Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1005 Chapter of the wind and rain

Hara Star of Bigalan galaxy.

Here is the capital of the Krie Empire, and it is also the birthplace of their entire race and the birth of civilization.

Despite the initial time, the Krie did not have the only wisdom life of this planet, and another ethnic group called the tower.

However, Skuo, which has advanced technology, has visited it here and intends to pick up a training and support in two races.

In order to test the two races better, they sent the same number of Kriens and Tower to another complete unfamiliar environment, I have intended to see two race construction results for a while.

As a result, the Krie has built a city in the desolateness, and the Tower of Tower makes plant growth through the benefits of the born minds, from the uncomfortable to build a huge garden.

In the end, the observer of the Skuo chose the tower.

The Krie learned that the results were furious and immediately organized all the people, and the Tatai had a miserable massacre. They directly destroyed all the whole ethnic groups. Only a very few lucky fleeted.

Not only that, they also launched a raid in the fleet who docked in the ground.

There is no preparationful observation fleet that has not been covered in the whole army in a short period of time, and even the rescued signal has not been sent.

The Krie took this time to reverse engineering, research and copying against the warships, technology left by Sculu.

Not long, they quickly developed and established a space civilization with strong military strength.

Because of the establishment of the Empire, the guys who have deep blue skin and strong body are the first bucket of gold by killing, plundering and slavery.

Therefore, in the process of continuous growth, the Krie deeply engraved the way of cold, cruel and strong, in his own gene.

It can even be said that every Krie is a natural warrior.

When the development of the Krie Empire is growing to a certain level, with the help of artificial intelligence "to high wisdom", the Kerie took the initiative to launch a comprehensive war in the past of the Skuu Empire who had been designed to dominate her destiny.

This is a super universe sweeping a lot of the universe, making countless planets and civilizations that were forced to be involved in them and lasted hundreds of thousands of years.

The two strong empires have invested all their resources and strength.

But unfortunately, Skuu people are obviously a little longer compared to the Military dictatorship created by Kirles.

In constant consumption, the latter becomes more weak, and ultimately inevitably go to the decline.

Since then, the Krie took over most of the scientific and technological and forces of the enemy, and became one of the three major empires in the universe.

It can be said that their history is a history of constantly killing, destroying, plundering and conquering.

However, when the Krie's ambiot, I would like to push my civilization to another peak, but I have suffered an unprecedented failure and setback.

With the rise of the heterogeneous rises of Sakura, the great Kerie lost more than one-third of the fleet, almost about half of the colonial planet.

At the moment, no matter who is a fleet, as long as you leave the Radiation range of the Harra star, there is a high chance to be suddenly attacked.

Since so far, Sakura has never established a regime, and there is no occupation of a planet as a logistical reissue base, completely relying on the destruction and plundering the fleet of the Krie, the base is maintained, so Krie does not know how to counterattack.

Specifically, they did not play such a war in the root.

Because no one can guarantee that he has won the victory in every battle, there is no way to ensure that every loot can grab enough materials.

So a huge fleet that relying on robbery, usually because there is no sufficient benefit, or the internal power struggle triggered chaos, and finally got to disintegrate and destroy.

The problem is that the biggest difference between the sakura and the star thief is that she can use the horrible frost magic, directly into a film of the captive fleet.

Even if the brave fearful Krie wants to detonate the battleship, the materials who destroy their own transportation can not be done.

Plus genetic renovation techniques, transform the originally losers and Star Pirates into dead loyalty, her arms are not weakened, but with more and more people join and become strong.

Not long ago, a small stock army did even tried an important colonial planet from Hara Star to the Three Entrance.

Although it failed, but it was proud, arrogant, and the Krie who was empty, knocked the alarm.

And indicate that their motherstock is no longer as safe as they imagine.

"Bastard! Can no longer go on this! Counterattack! We must fight!"

The accuser - Luo Nan's fist smashed the table in front of himself.

As a typical Krien supremer, he could not stand this again and again failure and humiliation.

"How to counterat? We can't even find the enemy's position! And the queen is not mortal. Her magic power has been strong enough to exceed the limit we can deal with, even the surprise captain Carol Danfus It is difficult to wrap. It is not a huge risk to find a chance to fight against the other party, but to reinforce defense to ensure the safety of the core area. "Another Krie high-level stood up.

"Comment! In the current form, the death of the Harra Star is a wise choice." Another Kerman Fleet commander also followed.

"What should I do in the huge colonial planet outside the fantastic radiation range? Just look at them being captured?" The accused - Ruo Nanger could not decaliate loudly.

"This is also something that there is no way. As long as our mother is still, the fleet is still, the lost colon star can be grabbed back at any time. Not more, this enemy is not building the meaning of its forces. Waiting for them plundering After finishing the resources of the colonial stars, only three choices are left. One is to find other civilizations, the last one is attacking the Harra star, playing a hard-touched positive war. No matter Which one is good for us. "

The female Krie standing in the venue is standing up, making a simple explanation of the current turtle strategy.

It is not difficult to see from the high-level reactions in the conference room, and the conservative thoughts have been temporarily occupied.

the reason is simple!

Here are many fleet commanders being afraid.

And each battle result is the conflict of the Kril Empire, and the enemy's fleet is constantly growing.

However, it is not a fool, and it understands that this situation will cause a terrible catastrophic chain reaction.

Looking at these unconscious compatriots, the accused - Luo Nan only felt that the anger of his heart was smashed, hate can't take the hammer in his hand, one one knocked each other.

Unfortunately, he can't do this.

Otherwise, it will immediately hold the "allegor" of the power, and become a wanted criminal shouting.

Most importantly, the decision-making power and personnel of the Kerry Empire are free, basically in the hands of artificial intelligence "to high wisdom".

No one can overthrow the decision made by this parliament before the highest wisdom does not state.

Just in Luo Nan's emotional and disappointed emotions, when a young Krien officer rushed in from the outside, with a very fast voice report: "All! Our intelligence department has just got one Important news. Not long ago, I sent a Qi Tatui Legion to invade the earth, and the result was completely destroyed by the earth. "

"What? Are you joking? The earth is just a backward civilization, even if there is no battleship that can enter the space, how can I defeat the Qi Tatui's fleet?" A Kerman Fleet commander slammed up, full face It is an incredible expression.

"No! This is not a joke, but we have built the base in the Sun Taiwan, send back the news. According to their observation, the weapons used by the Earth, have surpassed the main guns on our Francisco, only one hit The Qi Tatui's fleet was erased from the universe. And ... they also saw a worm hole opened by the universe. "The young Kerman officer rushed.

"What you mean ... The earth man uses the universe Rubik's cube, and it creates some kind of super-weapon?"

"Is it a ghost that I fled to the Sku people on the earth?"

"If it is a ghost that Sku people, it can be big."

"Yes! The woman who has been attacking us, it seems to have a very obvious earth man character."

"Maybe ... We can consider concluding alliances with the kneegen."

At a time, all the Krie's high-rise in the field has published their own opinions.

More than half of these people think it can be considered to join hands with

Others think that you should send a fleet to the earth and see if you can grab the Cosmic Rubik.

Only the accused - Luo Nan traveled straight to the side of the reporter, smashing the sound asking: "Qi Tatui's fleet is destroyed, what is the action?"

"Hey - I broker like to send his daughter's card, and start looking for clues about the universe." The latter gives the answer immediately after thinking.

"Cosmic Ball?!"

Luo Nan heard the word, and his eyes suddenly flashed a shining bright color.

There is no doubt that as one of the high levels of the Kerry Empire, he knows where infinity gems, and more understand how strong these small crystals can bring how powerful forces.

So after getting this news, Luo Nan has not stopped for a second, and there is no waste to discuss and quarrel with his compatriots. It takes straight lead the fleet to leave the Harra star. I will go to find the tyrant to see it, and then look See if you can conclude the alliance and deal with a common enemy.


At the same time, far in the other end of the universe, a large number of fleets are stopping in the endless space.

In tens of thousands of space warships, there is a largest volume, the bridge is sprayed with lavender coatings.

At this moment, the queen of Sakura has focused on the respective forces in the universe, sitting on their own chairs, holding the cold ice that has just been taken from Allen's hand in his hand. Question: "Is there a special envoy from Sandal Star?"

"Yes, Queen, they have already gone. The special envoy said before leaving, if our fleet has been insufficient, they are happy to provide some help." A long phase and human beings have seven Eight-year-old female aliens pay with a handful of chest.

Obviously, with the continuous expansion of the Keri Empire, there have been many higher levels of civilization to feel the threat, and they have begun to try to limit them.

Among them, the Shandal Star of the New Star Legion is one of them.

In the case of seeing the Sakura Leading Fleet, they have caused a huge losses of the Krie, they have begun to communicate.

Even some remote neutral planets, let this fleet can stop, rest and entertain.

Because of this, the Kerie has never been able to find the whereabouts of Sakura.

They don't know at all, their unscrupulous expansion has attracted the hostility of most universe.

Now, these enemies in these areas have sneaked together, and they intend to cover the Krie Empire through the hand of the cherry.

As for what happens after that, these forces do not care at all.

"Hey! Do you provide help? I see that these Shan Dalhang people want to use us to destroy the Kerrone's strength." Sakura frowned.

"Queen, I don't understand why you don't occupy the planets abandoned by Kril?" Asked the leader of the leader.

In his eyes, his Queen has repeatedly rubbed the Kerman, and even forced it to take the initiative to give up the large-piece control area. It is absolutely qualified to establish a new empire, and directly put the squad and the Kerre is hard.

Looking at the fatful hands in front of these eyes, Sakura is unhappy, and it is very simple!

The main fleet of the Krie Empire was not completely destroyed. Their farta has not been destroyed, and the actions of all divided forces are equal to the initiative of the war.

You have to understand that our greatest advantage is to go without a trace.

You can initiate a sudden attack in the unusual place that you want, and transfer all the trophy in a very short time, and do not give the opponent's opportunity to start counterattack.

The enemy has a huge territory that needs to be defective.

And we don't need to defense, you can concentrate all power to initiate an offense, and the relative advantages are formed locally.

If the forces are divided, it means that our legion has to fight from the original breaking attack, and gradually evolved into a positive war with Kril.

This is not what we are good at!

So before reaching a custom strategy goal, don't mention the things of the planet.

Compared to these, I am very interested in the top movement of Qionee and his hand.

Can someone tell me what they are doing recently? "

"Shouldn't soon get a treasure map soon, it seems to be busy trying to find this treasure, then sell a good price." The female alien does not think about the answer.


Sakura is back to think of the universe-mentioned universe-mentioned universe, and the strength of the strength of the sphere, immediately told three warships, giving me the idiot who is called Xiangjue. If he finds Interesting things, tell me immediately. "

"Your will is our order! Queen is long!"

"Queen is long!"

"Victory will belong to the army!"
