Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1037 Winter Warrior

The dramatic energy explosion not only fried the assassination group sent by Alexander Pierce, but also fried the two goddun bureau specifically made a bulletproof car customized by their own director.

Nick Freui only felt that the whole person was rotated seven hundred and twenty in the air, and then pulled down to the ground.


Black car is directly on top, pressed him into the cab.

Loss of this car is made of high-strength carbon fiber, has an unimaginable hardness and toughness, otherwise replacement into ordinary vehicles, such a violent impact estimates that the roof must be collapsed.

After the strong vertigo feels disappeared, the bureau of the halogen immediately lifted the feet and opened the door, drilled out the fastest speed, raised two submachine guns to those who didn't die in the ground. The snake agent is a through-through.

The two unlucky eggs have not yet been able to shoot, and they are scattered by the radiographic speed of six hundred bullets per minute.

Obviously, his king of this agent is not a wave.

Perhaps that is as high as the melee fighting level of black widows and eagle eyes, but in terms of firearms and weapons, it is far more than the general goddun office.

Couple with a small number of magic props and high-tech equipment, you want to kill it is not an easy task.


Nick Frere Vitted a sly sputum, quickly passed through the streets to the alley that was difficult to pass towards ordinary cars.

He understands that since the enemy wants to remove himself, then it will definitely only have such a few people, and more armed people are on the road.

If you want to avoid challenge, the best way is to find a place to hide.

It is unfortunately, and how far is still waiting for the halogen, they will see a man with a gas mask on a face on the road to move forward.

Especially the metal arm that flashes silver light, suddenly let his heart have sundened the bottom.

Maybe others don't know what this arms are representative, but he is very clear as the Director of God Shield.

Winter Warrior!

A ghost that floating throughout the world after World War II!

A super assassin who has implemented dozens of assassins have never been lost!

Most importantly, this guy is very likely to have a super soldier serum like the Captain, and has a physical quality of ordinary people.

"Who are you? Why is it taught? Why have you been in the past, you have no signs of aging?" Nick Furi carefully tested.

When he faces a strong enemy, he still does not forget to collect some useful information.

However, Pakistan Barnes is brainwashing under the nine-head snake, which has long been the same as the robot, only mechanical implementation tasks.

There is no nonsense!

After confirming the goal, this super soldier as the US captain raised the shoulder rocket tunnel in his hand, without hesitation of the trigger.

"Mom Huak!"

With the bright tail flame spraying, the Boys of Braised Egg suddenly couldn't help but burst the thicker, and the depth of the residential building was jumped into the next.

At the same time, I don't forget to open a cylindrical device and make a circular energy shield of approximately half of the two meters in front of the body.

Next second ...

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The horrible shock waves and the air waves shocked all the glass of the whole building.

The first floor and the second floor are mainly damaged, large electrical appliances and furniture from the window fly away from the window, and the flame of orange and fast speed spread around.

I haven't hesitated!

No mercy!

Didn't take care of whether it will hurt the residents!

Pakistan Barnes proves why ourselves can win the title of "Winter Warrior".

He is like a cold killing machine without an emotion, only for a variety of dangerous tasks.

Throw the useless rocket launching device, he slowly pulled out a tactical dagger, and the Nick Frerey, which was close to the injured, ready to directly cut the opponent's head.

Because the New York battle, the top of the nine snakes already knows the world that can resurrect the dead, so after the impartial goals, they will cut the other's head to prevent the other party from being resurrected.

If it is replaced, it is subject to such a heavy injury, especially the internal injuries caused by the explosion. If the haloflogen, even if it is not dead, it can only be lying on the ground.

Now, he is injured with a ring that enhances strength and endurance attributes, so the injury is not as serious as it looks like.

When the Winter Warrior came to the past, this guy suddenly violently, and the energy shield in his hand was directly rushed to the enemy's face.

Baki did not expect that there was no action ability to eat a rocket target, and it was a few steps after being played.

"Want to kill me? Go to eat!"

Nick Ferre was obviously sentimental, and took out a high-energy laser laser laser laser laser laser laser laser laser laser in the Planet Wars movie.

As a combat experience, he understood that when he faced a super warrior such a Winter Warrior, he turned directly to the escape without suicide.

I have to go up to spell a wave, even if I can't hurt the other party, I have to make a way to make a moment of escape.

At a time, the Boys of Braised Eggs actually brought the advanced weapons and magic equipment, and there was a back with Pakistan.

After all, how is the winter warrior, and can't harden the high-energy laser weapons, you must be careful to dote.

They don't know at all, Allen, in the city of the sky is monitoring the magic through remote monitoring, and looks all this in the eyes.

About thirty seconds, Allen did not return to the talented: "Go to Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, it is time to start this grand carnival!"

"If you are willing!"

A guardian bent down and went deeply, and then disappeared in the same place.

"You really don't plan to intervene, just look at these people, do you get the earth?" Altolia is not a very certain tone.

"Otherwise? Go to help you solve all threats and troubles? Then look at the human rotten rotten on this planet, and finally destroyed?"

Allen shakes his head and shakes: "No! That is not the result I want.

Remember, people are a very lazy creature.

If there is not enough threat and pressure, they will not easily get out of comfort.

Take the current earth, we share the technology for a while?

But these companies have a government, and have a few have taken out their own space plans?

not a single one!

Even the three spacecrafts planned by the insight plan, is just a low-level aircraft that can only be saved in the solar system.

A civilization wants to open the road to the Star Sea never is easy to make a huge sacrifice.

Although this nine-headed move may cause amazing casualties, it can make everyone realize the importance of entering space.

Waiting for this matter, all countries will rush to develop space technology.

Because they don't want to be eliminated by the era, you must do this.

As I have always emphasized, there is a competition to make progress, and there is a pressure to be innovative.

What's more, the nine-head snake is originally a kind of thinking of the human society itself. It does not be completely eliminated. Why don't you turn it into a catalyst?

After the programs of Alexander Pierce fail, I also use the remaining snakes to take back the soul gem, the people in the province. "

"It seems that I have to give it silently for the nine snake. Falling in your hand, they are afraid that they will be relieved to use the value will be relieved." Altolia couldn't help.

"Don't say that I seem to be a devil. These things are voluntary, I have never been forced to control them." Allen laughed.

In his opinion, the nine snake came to this step today.

Especially a few "snake heads", it is too obsessed with supernatural power, so that what is the most important thing for forgetting the regime.

Altolia didn't have a goodness of the eyes: "Because of this, you are more like a devil, through language and strength to attract people's devil's devil."

"Oh? Photographing this, should you be a small angel that I will be degrained?" Allen suddenly turned around, and reached out and pinched the chin of the king and launched a little charm.


This never took himself a knight king that he saw him, and his face suddenly turned his faint red lotus, and his breathing followed the urgentity.

Fortunately, Allen just wants to make a mischief, and quickly recovered this terrible force.

About more than ten seconds, Altolia's eyes finally resumed clear, immediately angered the anger to pull out the sword: "Betting! Do you dare to use the charm of magic?"

"Ha ha ha ha! I have a joke! Don't be so angry."

Allen laughed with the power of the gemstone to disappear without shadow, leaving a popular standing standing in place.


At the same time, far in the Alley of Washington DC, Winter Warrior, US Captain, Iron Man, there is a super warrior under the hand under the hand of Alexander Pierce, is being a fierce battle here.

And Nick Freui has been lying on the ground, the big mouth of the big mouth is lying on the ground.

Obviously, his desperate tactics successfully delayed the arrival of the rescue.

"Are you a winter warrior?"

Tony Steak died, staring at this cruelty killed his parents, and disrupts naked and naked killing.

If you don't want to figure out the behind-the-scenes, he can't hate a small missile in the armor now, and the other side is bombing the slag.


Pakistan Barnes did not speak, but just raised the tactical dagger to prepare for the war.

Due to the relationship of brainwashing, there is no fear concept in his heart.

"Who is your boss? Why do he kill my parents?" Iron Man was obviously not given up, and still continued to try to let the other side.

"Don't worry! The guy is like a machine that has no feelings, only knows the mechanical completion tasks." Nick Furi loudly reminded the mouth of the abdomen.

"What? You mean ..."

Tony Stark, why is Tony Stark, just a little bit of hatred, and was taken by the Boles of the Braised Egg, and immediately realized that the spirit of the Winter Winter Warrior was absolutely abnormal.

Especially the eyes of the cold to the emotional fluctuations, it is like a walking dead, not a living person.

Lenovo was next to the American captain who did not have a slight aging decades. He immediately realized that the other party should be frozen by the organization, only thawing when needed.

Otherwise, in the normal aging speed, the Winter Warrior has long been ten old ages.

Put a living person as a tool.

It is necessary to get it, it is not necessary to freeze it!

Such a living light is thinking that people feel scared and desperate.

Nick Ferre smiled nodded: "If I have not guess, he should be brainwash and control. Be careful! This guy does not even put it in the heart in order to complete the mission, even your own life will not be put on. I just It is big, and the result is a two knife. "

"Hold points! I have already sent it here, and the rescue team should come soon. But before this, I have a bill to calculate this guy."

Said, Tony Starke's covered surface, instant startup engine, the position of Pakple, Pakple rushed over.

But I haven't waited until he rushed to the past, and suddenly found that his flight control system was disturbed, the whole person was uncontrolled to hit the left building.


After a loud sound, the steel man was put on the wall on the wall of the building.

I don't have to ask, I also know that it is the nine-head snake super warrior who took the medicine to get the ability.

Compared to the US captain, the Iron Man is undoubtedly a dangerous goal.

At this time, Alexander Pierce is to prevent some super hero in the Avengers.

Tony ?! "

Steve Rogers wants to see the situation in the past, but they are stopped by Pakistan Barnes.

This for the past childhood, finally reunited after decades of each decades.

"Let's open!" The American captain took off the shield and issued a warning.

The response given by Pakistan Barnes is still only silent, as well as the fierce attack.

A tactical dagger in the district, in his hand, like the extension of the limbs, can make a variety of unimaginable actions.

Rao is Steve Rogers in a hundred wars, still retreats after a festival, and even the Golden shield cannot do 100%.

I haven't had a job for a while, and I have a few mouthfuls in my body. It is not too deep.

As for the steel man next to it, it is actually dead by the idea of ​​the nine-headed soldiers, and all the power of the magic steel coat is unable to play.

Whether it is missile, or the energy weapon and magic attack, will be lost under the interference of the idea.