Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1215 Unlimited War is not over

All successful people in the world often have a common point, that is, never give up.

As the oldest scientist and the Boss of Starke Industrial Group on the earth, the steel man is naturally impossible to lack such quality.

Most importantly, things develop now, he is eager to want an answer.

Why Is Allen help Ascad spend the crisis, but what is the things you do?

As long as these questions still exist, his inner heart will not calm down one day.

I don't even care about what happened, I didn't know what happened, even the weddings under Peppe Poz were postponed indefinitely.

Tony Stark instinctive feelings, which must be hidden behind some secrets that you don't know.

If you change it to others, you may not be able to calculate it.

But he is different!

Crazy scientist thinking, let this guy has a habit of thinking about the roots of the roots, no matter what the situation is encountered.

In the past, when the Nick Freuri, the Director of the Director of the God Shield, there was no change in the same way after joining the Avengers.

Finally, after dozens of hours, the other end of the magic device finally appeared in a blurred image.

Seeing this scene, Tony Stark awakened from a state of sleeping, and ignored that he had not glared in more than 30 hours, and immediately shouted in another side: "Allen! Is you? ? "

"Acronym! Isn't there anyone else? I have to say that you are really a spirit that is really awkward."

With the familiar sound, the picture gradually became clear from the blurry.

I saw that Allen was sitting on a chair, while playing with some unknown dark red substance, while responding with an inner tone.

Perhaps it is the relationship between six unlimited gems. He looks quite good, the whole person exudes a lazy breath.

"Fak! You are finally willing to show! Tell me, why do you have a good thing in this earth's guardian? Tony Scarkes gathered to teeth the teeth.

Allen shakes his head: "No! This is not there without any direct relationship, but involves the category of time and future. If I tell you, in the near future, you will lead the remaining Avengers. Kill the tyrant, return to the past parallel universe to get six unlimited gems, and then re-resurrect through a person who disappears, will this be a little better? "

"What ?!" Tony Stark heard his eyes at this instant. "You mean ... this unlimited war, we have not lost. There is a chance to defeat?"

"Yes! Unlimited war is only temporarily annihilated, but it is far from ending. Remember what I said before telling you? The universe is a diversity, the universe in our eyes is just a shortage of universe One. Every monomer universe exists with six unlimited gems. You have to do it in the future, just find a parallel universe with the most similar to this, and get the corresponding time point, take those infinite gems back. How, It sounds interesting and challenging? "

Allen did not cover up, straightforward, it took a lot.

Because he knows, with the character of the Iron Man, if you don't give a clear solution, what is the problem later sooner or later.

If you don't care, the Earlier is died, the impact generated by the time will be very huge.

"Time travel?"

Tony Scarke touched the feasibility of the chin Sisso.

"Strictly speaking, it is to go to a time point of the universe, not the time you understand." Allen is uncomfortable to correct.

"Understand! You didn't shot, because there is no need for temporary, we can rely on your own strength to reverse the fact that has happened."

When I said this, Tony Starke's face has become relaxed.

Because as long as you know that there is still a chance to resurrect those who disappear, he has hope and motivation.

Instead all the day, I started to make a demise, I can't take a rest at all.

Allen smiled nodded: "Yes. And this is also the requirements of the essay of the Supreme Master. Do you know? I am going to leave. Before leaving, I think you need a practical test."

"Practical testing? Are you joking? I don't think that the kinematic is a suitable opponent."

I think that the purple potato is hand holding six unlimited gems. Tony Stark can't help but feel a burst.

I have to know that I have been going back to the Earth for so long, he has been fighting in the original, and thinking about how to defeat so powerful enemies.

Can the result?

Whether you do with computer and super artificial intelligence, or all the techniques of your own press boxes all come out, there is no such thing as one of the hundred million.

This is a joint Avengent, an alien, a mage, a government of the Gandun Bureau and the Earth, and there is no way to defeat the terrorist enemy.

In particular, the final referral has exceeded the upper limit and ceiling of the current earth basic theory science.

In the eyes of the Iron Man, the power of the tyrant has exceeded the god of human understanding, and it is the Creator to master the authority, and the universe can be transformed anything he expected.

The population of less than half is just the final result of this madman.

"Who, do you feel desperate in the district? I thought Iron, Nosti Stark, regardless of what setbacks and strong enemies, will be able to beat them." Allen joke with half joking The tone is tone. "To know that in the near future, there may be many enemies who have threatened the earth and humans. If you give up, what should you do now? At that time, I may I have already left this world. "

"Wait! Do you really have to leave?"

Tony Stark raised his head and full face was surprised and incredible.

"Well. Less than one or two months, more than half a year, I will re-depart the next world. If you still have to ask, or you want to get, then go as soon as possible." Allen Enemy gives a sure reply.

It is exactly that after starting the hunting plan for the gods Scene and the three one Vishan Emperor, he will not hesitate to leave.

Because if it is successful, the source of the entire multi-universe black magic and white magic will appear sharply, countless monomer universe, dimensions and space will be affected by irreparable.

At that time, those guys who don't appear in all day maybe they will take a pick.

If you don't leave, the eight-year-old group is grouped.

But if you fail to completely eradicate these powerful dimensions, then you have to hurry up. When the other party of the province launches counterfeit measures, you accidentally destroyed the earth.

Recognizing that Allen's idea has been determined, the steel man is in the eyes of the complex look, which is unsolicited, and there is also a smooth relaxation and relief, and sigh. People feel envious. If you can, I actually want to go some where you have never been to, enjoy a new life. "

"This universe is very large, with the technology you have, it is not difficult to travel to space travel. As I said, I really harass and bind you, always yourself. Or you have applied it yourself. Too much pressure and responsibility, so that you always live so tired. Remember, you are not the savior, nor is it no obligation to sacrifice yourself. Humans don't think that you are so weak, in those ordinary people, hide Many people you don't know, or have become the potential stock of strong people. If the earth needs one or two people's protection to be delayed, it is better to be destroyed early. "

After finishing this, Allen is going to close the communication device.

At the moment, I just put it on the switch, Tony Stark immediately held the way: "Don't turn off! I still have some questions to ask you!"

"Oh? Do you have any questions?" Allen stopped the action in his hand.

"You said that we will return to a parallel Earth, how do you solve the technical problems? I have to know the theoretical research of the shuttle time and space. I have no shortprons so far. Don't I say this time? Complete this unprecedented technology? "Tony Stark straightforwardly.

It is not difficult to see from the reaction, and he already has such a thought, even maybe carry other Avengers to start secret research in secret.

"You will complete some, there is another part, there is another person brings you." Allen means a deep answer.

"Another person? Who he is?" I have an urgent expensive manifestation of the steel man.

But this is not surprising. After all, he always feels this failure is his own responsibility, and you want to resurrect those who disappear.

Looking at the eager desire in the eyes of the opponent, Allah did not express his expression: "It is the antilaony Skot. He will bring you inspiration on the quantum field, as well as the most important key - Pome granules. "

"Scott Lang? This is impossible! He has disappeared! In the ignition of the tyrant, he is with Dr. Pim." Tony Scarke is excited to wave.

No way is not excited!

Because he just got a hope, it was found that there was no hope at all.

Allen shakes his head: "No, you are wrong. Dr. Pum did disappear in the ignition of the tyrant, but Scott was not. Because he rely on the pepper granules into the quantum field and trapped Inside, I am lucky to escape. When he returned from the quantum field, it is the signal you reversed all this. Now, what you can do is to continue research and improve your theory to ensure that both When there is a necessary condition, it is capable to open a spatial crack. Finally, any time-space trip means subversive for existing results, inevitably triggered a series of chain reactions. Ok, the left is true. It is necessary to see your choice. "

Tony Steak died of his fist back: "Opportunities always coexist with risk. Since I decided to do this, I naturally be prepared to take risks. No matter what happens, I have to put it Half disappeared life resurrection. Dettle is you, will you take away from Wanda when you leave? "

"Uncertain. The option is in the hands of Wanda, I will respect her ideas, no matter what the result is."

For this matter, Allen does not have a sense of pressing, and there is no choice as soon as possible, but nothing to do, but still maintain an existing relationship.

"Your present reaction, you can not look like a man in love. Is it a dark dimension of energy, is there any desire to recover?" Tony Starke faces a very weird expression.

"I have not had a lot of energy in the dark dimension, so I don't know what changes will it bring to me." Allen did not care.

"Doesn't absorb? Damn! Do you really want to meditate?"

Tony Steak just mentioned the name, Allen immediately put the index finger on the lips and made a sound action: "Hey! Don't say it. This will be the last thing I made in this universe. No matter Success, it will have to hit the most powerful dimensional demon. In addition, I hope that today's talk is only you and I know, don't tell the third person. Especially Ray God, his big mouth is not Have any secrets. "

"I know. When you leave, remember to inform me, I will prepare a gift for you."

After saying this, the Iron Man actively pressed the switch, and the communication between the two was completely cut, and the big character was poured on the sofa. He long had a breath, and the whole person looks unusual relaxation.

Because all pain, depressed and self-blame, now have a venting channel, or is a goal of struggling.

People are such a strange creature.

When you lose your goals, you will become confused, decadent, don't know what you have lived.

Once there is a goal, it will become both strong and tough, no matter what kind of difficulties can be overcome.

Even if the material is extremely lacking, it can still create a miracle.

Peppezo, who has just got from outside the door, is undoubtedly aware of the change of her husband, and immediately uses it is not a very certain tone: "Are you better now?"

"Oh, yes, I am now much now. Thank you for your inclusive, or I am afraid it will be crazy or collapsed." Tony Stark smiled and started his kiss in his arms.

Soon, these two people have started some eighteen ban exchanges that are more deeper and less than children.

They didn't pay attention to Little Slene, which was shot on the side of the moonlight, and a large amount of intangible magic energy was in the shape of the naked eye. In the body of small life.