body with a magic loop.


His hands present a language that cannot be described in a language.

Compared with other magicians, the complexity is simply a gap between the large-scale integrated circuits in the transistor and the chip.

I haven't worried about the cordial, the palm of the palm of the two hands shuttle in the air in the form of the naked eye, and the huge ice cone is covered with the kung fu to zero one second.

"Is this? !!!" The cherry is suddenly enlarged.

"Analytical completion! Wat!"

With Allen's voice without any emotional color, the huge ice cone is like an invasion of a certain unknown force, and the collapse of the collapse of the collapse is scattered.

Finally thorns the spear gun, they were caught in their hands.

"You ... do you really have done that?" Sakura is stunned.

Allen nodded and nodded: "Ah! Just at last evening, I got a magic gift called against the sword, and it is the last puzzle I have been looking for. Now, ordinary magic and element power I can't afford any effect. As long as I finish the resolution analysis, I can build a model in my body's magic circuit and the reprinting ... "

"Once the model is established, you can make the magic and element power to solve, even copy, to capture the control." Sakura took the initiative to make the second half of the sentence.

She has heard of this crazy conception very early, but she never believes it can be realized.

After all, this involved is too much.

If successful, it is completely sufficient to compare any one of the five major magic.

But now, this power is actually present in front of her.

"Yes! Not only that! I have won a natural combo, the source of the gods. It will automatically record and store something parsed with magic, magic. It is better to say ... this!"

Allen directly guys guys guided the space in a position, removes a handle from inside, and the sword is black and a weapon with red engraved.


The legendary superb sword is torn in the sky.

Different fantasies pressed by the planet of the planet, this sword will not be suppressed, as long as the holder can provide sufficient magic, even if it is a sword, you can do it.

But like the previous snuff, if you leave this world mysterious blessing, it is still not known to do this.

It is the so-called mysterious, and it is mysterious.

"That is ... Hero Wang Gilgamesh's ?!"

Hiding in the distance, taking care of Shilang, standing up from the ground, almost can't believe in the fact that your eyes can see.

Because she is too far away, she has not understate what the two have been said before, but this very identifiable sword is still very easy to recognize.

no doubt!

Although the battle just is very short, it has been deeply impressed in the brain of Miss Farm.

She first realized that in the next day, she is too powerful, and she is simply playing myself as a child as a child.

Loss, she thought that the difference between the two is not too disappearing, as long as I can summon a strong powerful, I can fight against the wind.

But now, don't say that it is turned over, she feels that even one of the two people who have been killed and the owner is not the opponent in front of these two people.

Similarly, the first time I realized that the power of the original magic can actually be so strong, it is not inferior to the treasures held by the person.

Just when she wanted to be close, she can see more clearly, Shi Mang, who has been coma for a long time, finally slowly opened his eyes, quickly climbed up from the ground, shrinking into a group, from the mouth, a year, with a slight belt The trembling sound asked: "It's so cold! Cold death! How long does I have grown?"

"Not much! Ten minutes. How is your brain is awake?" The wind did not turn his eyes over the eyes.

Si Mi smiled and smiled. "Well! Calm down. Sorry! I didn't know what happened, I didn't control myself. And ... about assassin identity, I think I have already figured out. He should be the future. I!"

"You are in the future ?!" "is undoubtedly shocked by this news.

"Yes! Although it is not too sure before, when he released the moment of intrinsic comments, I will realize that the previous guess is right. Because of that, there is one of my hearts. "

When I said this, Mi Mang took his chest with hand, and the tone was full of faint sadness.

Because he didn't even have time and asked the other party, he went on a way in the future, but why be British spirit, and why do you want to participate in the Holy Grail War.

"Scorpio! Today, it is a crazy night, a variety of subversive news a one. Looking at the future, you are killed, and the taste must be very uncomfortable?" He asked in the forehead.

"It is very uncomfortable before, but now it is. Yes! What is going on outside? I remember that we seem to lose it?" Shilang suddenly looked up with the spectacular battle scene in front of the front. .

Murdado and DTR king don't have to say more than a combination, it has been completely shot.

Light is the sword of the victory to release the thus three times.

For the first time, I took the top of a mountain directly into a slag. The second time I pulled a Tiankeng with a deep thousand-meter deep, and I plowed a long to about two kilometers long, width on the ground. The gully exceeding the highway.

In addition, the Murdadusa, which is monster is not bad. With the unimaginable strange force, each hit can cause considerable terrible destructive power.

In contrast, Ellen's battle with cherry is also unfair, and even it can be said to be more winning.

Since the power of magic and elements has not found any effect, the Sakura immediately changes the strategy to choose the care, and the dual bonding of life energy and armed high domineering, each hit can produce a deafening air explosion.

The light of the two people can set off a strong airflow, and even the clouds are blown by the wind formed by the airflow.

"Yes, we lose. Whether it is your assassin, or my archer, it is solved by Sakura, now, is a Saber's Royal. However, this person's identity, I probably Guess it. "" Striked the chin showed the expression.

She is not a fool.

Although the silver mask on Allen has never been taken, and the gun has never had a weapon who has never used before.

It can be so big throughout the winter, and there is only one person who has stabilized the cherry in absolute strength. It is not very difficult to guess.

"Who?" Shi Mi asked very curious.

"Don't tell you!" The dislike is mysteriously blinking.

In her impression, Allen's universities left in the last Holy Grail War, strictly speaking, it is impossible to participate in the Holy Grail of the Holy Grail, which is a typical violation.

So she is ready to write down, wait until I will ask a little benefit as a sealing fee.

Sheng did not know that the other side of the nine nine nine-nine, the stunned standing: "Don't tell me to pull down! Anyway, it is not my business. If there is nothing else, I have to go home. This damn cup war has made me I can't sleep in a good time for several days. "

"No problem! Go back early. Remember, wait for the Holy Grail to the end of the Holy Cup, I need to give you the basic common sense about the magician. Otherwise, like you, this innocent fool, it is easy to be People sell it and help count the money. "Said, waving waving to seek.

"I am a natural fool is really sorry!" Shi Mang returned to a mouth and turned to the direction of winter.

However, I haven't waited for him to go out, I saw a bullet flew in my cheek, and I lived directly in front of a big tree.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

With the deafening sound and explosion, I waited for a long time, I finally rolled down the half of the air, and it was completely swallowed with the hot magma.

"Propen ?!"

Schilang's face changed, and the next consciousness rushed over and wanted to get the other party.

But he didn't know, this is a good return plan for two privately, how can it be destroyed.

When this teenager just took the right foot, another bullet whistled, directly turned into a burning purgatory in front of dozens of meters in front.

"Words ... ?" The mouth was also shocked by this scene for a long time.

It is necessary to know the peaks of the satellite, although it is also perfect to interpret its original owners who don't recruit people's favorite character, but when teaching magic and holy graps, it is quite serious and responsible.

So even if you have always said that you have anything to say, but in your heart, she is very grateful to everything that the man does after the father lost their consciousness.

Just when this is completely attracted to the attention of the less male girl, the satellite has been directly transmitted to a hidden corner other than hundreds of meters, and restored his original appearance. Handheld water was severe Scald skin and muscles.

"Sheng - Allen this guy will be really embarrassed! But the blessing of him, I can finally find a place to start a new life."

When all the serious burns are restored, as early, he quickly took off his church chambers to burn, replaced a new suit.

As for the small pendors, such as a cross, watch, and rings, such as a cross, a ring, which is unable to be destroyed together, and thrown into the river next to it.

With the extent of river water, it will enter the sea after a few days, and it is not worried that it will be found.