Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1021 Chapter Tony Starke's Magic Training Course

For the International Security Council want to form a magical institution that he lives on his own, the respect of the Master is just a smile smile, putting a pair of ineffective gestures.

Because compared to the heritage that Kama Taji has accumulated in the millennium, the Shen Shun Bureau now can't even stand a shelf.

What's more, magic this is not a technology.

Just find the right way, you can fully chase through large-scale popularization education.

Magic needs the talent, and there are countless strong people to summarize the experience of the nine death lifetime.

This is a kind of force that must be teach, ensuring that every apprentice can get the power belonging to understand and feel.

In other words, even if it is a good teacher, it is impossible to bring more than five apprentices.

It is estimated that in the ancient eyes, even if it is developed to the Shen Shun Bureau for a hundred years of time, the other party does not necessarily be a little finger than the Kamata Ji.

Coupled with her, she didn't mind having such a magical force, helping themselves to deal with some small questions or troubles from the next supreme mage.

So just a few weeks later, Tony Stark has got the direct appointment of the International Security Council and the God Shield Bureau, officially became the head of the first magical training course.

As for those who come to participate in training, most of them are employees from the Shenshun Bureau.

Among them, the youth of the ages of 20 accounted for more than half of the age, and the largest age is not more than twenty-five.

There is no doubt that Nick Ferry takes the problem of accepting capacity, so specialty in young people with more learning and ability.

If there is no minor protection method, he even wants to get a small child of the 1126.

Because the theory of the Iron Man gives theory, the three-view immature children are the easiest to break the common sense to resonate with magic energy.

Instead, it is an adult. It is firmly bound by inherent cognitive, and it is difficult to change his idea in a short time.

Of course, the Director of the Braken Egg and Tony didn't know that in all of these trainees, there were almost two-thirds of them have been developed by the nine-head snake.

The name of the Snake Shield, is really not a joke.

It is more outrageous that these people don't know each other's nine snakes, and they are still in the role of the agent of God Shield.

Light of Light, I know that "cutting a head for two heads" is never exaggerated.

However, through memory and thinking, Allen is easy to separate the people who are loyal to the nine-head snake and the loyal goddess.

But he did not tell Tony Stark, nor did not inform Nick Frei or Colson, just a posture of a look.

"Do you determine this will not have problems?" Altolia is not a very certain tone.

Allen didn't think of shrugging: "What is the problem? These people's magic sources are in our hands. And they don't have any professional templates, just simple in the most original, clumsy method experience. Magic energy, try to resonate with it. If you exercise this speed, even if you are a peerless genius, it is necessary to barely become an excellent mage. "

"If members of these nine-head snakes will inevitably set off a dramatic turn. I don't think they will abide by laws and rules, and even make huge riots."

As an honorary, Altolia, Altolia, which is obviously do not like the nine snakes, and even several times they want to eliminate the tendency to eliminate it.

If the US government is comparable to the criqu history like an encyclopedia, she may really do it.

In fact, the king is clean in morality.

This is never sneak attack from her battle, and it will always stand in front of the opponent.

Therefore, after realizing that both parties are in the world, they will give up the initial intend.

"It doesn't matter! I am looking forward to seeing the God Shield and the Nine Snake can stage a magical war in the near future. After all competition and pressure can promote people to make quick progress. The earth's magic world wants to become stronger, light It is not possible to rely on the Supreme Master and Kama Taji, it is not possible to give them a power. "Allen said his own point of view.

In his opinion, the Master of Kama Taji is best to split into two parts, plus the goddun and the nine snake, and come directly to a quarter.

In this way, regardless of whether it is willing, they must change their own strength, otherwise it will be defeated by the competitors and become a slight loser in the history of the history.

"You ... do you deliberately create an opponent and enemies?" Altolia was surprised to have eyes.

"No, not me, but their own choice. To know that this plan is not me, it is a hi-style that likes to be a smart guy. I am curious, when he found everything you did, It plays the anti-effect, and it will do it. "Allen glanced in the light of the play.

"You are really as good as ever." Altolia couldn't help it.

At this moment, she is stupid, the reaction is slow, and it is also aware that Allen is completely to see the halogen egg, and want to engage in each other.

Just talking about the two people, Tony Stark finally completed the morning teaching, exhausted from a small square in the sky, the invisible one, sitting on the ground, painful complaints: " My God! Without the help of professional panels, I originally want to get started to learn magic is so difficult. For four days, these students even perceive the existence of magical energy. "

"It's normal! You only need to know that in normal circumstances, it is necessary to learn the theoretical knowledge of three or five years. Although you skip this stage, you will start from feelings and control of magic energy, but you also need to start code. Several weeks to a few months. And from they can feel that the magic energy begins, it is really when you are guiding this teacher. Otherwise, once the energy is excessive, the whole person will blow it. Believe me, that is comparable Desperate viruses are more exciting. "Allen means deep reminders.

"Damn! Don't say it, I am now thinking of these things will be a headache. I know that I should not promise Nick Furi to take over this rotten stall." Tony Stark Face is ugly to support forehead.

Although he has tried to want to go to the water, even from the sky city of the sky to help himself.

But ultimately, these requirements are not refused.

Under the helplessness, the Iron Man can only have the scalp yourself.

To this end, he also specially went to the Central Tower Library to read a lot of books related to magic.

It can be said that although the student has not yet made no progress, this guy's theoretical knowledge is rising up.

Even no posture, I have learned the magic system of the model month, and began to try to build a magic circuit in the body, and determined to create the steel coat into their own exclusive magic gift.

"Don't complain. Since you have made the choice, you will be prepared for this. People should be responsible for their own behavior, I think this should be the most clear." Said, Allen took a cup Alcohol's drink has been handed over.

Tony Stark did not say, and he took the beginning and looked at it. He licked his lips and sighed: "Yes! No matter how hard, I must stick to it. Because human beings must establish themselves The magical power is to defend against the invasion of the dimension of the monster. The only thing I am satisfied is that the food and drink here will always be so delicious, which can make people forget everything. "

"Oh, then I wish you a good appetite at noon." Allen smiled and smiled.

"I am hungry now to eat a cow!"

To be said, this bitter "Iron Man with a smoky rushing to the restaurant and enjoying a sumptuous lunch with those students.

Looking at Tony Stark gradually far away, Allen didn't help but said: "At least his emotions are optimistic, isn't it?"

"I don't think he is learning the truth, but also keeps the current optimistic state." Altolia didn't have a good altitude.

"Okay, joke here so. I have to leave for a while, and I will have trouble on the earth."

When I said this, the space gem of Allen began to flash with the same light.

Obviously, he has already perceived another unlimited gemstone by space gem.

If you don't accidentally, this new infinite gem should be the sacred spirit of the Dark Elf - Ethernet, which is a realistic gem.

"Only yourself? Don't bring Vern Narasas?" Altolia was obviously surprised.

Allen shakes his head: "Not necessarily. Although the Scene is the strongest in all dimensions, I am not vegetarian. If he really dares something little action, I don't Meditate show your own destructive power. "

"Well, I know."

Altolia is straightforward when promised.

Because she knows, the other party is a very changing person, and it is almost as stubborn as yourself, and only believes in his judgment.

In this way, after the two exchanged a look, Allen disappeared in the spatial gem of space.

Just one second, he appeared in the hometown of the Dark Elf - Watte Alheim.

As with expectations, it is a desolate scene here, and it does not see any vegetation coverage and traces of animals.

Only black dark clouds in the sky, as well as messy stone pillars around the sky, prove that this place has happened.

It is also defeated by the gods of Asa, and the dark elf is much more than the frost giant.

The latter's home daytonheim is at least the original look.

However, Wats Alheim has been completely abandoned, turned into a completely dead place.

"Can you kill? Otind's old man is much fierce than him ..." Allen smiled and evaluated.

Light can be seen from the extent that the dark wise hometown is destroyed, how fierce the war was.

In fact, there is no one in the nine kings of the nine kings domain ruled in the Asaardian domain.

Whether it is dark elf, or a frost giant, you can pick it up in the universe alone.

Never use the flame giant Surtel, this is not allowed to be completely killed and eventually triggered the existence of the gods dusk.

Of course, Allen does not have any interest in these Chen Zhiji Valley. When it comes to the front of the black stone pillar of the Taiwei, it reaches out the dark red liquid to the palm, feel that it is enough to reverse any reality, violate The power of all physical rules.

Because of the case of emeth, it has been awakened from the sleep, so it has not been inhaled in the Jane Foster that is accidentally built as the original plot.

Looking at this stall, the liquid of the palm, Allen can't help but touch the chin with another hand, muttering: "How is the tyrant to break this stuff, extract the realistic gemstone from inside? ? Is it the role of strength? "

Don't ask if you know, he has encountered a problem that is temporarily unable to solve.

That is, there is no means of extracting a realistic gemstone from the Ethernet particles.

You can only use space gems to store the Ethernet particles in a closed space.

Just when I was thinking of the countermeasures in Allen, a huge cross-like spacecraft suddenly down from the sky.

When I slept in countless years, I returned to my hometown, I saw that I had a dreamed of the umice, was taken in my hand, and I immediately launched an attack.

At a time, the high energy beam takes a way to take out the gun of the spacecraft.

The king of the Dark Elf - Malekis, is a throwing out of the army.

"No matter who you are! I will have an equal particle! Otherwise, don't blame me!" Maleys is straightforward.

"Do you know how to extract unlimited gems from this stuff?" Allen ignored the threat of each other, but in turn, he didn't have a brain asked.

Of course, he also knows that the darkness is not likely to know.

Otherwise, the other side will take out the real gem, directly put the Ascad gods to the ground.

"Shang! Kill him! Take the Etienm Particles that belong to us!" Malekist didn't return to the last curse soldier under the hand.

The latter is not nonsense, and the weapon is directly rushed to, and wants to tear into pieces in front of this negligible earth man.

To know the curse of the Dark Elf, its combat power is far from the Raythenetine of the eyes.

Even if the father of the gods, O'Do, it is impossible to win.

When the last war broke out, the curse warrior had caused huge casualties to the Astgard gods, which was definitely a trump card in the ace, and the elite is elite.

According to the estimation of Maleys, even the human beings in front of them have mastered some powerful power, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the cursed warrior.

But very fast, cruel people will give him a lesson ...