Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1192, small person

Pain, dizziness, nausea ...

When Rage God slowly opened his eyes, he found that he was not in front of the battlefield, but lying on a delicate and gorgeous big bed.

There are four or five female aliens wearing tulle, and they are careful to wipe the wound for him.

At the moment, the body of the body that was hit by the green giant Haike has returned to the seven or eight eight, but the feeling also remains in the nerve end, constantly stimulating the brain.

For vigilance, he was probably confirmed by the surrounding situation, and one turned over from the bed and continued to search around everything around himself can be used as a weapon.

As a result, I saw Allen and Rocky sitting not far from being playing.

The green giant Hao Ke, and has now changed back to Bruce Banner. It is shocked by the next face to look at the scene full of Sarawi.

There is no doubt that he has nothing to do with Hao Ke in these two years.

Especially when I see the huge statue of Haoke on the tower, Banner is stupid.

"This death! What is going on? I need an explanation!" Tor took the question of the head to teeth.

At this moment, he feels that you are a idiot. I don't understand what Allen and Rocky want to do anything. Why can you sit like a do person, sit in this room that belongs to Gao Tianzun, and stands next to it Large group of servants and guards.

"Ah! You woke up." Allen put down the chess pieces in his hand and looked up his head and launched a touch of smile. "Don't worry, in this time you are in a coma, I have handled all the problems properly."

"Is it properly handled?" Tor is blinking.

"Yes! I made a gambling with Gao Tianzun, and he lost this planet. At the same time, I also let the Banner who has been sleeping for two years. How is my job efficiency is very Fast? "Allen is like a smile.

I heard these, Tor finally understood what is going on here. If you think about it, you nod: "So ... are you the ruler of this planet?"

"No! My dear brother. In the eyes of generous benevolent, this planet has given me a gift. Now, I am the owner." Luoqui is proudly announced.

He didn't realize that Allen sent this planet to ensure that the tyrants came to rob the space gem - the universe of the universe, won't spread to the Ascad gods.

After all, in the character of Rocky, I got the ownership of such a planet, inevitably stayed to enjoy the happiness of "King".

Can't just like the original plot, follow Tale to Ascard to Welcome the sea.


Tale once again turned his attention to his own foreign mother, but also started unclear.

Because in his cognition, Allen and Rocky relationships are not good.

Even very poorly described.

Especially when the Battle of New York broke out, the flicker flicker in Allen's eyes could not do out.

What can I, a person who comes to annoying Rocky, will suddenly give the Rocky a amazing gift?

It is called medical treatment.

As a victim of being lie as a fool as a fool every day, Thunder will gradually summarize some lessons.

In his opinion, this will inevitably hide certain traps.

It is unfortunately, Luoji has been completely immersed in joy of this planet to high, and completely ignored the fatal poisonous drug wrapped in honey.

"Of course! In fact, before you wake up, I have announced this matter to all the residents of this planet. As I have emphasized, I have to move my brain, don't always think about using violence. Everything. "Rocky is mock up.

The so-called little person is a sign, it should refer to this copy of his current.

However, Tors did not worry about it, but an urgent question: "Since you have become the ruler of this planet, you can help me return to Ascard, get back from the sea. It belongs to us. Everything, right? "

"Sorry, I have to refuse. Because I am now the king of this planet, it is no longer the prince of Asa, I have to be responsible for my own people." Rocky gave a reasons for a crown, or called Excuse.

As for the reason, of course, it is frightened by the horrible power of the death goddess.

He didn't want to fight against the power of unreachable, just want to hide here to enjoy the happiness, just this.

For the answer given by Rocky, Tale did not feel unexpected, just some disappointed points: "Well! If this is your final choice, then I only have respect, give me a spaceship, I will return it myself Asa is going to do what to do. "

"But you will die!" Luki raised his head to remind him.

"Maybe it! But I will not be intimidated by the powerful enemies." Tor was shower and showerped.

Compared to their own brothers, he is undoubtedly a real Astard warrior, which is not afraid of pain, and it is not afraid of death.

Some problems can be solved by braveness.

The hard strength gap of Haila and Thunder is there, even if the latter is exhausted, it is impossible to truly cause the former threat to a dock.

What's more, as Haila is more and more powerful to the entire Astah, the light can provide horrible energy to the Underground undead.

If you find the way to extract energy from the tree tree, then the extent to which Odin's hemaster is not delusted.

Looking at the two people in Torroli were in the last half of the day. Allen finally smiled and broke the silence: "Ok, don't be like a child. Rocky is correct, return to your current state Asae, only the fiasses before repeating. Don't worry, let's take a look at the plan. Now, now the people in Asaard is safe. It is far away from the critical time. Of course, if you I want to take the initiative to find it, then I don't stop. "

"Damn! Allen, are you the allies of our Asaard, right? Now Astard out this kind of thing, why not help me?" Tor's eyes flashed in anger.

"It is also very simple! Your sister Haila is O'Ddin's long-lasting rights. This is a natural inheritance. This will even be denyed by Olydon himself. So I can do it, just make sure she will not kill innocent As for the things you fight, I am not convenient to participate, and I am not interested in participation. Whether she becomes the king of the new Ascad, or you defeat her to recover the throne, this is what you are. The agreement with O'Dodia is to ensure that Ascad will not suffer because of the battle between you. "

Allen's first banner expressed his position, and the hammer of the province had an unrealistic fantasy, always think he would help.

In fact, he is going to have a good time. Before the flame giant Suttle, he will only sit on a big play of this contradiction.

To put it up, the Ascad is really ignorant, it is clear that there is a strong technology and magic level, but the ideology is staying in an old medieval similar to the earth.

The battle inside the royal family can affect the rise and fall of the whole civilization.

If there is no return to the death of the goddess Sea, then the rights after Ding Ding will be smoothly over to Tor's hand.

If Torken abandoned the throne, then Haila was able to capture the highest rule through violent suppression, and completely cleaned against the opponents, making Ascade re-embraced the old road of O'Doda.

Although the final ending may end in failure and destruction.

However, it is undeniable that Asa will become the most powerful force in this universe for a long time.

In the original plot, it is that this for my brother, no one will give up, leading to the complete destruction of Ascad.

"It's the principle! I hate the principle!"

Tor helplessly complained, then turned to the head and hook stared at the Green Giants Haoke will be normal human Banner.

Dr. Banner undoubtedly noticed this hot eyes, hurriedly hopped to refused: "Don't think! I just tally not easy to get rid of Haoke, and I don't want to change back."

"Banner! We are friends, we are a revenge, we have fighting side by side. Do you want to see me to face a strong enemy that cannot be defeated?" Torye played a feeling.

no way!

After being rejected by Rocky and Allen, he still destroys the green giant Haok.

"No! You don't understand! I turned into Haike's two years! That feeling, it is like it is to sit in a car. I don't know how, Haoke suddenly got the car key, And throw me into the trunk. I am afraid that if you come again, your personality will completely disappear. "

When I said this, Bruce Banner's tone is full of fear and uneasiness.

Although in the eyes of others, he and Haoke is just two different personality in the body.

For him, Haoke is just a monster who created an experiment, he is the owner of the body.

Tor is completely dispristed to have such a fierce reaction, and it is good to stand in place. I don't know what to say.

There is no doubt that whether it is Rocky, Banner, or Tor, itself has a variety of issues and trouble.

These problems and troubles have plagued each of them.

But Tale is obviously not so easy to die, soon continue to persuade: "Listen! Banner! I really really need your help. I believe me, Haoke doesn't think that you are so terrible, at least him It has already shown the tendency to communicate. "

"Oh? So you have already become a friend with Haoke?" Banner glanced over the eyes of an incredible expression.

In his opinion, this world has its own no, there is no yourself.

This kind of practice of Raythe is simply naked and naked.

"No! Of course not! Don't misunderstand! I will always stand on you here. It is the problem that Haoke is like a flame, you can bring a powerful power to us." Tor tried to explain his own ideas.

It is a problem that he is obviously forgotten, and the eloquence is not something that you are good at.

The result is not interpreted, and the interpretation Banner immediately fell into a hysterical state.

Appreciating Tor wolf is unbearable, Luoqui can't help with the mouth of the mouth, and the sound is lowered.

"Of course! I never doubt this." Allen is straightforward when giving a positive reply.

"Why?" Luoki was surprised to pick up the eyebrows.

"Different from God! Remember what Tale did what to find O'Do with you?" Allen means a deep question.

He defeated Surtell, brought back the top crown. Hey - my day! The eternal fire, the crown of Surtel, the conditions of the gods dusk are already satisfied. "Rocky I can't help but hit it.

Because this inexplicable coincidence, he suddenly smelled the taste of the conspiracy.

If you say it, you can't see the hope of Tale to defeat the sea. So now this is hopeful.

However, no one has thought about it, can restrained Ascard in the hand of the tyrant.

Allen nodded lightly: "You are very smart, we have to be slightly smart than I imagine. In fact, when Ding is dead, it has been arranged for Tor Arrange. Next, do he have no The courage is a choice. To know from good or bad, it cannot prove that Ter is an excellent ruler. It can choose a less bad from two bad options, which is an excellent ruler. The decisive force that must have. "

"Odin is crazy! He wants to use Ascad to gamble Tor is an excellent ruler?"

Rocky's jealousy once again, two eyes flapped with uncomfortable eyes.

This unconditional trust is that Odin has never given him.

"No! Odin is not crazy! His wisdom, power and political vision are not available at all the two sons. Even even Haira only inherited his cold, cruel and ambition. Ok, Let's talk about it. If Tor decided to return to Astgard, remember to give him a spaceship, I will wait for this good show in Asaard. "

To say, Allen's universe is hidden in the back of the cloak, and the mouth is slightly tightly smile.

As long as the Tor is started, he will immediately notify the tyrant, come to take the space gem, and will give Rocky a little impression.

The province's guy remembered all day, I always feel that I can brush all people with that little smart.

Poor Rocky is still very good to hide the cosmic magic cube, and there will be no one to detect.

When I confirm that the other party is really gone, he immediately begins to announce the whole planet into the carnival state, and order the statue and mark of all Gao Tianzun under his hand.