Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1020 of the New Plan of the Shield Bureau

Just in the Magina President of the Braza, III Tobi Stark has just recovered awareness from the deep anesthesia and slowly opened the eye.

At this moment, the signature "LED light" of his chest has disappeared, and it is a completely stitched skin.

Obviously, after the War of Ordley Kiri, this self-intelligence guy has wanted to pass a lot.

For example, the reason why it is the steel man is not simply because of the steel taking, but is derived from a strong sense of responsibility and mission, and there is a smart brain.

Therefore, resolutely farewell to the past, taken out the slice of the chest threaten the safety of life.

Similarly, Tony Starke's mind has once again emerged from Isen to tell himself.

"Cherish life, don't waste it ..."

"I didn't waste my life!"

After a long time, Tony Stark finally could make a response to the person's person to create his own person.

Just when he wanted a nurse to feed some water in his mouth, he suddenly found a familiar figure was standing in the ward.

This figure is not someone else, it is Isen that appeared in the dream countless times.

In order to confirm that this is not an illusion, Tony Stark has quickly smashed his eyes.

The stab sensation from the surgical wound, let him realize that he is not dreaming, but really seeing this old friend who has lived and a total.

"You look good, Tony." Ison took the initiative to smile and greeted.

"My God! Ison ... is really you? You don't die?" Tony Starke faced a happy expression.

Yisen shook his head gently: "No! From the perspective of medicine, I did already die at that time. Just after later being resurrected by more powerful power."


Tony Stark kese seized the keyword.

In his impression, only one person showed such an ability, that is, a dull king with a golden hair.

"Yes! It is Altolia 's adults to give me the second life. In fact, when I was held in the next future technology seminar, I saw you with your girlfriend in the restaurant. See you I re-ignited the hope of life, I found back my life, I was sincerely gratified. "

When I said this, Issi's tone is full of sincerity and gratitude.

Because he knows, it is not a chance to come once.

"Why do you want to hide me?" Tony Staike asked some questions.

Ison didn't think about thinking: "Because this involves fate and future. According to their statement, my death shaped now you. So if I suddenly be resurrected in a short time, some kind may be In order to avoid this, I have been living in the sky city. The reason why you have appeared is because you finally get rid of the shadow of the past. As a friend, I have necessary to come. Congratulations, Tony, you finally Walking on the right way. "

"Thank you! Ison! Nothing is more happy than seeing you."

Tony Scarkes who know the truth of the truth is a bit red, and even the tone is gaining.

After all, I watched the other party in front of himself, and I always had painful memory he was most reluctant to think.

"Seeing your present, I am also very happy. This bunch of flowers give you, it is my hand picking in the garden, I wish you a soon recovery. Goodbye, my friend."

To be said, Yissen took a bundle of fragrant white small flowers into the vase, and the whole person instantly disappeared in the same place.

"Goodbye, Isen, I wish you a happy life."

Tony Stark looks at the flowers placed on his bedside cabinet, and the face couldn't help but shed the tears.

However, when I haven't waited for Iron Man to taste this loss, Allen has opened a transfer door and directly appeared in the ward.

When he saw the Tony's response to Tony, he immediately smiled: "How, Is Sen have just come?"

"Well! You should know this thing early?" Tony Stark rushed to ask the tears on his face.

"No! That is just the decision made by Altolia, there is no relationship with me." Allen shrugged the shoulders denied.

Tony Stark is undoubtedly a quite smart and suspicious person, so I realized what, careful trial: "This thing is related to the timeline mentioned before?"

"Oh, sorry, I will not answer this question. Because it itself is part of the timeline." Allen saw wearing the other person's tactics.

"Damn! Some people say that every time you say that it is very annoying?" Tony Stark was angry with anger.

He really wants to know what is the so-called timeline?

What kind of way the other party goes to the future?

For the small emotions of Iron Man, Allen did not add more, but throw a document covering the international security council stamp: "Take a look, this is Nick Furrey new stuff. "

"Building a magic training institution? Let me come to be the person in charge? What is the halogen?"

After Tony Stark, I immediately felt inexplicable after sweeping an eye file.

To know that his mage is completely supported by professional templates, don't know how to teach others at all.

What's more, the current earth is not even in a stable magic source, and it is entirely from other dimensions.

Allen smiled and explained: "Obviously, in front of Romania, the International Security Council has produced a strong sense of crisis, which urgently wants to cultivate and form a magical power to listen to his own order. Oh, right You still don't know what happened in Romania. "

"Can you tell me?"

Tony Stark is obviously interested in this sudden situation, completely does not care about the surgery body is in a weak state.

Allen does not conceal anything, the big square will describe the things.

In particular, it focuses on the situation of Scyne, as well as the ancient god.

When the Iron Man learned that after the earth was born, he had already got these strong life, and the whole person shocked for a long time.


He has a big heart that is unable to enter, so soon, he will resume calm, asked with very serious mouths: "You determine that the Supreme Master can resist such a dimension of the gods?"

"Of course! At least the current Supreme Master is ancient one, has successfully resolved many such situations." Allen is straightforward when giving a sure reply.

"Is this plan for Nick Furre? What kind of attitude you hold?" Tony Stark continued to ask.

Allen didn't care shower: "My attitude is neither support. As a mage, you should have felt, isn't it? Our planet under our feet, it is not able to provide energy to the magic. Facts. On, if you are not a professional template, you will be closely connected with Azeroth, even if the magic of the resumes, it is a unlike thing. And the Master of Kamaji Ji is learned from the devil from the height. Forces, the most typical is the three-in-one Vishan Emperor. "

"I understand. You mean, no matter whether it is willing, the Earth people learn and master the magic can be real independent, but to rely on the magic source provided by the outside world."

Tony Steak is worthy of one of the smartest people in the world, and I realized the crucial part.

"Yes. Whether it is from the height of the devil, it is good, or Azeroth as the magic source, it means no root wood, passive water. As long as others cut off the magic source, these campers It will lose all the power to turn into an ordinary person. What's more, the power of Vioshan is not allowed to borrow, only those selected can go to Kama Taiji. "Allen Patient explanation.

If Tony Stark is a little thought: "I don't understand these, but the problem is that the International Security Council and God Shield Bureau want to hear their own magical power. At least the crisis They don't want to know what to know like past. "

"This is going to see your choice. You can let these people take Azeroth as the source of magic, but also effectively imitate the strength of Kamata Ji to get strength from the isometric devil. The benefits of the former are before we leave It can be kept safely and stable. Once we leave, we will fall into a very embarrassing dilemma. The benefits of the latter are the energy we can always provide energy, but the damage is that the dimensions are not always kind, they are There are many things that are secretly snooped and wait for the invasion. "

Allen did not hide anything, the big square put two choices in front of the steel man.

Of course, he concealed his future to create a new magic source on the earth.

"I chose the former!"

Tony Steak has made a decision after hesitating for a long time.

Not only that, he still regards the weakness of the body, asking some people who have a magical talent, those people do not have magical talents.

When Allen turned around, this guy had probably established a preliminary plan in his mind.

As a unique magic user, the Iron Man has become the only choice in the magic of the Dynasty Bureau and the International Security Council.

Anyway, at least they don't have to worry about Tony Stark with hundreds of millions of families, will go to the aliens or become the pioneer of the dimension of the dimensions.


At the same time, Collson and his teams have just received psychological counseling, sitting on the beach in Miami, enjoying sunshine, sea water and ice drinks.

As the main participants of this sudden event, although they did not play a decisive role, they still brought back many precious and useful materials.

Therefore, the halogen chief is rare to be every time, giving everyone a batch of two weeks of paid leave.

Lying on a soft beach, wearing bikinica couldn't help but sigh slightly: "I can't believe that we have just experienced a world collapse and destruction."

"Yeah! You should now understand why we have to conceal the public, isn't it? If the public really knows this, in addition to serious panic and riots, it will not be a positive role in Di." Grant · Ward is a slice of ironic, and it is born with a bidding beer.

"Damn! Don't mention this, do you admit it? I admit that I have been a little childish." Skai didn't have a good night.

It is no harm to the so-called no contrast.

I witnessed the dangers and death of the Shen Shun Bureau, and she finally realized how shameful that she had previously "keyboard" behavior is, it is a model that stands and does not breathe.

Continuously with a goodness and trust of the tide tissue is also rapidly decline.

At least this time, future shock women did not disclose a half message to those previous companions.

"Is it just a little? I remember that when you see Alesia in the past two days, I almost jumped excitedly." Jamma Simmons took a knife.

"Hey! I remember that someone's reaction is similar to me." Sky stared at the opposite side of the opposite side.

"Hahahaha! You are right! Simmons has made that photo into the desktop of your laptop."

Rio Fitz, who just climbed up from the sea, went on the old bottom of the partner.

"Close your mouth!"

Jaima Simmos was angry into a can Ice drink.

The Rio Fisi is quite fast, and it is stable at once, and when I laugh, I will return to the side: "Thank you for your drink!"

"Bastard! Don't let me catch you!"

"Come on! Simmoss! You caught me at a point."

At a time, several young people played a chasing on the beach.

Looking at them happy, Colon's face suddenly showed a gratified expression: "Young is really good! No matter how frustration and despair, you can recover in a short time."

"How, you envy?" Melinda glanced at his old partner.

Colon smiled and shakes his head: "No! I just think that this is likely to be very likely to go far away from us so much. Have you heard? Director recently wanted to engage in a magical training institution, from Tony · Stark is responsible. That is to say, this type of task will gradually get more. "

"This sounds like it is not good news."

Melinda is not a fool, and it has been aware of potential dangers.

"Don't worry, at least we know who I have a similar question should go to help ..."