Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1082 does not hit the South wall

"This death! How old is Allen? He wouldn't forget to agree with me?"

Looking at the black grocery store in front of him, I went out the phone and wanted to dialed one of the emergency contact numbers for a long time.

His tolerance is not very good.

And it has never been waiting for him, like this kind of pigeon, is still a head.

At that moment, the finger is about to press, the grocery store suddenly lights the fire, and the door close to the closure is also open.

"Sorry, I have just went to Kamatai Ji, and I will talk to the Supreme Master for a while."

Although Allen said "sorry", Allen, but the expression on his face did not apologize, just stood at the door.

In fact, he deliberately allowed the Iron Man to stand for half an hour, he hid in the dark, and the opponent observed the other party.

Fortunately, Tony Stark did not detect that the flash of the Ellen's eyes was very curious: "Find the Master? What do you talk?"

"Talk about the topic about time." Allen shrugged and replied.


Tony listened to this word, and the whole person stunned.

Because he does not understand, two may be the most powerful mage in human beings. It is not talking about mystery and magic, but it is talking about this extremely complex and entangled topic.

Allen smiled nodded: "Yes, it is time. In this communication, I got a lot of inspiration, and I also had a new understanding for the relationship between time and the universe. Ok, anyway, you The topic is not interested, or hurry up to pick the things you want. I believe that I will leave for so long, your magic metal reserve should take light. What's more, I don't want to be annoying reporters. Shooting with the media, when you want to clean their memories. "

"makes sense."

Tony nodded, took a small pepper's hand and went in.

Although he also enjoyed the interview with various media several years ago, he accepted the top ten headlines in three different five.

With the involvement of capital power in these two years, and their systemic compression and discredit, the Iron Man sees the nature of the other party, only endless endless dislikes and disgusting.

Even for the recent time, major capital media has been touched him, but he does not accept any form of interviews, and even don't even appear to open.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I listen to Tobi said, you went to a universe?" Pepe Poz took the initiative to use the polite tone.

As an intimate girlfriend and commercial partner of Iron Man, she has seen the horror thunderstorms gathered in Allen, which is very clear to hide how amazing and horrible power in the short body.

"Yes. I am exactly the same as the raccoon, I claim to be a rocket of the rocket, and a tree called Gruti, I have a team of bounty hunters for a while. Later, I will take the destruction. The Action of the Krie Empire. This is a very interesting experience. If you have a chance in the future, I will introduce them to you. I have to know the rocket, but the Machinery Manufacturing Master, he can use several batteries and metal garbage. Easily create a bomb that can be exploded to break a warship. "

Allen did not hide anything, the big side said that he had done something to the universe, and I met what kind of person.

Of course, he deliberately ignores the part of the strength of strength gems and tyrants.

"A raccoon? Are you serious?"

Tony Stark, who is picking up the purchase of magic metal, is not inserted.

Allen asked in a smile: "Do you look like a joke?"

"Okay, this universe is really crazy, there is actually a wisdom creative with a racket," Tony whispered.

I think that the raccoon is walking upright, and you can master a variety of advanced technology, manufacture weapons and explosives, he has a feeling of funny feelings.

In order to prove that he is really true, Allen's personal terminal used in the case of the universe, directly projection of the rocket and Grudi.


A furry and very short raccoon, there is a tall and healthy tree, which appears in the line of sight of the two.

When the small pepper saw the rocket, the little pepper saw the rocket and went to the mouth: "Wow! My day! It's too cute! Which of your companion is born on the race?"

Allen means a deep correction: "No, he is not a wisdom of the natural birth, but is made of extremely cruel biological experiments. In the wide-universe, there are many civilizations to master very advanced creatures. Technology, creating life is like it is as easy as they are drinking water. "

"Just like the Kerman uses human beings in the earth, the group of aliens have been made?" Tony Stark expressions seriously.

"You can understand that in the eyes of higher civilization in the universe, the earth is a bit similar to the 178th century, and Europe will look at Africa, the Americas and Southeast Asia. In their eyes, such a backward planet is not worthy It is "people", just a similar animal. It seems that the "noble" white people are God's voters, and we should get everything on the earth. I still remember how Europeans treat these places. ? "Allen's voice with a faint ridicule.

"War, conquer, plunder, colonization, and ethnic extinct massacre. Ok, it seems that we have no qualifications to accuse the Krie." Tony Stark helpless sigh.

Compared to the Europeans in the Aviation Sea Times, the Krie is experimenting with the original human beings on the earth, and the manufacturing of an aliens is really not a heart.

At least they did not cause tens of millions of or hundreds of millions of human death.

"So in my opinion, the essence of civilization and rule is violence, what morality, the law is all the means to fool the ordinary people outside. Although it looks bright, if you meet the real violence, I am afraid even one. It will be collapsed in seconds. Imagine that there is a precedent for law and moral overturning violence in human history? The answer is negative! Nothing! Violence can overturn morality and law, but only violence can overturn violence. If You really want to change this world, then you must start from mastering violence. "

When I said this, Allen clearly "see" to the deepness and uneasiness of the Iron Man.

Don't ask if you know that he is the world in this world, there are not many people who really want to promote the establishment of human combined organs.

Among them, the Olympic plan is a test of the International Security Council.

If it is successful, then he will become an earth in addition to five strongest countries, and the sixth person masters people sufficient to change the power of the world.

"I will seriously consider."

Tony Stark thoughtfully took a moment, soon he nodded.

I didn't have a success for a while. He took a lot of magic metal with different characteristics on the shelf, and some of the materials and gems must be made.

It has a lot of total, enough to build a magical steel armor that is almost about 1,000.

In addition, this guy also selected a ring with protective and transport function.

As the supernatural event on the earth frequently, there is a nine snake in the world, and the Iron Man is more concerned about the safety of his girlfriend.

If you can, he even wants Pelp Poz to live in the city of the sky.

I thought I had to buy a piece of real estate, and I held this kind of thought.

After all, in this world, there is no place to be more secure than Eiji.

But unfortunately, Allen did not sell the city's real estate of the sky, and never want to accept too many outsiders.

Even the women's eyes are only temporarily qualified.

After paying the money, Tony Stark was obviously a heart, tightly followed to continue to try: "I last told you last time, how is your consideration?"

"You refer to the wisdom?" Allen smiled and stared at the eyes of the Iron Man.

The latter nodded did not think about thinking: "Yes! It is it. I need this advanced and super artificial intelligence with self-learning and renewal."

"You have to understand that the high wisdom will later give the Kerrone's highest parliament to worship himself like worship God. If you say something difficult to listen, the so-called Keri Empire is to control the political power under high wisdom. All Kris is like a bee colony or an ants and workers in the ant colony. I only know that mechanical obedience to high wisdom makes decisions and orders. I don't think that the technology and development level under human beings can be controlled. Such a powerful artificial intelligence. Your Javis is like a fertilized egg compared to the high wisdom, and even hatching has not yet begun. "

Allen is not polite to clear the problem.

The so-called step is easy to pull the egg.

Technology development has never been one, and it is necessary to extend from basic science to the actual application.

If there is anything in the middle, it will appear in the case of the scientific tree.

What's more than the super artificial intelligence that has independent consciousness and thinking ability, even the city of the sky does not dare to create and put it into use, not to mention the relatively backward earth.

And even if this time Tony Stark makes Olympicious, there is no unexpected occurrence, Olychid has not generated the idea of ​​destroying humanity, but faithfully fulfilled their initial design.

The last result will also become the same as the Keri Empire.

After all, lazy is human nature.

When an artificial intelligence that has absolute rationality and ensuring high-speed development of society and technology is put into use, then the biggest possibility is that human beings will throw more and more complex and heavy work to do it, and they will slowly lose thinking and Management capabilities.

This kind of human society is not what Allen wants.

Ke Tony Stark clearly not think so, still persistent: "I won't be like the Kerrone, give artificial intelligence too much autonomy and decision. No matter, it only acts as auxiliary role Not alternative to human decision. Don't worry, I know what I am doing. "

"Are you sure?" Allen bricks his eyebrows.

"Of course! Very very confirmed!" Tony Stark straightforwardly gave a sure reply.

Don't ask if you know, he is iron, you should engage in a super artificial intelligence to defend the earth, don't hit the South Wall.

"Very good! I hope you don't regret it for your decisions. Give it, this is what you want about the core information of the wisdom, it is immediately destroyed immediately. I don't want this to play."

Said, Allen is willing to give a special memory of a slap size.

Tony was excited to pick up, probably looked at the interface, asking for a sure to ask: "What storage media and reading means?"

Alan casually replied: "Biotechnology in fact, the supreme wisdom, not as you imagined it, is a semiconductor or a quantum computer or just the opposite, it is a living biological computer Cree!.. We had to create it, including all of his own science, philosophy, military, ideological and so on which all input. in short, they had to create a transcendent God and ran their all-powerful and go. I want the same Do not repeat the error in your body. "

"Biological computer? Sounds very challenging! Thanks reminder, I will pay attention."

Tony Stark was highly valued, the people are in a state of extreme excitement, not listen to Allen's warning.

After all, his character is so, proud, arrogant and defiant.

Unless the bitter fruit of their own species taste, otherwise never be able to self-examination and reflection.

"Get yourself into this time if anything, I can not wipe it for you."

Finish the sentence, Allen raised his hand and snapped his fingers, Iron Man and the peppers directly transferred from the grocery store directly back to the two new home.

Looked around the familiar layout, Pepper Potts-exposed eyes wide open in disbelief: "I ...... we returned home from New York to direct this magic transfer??"

"I do not know. I did not feel the fluctuation of magical energy, and perhaps some other special ability. Damn, this guy more and more people see through."

Tony apparently have grown accustomed to, and immediately took the hands of the memory, he went straight to the private underground laboratory.

He can not wait to see what the core technology of supreme wisdom really is.

In contrast, the peppers are very interested just get our hands on the ring of protection, defense forces continue to carry out tests and teleport short distances, just as happy to get a new toy children.

As the saying not a person, not into a door.

In life, they share many similarities.

But they did not notice this with each other only.