Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1051 Rocket Raccoon, the most exciting

"These damn Kirsees! Why suddenly launched our attack?"

"You ask me, how do my fucking know. These bastards have not been communicated, and when they appear, they will open fire."

"Give me the opposite commander! I want to ask what is going on!"

"Sorry, Qi Week. Kerman closed the public communication channel, we could not contact the other party. When this looks, we can't take it at all." "



There is no doubt that the accuser of Luo Nan is a sudden attack, let the plunders headed by Qianxiang hands busy.

Because they are well equipped to some extent, there is still a certain gap compared to the large warship of the Krie.

Especially the "dark star", it is designed in accordance with similar air carrier concept, and there is a numerous small fighter.

Once all releases, even the advanced space civilization such as Shan Dal Star is quite difficult, and it is more difficult to get a group of plunders in the area.

I didn't have a lot of effort to fight for a while, and the weightedness and his hand were suffering.

Although the accuserrona also has many fighters to be destroyed, this loss can not be found in front of the absolute quantity.

Just when the power of the two parties, the rocket finally opened his beloved car to complete the last space, and directly appeared in space not far from the main battlefield.

Looking at the battle of the world, he immediately glanced: "What happened? How could Krie played with the plunt?"

"Unclear! But I know, if you let them start this, our bounty can be finished." Allen shrugged back.

After all, the disadvantage of the preparators of the courage, even his foreigner can see.

"What do you mean, let's help the player Kril?" The small raccoon flashed in the eyes of the rays.

"No! I mean, who dares us to make a fortune, let us kill it directly." Allen revealed his smile.

"OK! I understand!"

The Rocket is obviously very smart, and it's understanding this sentence.

I didn't say that I opened the weapon system of the spacecraft, directly aligned the "Black Dark Star", without hesitation. Press the attack button.

Next second ...

The glazed light column is sprayed from the gun.

I haven't waited for the allegation of the Rhinan to react what happened. The energy shield of the "Black Dark Star" was broken on the spot. One of the engines had a violent explosion under the shelling of the main gun.

boom! boom! boom!

With huge sound and vibration in the battleship, he asked the horse angry and unblented: "What is going on? Who is attacking us?"

"It is a space ship that has just passed through space! Despite the small volume, it is equipped with a superior of the heavy cruiser, and the energy shield we are currently can't stop. The current No. 1 engine has already It is completely damaged and must be replaced immediately. "A Krien officer rushed to report.

Another spaceship? "

The accuser Rhone immediately enlarged the projection of the radar, and found that this spacecraft did not have any forces in addition to the extreme exaggeration of the weapon system.

You must know that there are too many big and small forces in this universe.

In order to distinguish me, prevent misunderstanding.

Even if it is a pliver, it will also spray your own logo on the spaceship so that everyone can identify.

In general, there is no other labeled situation on the spacecraft.

One is to abandon the past and her mothersta, completely become the bounty hunter and mercenaries of the four seas, and there is one of the stamitic pirates.

And these two types of people, how to see the degree of firepower.

"Damn! Their main gun begins to be full!" The other side of the virgin is very shouting.

"Prepare to dodge! Or order all the fighters, immediately turn to me to give me the spacecraft." The allegator Luo Nan comprehensively decided to decide.

Under his command, "Black Dark Star" immediately launched the remaining engines and made a short distance jump in space.

However, in a moment of jumping, the high-energy beam of the main cannon is still rubbing a side.

Dramatic explosion directly lets this spaceship in a quarter of the area.

At this moment, the small raccoon spent almost equivalent to the spaceship itself, and finally showed its value.

Because if you change to other low-power energy guns, it is impossible to penetrate the "Black Dark Star" energy shield.

Instead, like the players under the hand, I was forced to fight a lasting consumption with the Krie.

But now there is this superior gun, everything has become easier and simple.

"Hahahaha! Have you seen it? The calenders who can not be a fart ridge! In front of our spaceship, their large battleship is like a target." The Rocket sent a arrogant. Laugh.

"Don't be happy too early, their fighters are moving in the direction of us." Allen reminded the red spot reminded of the radar.

However, the small raccoon didn't care, smiled and responded: "Don't worry! In front of strong firepower, the number of districts is under fear. It is very good to look at it, these fighters will become the most in space. Beautiful fireworks. "

After saying this, he manipulates a lot of virtual buttons in front of the very fast speed.

After a while, the honeycomb device on both sides of the spacecraft opened, revealing the retrieval of the dense numbers in 100 counterbrand bombs.

No hesitation!

The rocket directly presses the red launch button.

Only less than one second, the electromagnetic ejection device will take these things that are dangerous than hot nuclear weapons, like split to large-scale areas.

When the Mri's small fighter pourd into the moment, all of the anti-object bombs were detonated.

The horrible energy release instantly allows the original dark space, which has become bright and countless than the stars not far away.

After the rays gradually dissipate, the small fighters that were unclear in the dense numbers had disappeared.

It seems to be applied here, even if the wreckage is not left here.

Obviously, they are all fried by antimetas bomb.

Under the support of abundant funds, the Rocket Raccoon finally showed all the value.

It turns out that as long as there is enough material, he can easily kill a fleet, or even destroy a planet.

And so fierce and heart-fameful firepower coverage, not only let the allegations who have just fortunately escape a robbery, Luo Nan, stunned, and also scared the players under the hand and his hand.

If it is not the same, no one will believe that such a medium-sized spacecraft actually has the same fierce attack power than the heavy-sized battleship.

This modification and design capability is definitely not normal.

"How, my money doesn't have a white flower?" The rocket is trying to ask.

Allen didn't think about thinking: "It didn't have white flowers! But I want to know, just throwing out those anti-substance bombs, how much is it?"

"Hey ... there are about hundreds of thousands, or there may be one or two million." The small raccoon has a vague number to report a blurred number.

After all, the dangerous raw materials of anti-substances, the price can be alive.

In particular, black market is basically three to five times the normal price.

But the problem is that this place is the same as superior, belongs to the control.

For bounty hunters and mercenaries, it is impossible to buy through normal channels, so no matter how expensive in the black market, you can only bite the old man.

"Well, I think I know why you have never had a few more money with Grut. Now, open the public channel to let us talk about the leader of this plunder."

Said, Allen ignores the small eyes of the rocket, and starts to issue a communication application to the spacecraft that is not far away.

At the same time, the fighters of the "Black Dark Star" were covered, and the allegations did not stay in Luonan. They immediately took the daughter of the kinemat.

After about a few minutes, two spacecraft established a stable signal link.

Soon, a skin color is similar to the Krie, but in fact, it is actually half-horse star residents who appear on the electronic screen projection.

"Hello, strangers. I am the leader of the Gongxi · Udon Tower, this predator. Thank you very much for helping the trick to run the Kerler. This time I owe you a person, if you need it in the future Place of help, please greet. "

"No, don't use it, we want to let you help you. If you don't mind, can you see you with us?" Allen is straightforward asking.

"Peter? Do you have anything to do?" The courage moment became vigilant.

To know that in his eyes, Parke is your own nutrition, it is an object that needs to be protected with life.

Especially after connecting the commission of the universe, a large number of peeking eyes have not been broken.

"Nothing. I just want to confirm that Parke is still on your boat," Allen means a deep reply.

The brave's face was slightly changed, and immediately told the hand around him: "You, go see where Peter is in."


A pliver immediately turned to the rear cabin ran.

About three or five minutes, he panting back, smashing the sound report: "The boss, the kid didn't trace from just attending the war. And some people saw him on the spaceship."

"This death! This little feet is definitely running with the employer to give us the clue." Yongxiang is unstoppable, and smashed the table.

Of course, how much is it really angry here, and how much is to put it out to other hands, then he only knows himself.

Anyway, Allen felt a lot of components, directly closed remote communication, said directly to the small raccoon sitting in the driving position: "It seems that our tens of thousands of gentlemen have been smelling the dangerous breath."

"What? What should we do now?" The rocket bite his teeth.

He also expects to catch the Parkey, with that tens of millions of gold to make up for the anti-retrorefam bomb that is consumed while fighting.

"Don't worry! Maybe someone else doesn't know where the rhetorus will go, but the courage must know. We just have to follow them later." Allen didn't think of shrugging your shoulders.

The so-called Child is Mo Ruoyi.

If you have a courage, this parenting father is, the Parke is running forward.

What's more, you can also travel directly to Morag Star, waiting for the Star Jue.

Just in the eyes of the space, it is very unwilling to leave, and another spaceship completes the space jump, and it has appeared no longer.

Obviously, another daughter nebula finally chased it.

Not only that, she also brings out the weapon and aims at the spacecraft of Allen.

"Enemy?" The rocket is somewhat asked.

"Is there an enemy I don't know, but the other person is indeed refers to our head with weapons." Allen faced the expression of play.

"I am Grut!" The tree people also plugged a mouth.

"Okay, ok, I know. Who dares to align the muzzle, we will kill anyone."

To be said, the small raccoon is also aligned with the girlfriend.

The two sides confronts only less than ten seconds, and they have chosen to open fire.

However, the size of the spaceship of the nebula is relatively small, and it is not as big as the "black dark star" of the accused. Therefore, it is difficult to pass the energy weapon to go straight.

On the side of the courage, I saw this scene, not, but didn't come over, but I didn't have a space to jump, and I went to chase my pizza.

The rocket is undoubtedly observed, immediately broke the sky: "This group is forgotten the unscrupulous mix! Waiting for the next time, I must give them a color."

Allen smiled and comforted: "Relax, I have already recorded their space jump track. Waiting for this annoying guy, you can catch up soon."

"Give me five minutes! For up to five minutes, you can give this unknown bastard!"

The small raccoon was obviously irritated, took out his own homes, with a very fast speed once again and again.

By throwing the antimetas bomb, and a large number of high-energy laser laser devices installed on the spaceship, a little tear of the opponent's energy shield.

After a few rounds, the nebula found that the weapon system of their spaceship has been scrapped in seven seven eight eight.

Under the helpless, she can only hold the cabin, directly abandon the hand, alone, want to land on the nearest planet.

The rocket will allow the opponent to escape, quickly release the dedicated robot, like the eagle, capture the escape cabin of the nebula and forcibly drag into the rear backup.