Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1253, Elf Tour from Northern

As the Knight Knight of the Biling, Altolia has an emotion that is unable to describe the language of the knight.

Therefore, after gaining the seal, it also followed the approach of the year, and the book seal the round table knight trained by himself, and formed a truly knight group.

She's request is not only martial arts, but also has a noble character, follows humble, honest, mercy, heroism, justice, sacrifice, and honor.

In the eyes of outsiders, all this move is so weird and alternative.

After all, for the people of the entire Arasso Empire, it is the first to protect your own vision.

As long as you can do this, it should be ineffective.

It can be biased with Altolia and So Latin and Allen, even in the tribal expansion period, a strong enemy is defeated.

For the nobles of most empires, it is simply unclear what is the relationship between these three people.

The only thing that can be determined is that the emperor So Latin is far more than others in the trust of the two Dukes.

So there are many guys who don't have the heart, I want to follow this opportunity to get close to Altolia. On the one hand, I have to see if there is a chance to win the good feelings of the Empire's only female Duke, and I will listen to Allen or the emperor's preference.

The result didn't wait for them to put into practical actions, they were retired by the indifferent eyes of the king.

In this case, people who have a little more emotional business will not be actively self-discipline.

After Solantin, I immediately rode the Malay to Altolia, smiled and said: "Why, have you seen these young orcharies?"

"Are they arranged?"

Altoli raises the beginning, flashing in the eyes and naked naked irritability.

That's right!

In her eyes, those who are so-called "young and have" have no difference between flies and mosquitoes around themselves and mosquitoes around them.

no way!

Most of the ruling classes of the Arasso Empire are transformed from the tribal era, far from the rival kingdom and the Raundan kingdom of the royal, it is already in art, economic, institutional, cultural, etiquette. Gourmet development is growing.

Now the nobles, according to the modern people, essentially a group of outbreaks and soil bags.

Some people don't even take a shower for a few months, and they can kill people in life.

Unless Altolia's eyes are blind, the sense of smell and taste are completely unacified. Otherwise, I would rather die will not let these guys get close to themselves, let alone marriage.

It is unfortunately, she still keeps single one day, these guys who are more than greedy, they will never give up.

The Empire Emperor So Latin is very clear that those aristocrats are thinking, meaning the deep and shook their heads: "No! I just selected some of the aged noble women, ready to hold a banquet for him to choose the right wife. As for you, basics They are all jumped out of these nobles. They don't know how to hide the soul under your beautiful appearance. "

"Hey! Don't worry! I promise that the so-called aristocratic women introduced, Allen is not able to see it. His eyes can be very high! It is estimated that only the high elf of Northern multi-art will barely select one or two Female in line with his taste. "

When I said this, Altolei is full of disdaining the emperor's emperor.

Although she is the same as Allen, essentially identies the concept of human beings.

It can be used for the same class that is still survived for survival.

Because the human social moral bottom line under the moment is very low, let her of this morality are quite uncomfortable.

Salain didn't take the shrug: "Don't try to know. The man is not the same as a woman, we are always very fragrant, and we will not give up a forest for a tree."

Altolia was obviously laughed with this shameless speech, there was no sarcasm: "So this is the reason you put those lovers and illegitile sons?"

"No way! Who let me want to marry a true queen. For the empire, my marriage is not a small thing. The same truth is the same. This is politics, in the bureau People can never get rid of it, you should consider it. "

With the last word, So Latin directly urged the horse to ran to the forefront of the army, with the aristocrats with the most soldiers to respond to the aristocratic laughed.

Since I have known the situation of the war, he is not having a doubt about the versatile victory.

Or, the troll has been to the extent to which the Ailong is more, if you can't play a beautiful annihilation battle, this emperor can take a quick return to let the sages.

Therefore, his primary task has been turned from winning the war to the emotion of the aristocrats, ensuring that it will always be loyal to the empire, and loyal to their future generations.

This is an era of feudal system, and every monarch needs extraordinary things.

Otherwise, once some nobles and royal relationships are light, then there will be a variety of problems, even leading to splitting throughout the country, and finally some aristocrats are independent, and new countries are established.

Looking at So Latin, this outstanding human leader trained by Allen, in Altoli's face has a complex look.

She is very clear because she reads a lot of books, regardless of the ability of Solandin, is limited by the defects of the feudal system itself, as long as he died, the Arasso Empire will inevitably move to split and collapse.

This is the history that anyone cannot change.

Unless Allen is willing to help it abolish it, establish a big centralized centralization system.

But doing, it is not suitable for the actual situation of Azeroth's fields and monsters, while the people urgently need to have a force guarantee to respond in time to respond to these threats.

Just when Altolia guess how Allen would do, a female knight on the age of 20 immediately made the horse's horse raising, a small running came to the near, careful asked: "Monarch, you are worried Is the security of the Duke of Allen? "

"Worried him? Don't make a joke! I am worried that the troll will not worry about the guy." Altolia didn't have a good night.

"Then what are you worried about?" The female knight curiously continued.

"Nothing, just being a little irritated by those nobles. Alilia tells me that the blood and family inheritance is really so important?" Altolia finally asked a question that made her feel very confused.

"Of course! With the descendants, the family and glory you created can be inherited, and the noble blood can be continued. We also have the object that can always be loyal to. But compare these no flow I feel that the Duke of Allen is more suitable for a little more suitable. "" The Women's Knight, known as Alia, said his own view.

Several knights not far away have also agreed after hearing.

In their view, only the same as the Duke's Allen is worthy of the beauty, identity and status of their own monarch.

"What? I am with him?"

Altolia has grown up his mouth, but I can't believe that my hand has actually held this point.

"Why isn't it? First, you are the same tribe with the Duke of Allen, which can be said to be very familiar with each other. Secondly, the Duke of Allen is different from other nobles, he is very wisdom and ability. If you combine It must have a good future generation of smart and strong. Finally, it is also the most important point. If you marriage with the Duke of Allen, then all the nobles will not be practical, you don't have to end it again. I feel troublesome. "

I have to say that Alia's ideas represent the universal values ​​of most human beings in this era.

One is a prosperous descendancy to continue the blood and family, and it is important than anything else.

Another one is marriage to pay attention to the doorholder.

Only people at the same level are qualified to talk to each other.

Otherwise, it will be like the emperor of the Emperor Soland, and immediately kicked out when the Queen was coming.

However, understanding is understood, Altolia can accept such a reality, she is not the king that ultimately returned to the tragedy.

But the suggestions of these knights, but she produced another idea, that is, married to Allen.

Just like she welcomes Griens in the same year as the political situation in stabilizing domestic turmoil.

Moreover, with Allen's accomplishment in magic and magic, it is easy to drink water with the air, just as easy to drink water, don't worry that it will be seen by the outsiders.

After this idea, Altolia decided to completely annoying the invasion of the invasion, just find a chance to talk to Allen.

This is good for them.

It's a pity, I'm slightly, that is, the two Duke marriages of the empire will make the Empire Emperor Sarandin.


At the same time, outside the exterior of Allen Territory, the trolls have created enough engineers, and finally started to launch violent offensive towers day and night.

This time, they no longer simply test, but madly walked to the city, trying to take the first city wall as the base of continuing attack.

In terms of mankind, I have broken the fear of trolls, and bravely confronted.

Originally showed a yellow-brown town, soon, it was stained with the viscous plasma to black.

The body is torched into a hill outside the city wall.

Among them, there are trolls, and there are also humans.

Both sides in order to compete for the right to survive. A fierce and bloody killing was launched.

Nothing is not noticed, on the treetops close to the forest, two high elf tenants wearing magic leather armor are hiding in the dark silently observing this.

It took a few more than a dozen minutes, and the men didn't return to ask: "How do you think these humans?"

"Very brave! It is also very smart, or is awkward. I believe that you should have seen the battlefields that have a few battles before, the human league plays the best of the cavalry. If he lacks enough poison arrow in his hand, the force is also There is a relatively small, these Amani trolls will completely collapse before arriving in the fortress. "Another female higher elf tenant gives a high evaluation.

As the south of the Jurazlas, she is full of admiration for Allen's performance in this war.

Because even the higher elf, if there is no magical help, it is impossible to hit tens of thousands of trolls in the wild, and creating a wave of a wave of less than a lot of money.

Similarly, as a Ranger using a bow arrow as a major weapon, she also recognized the important role that the bow cavalry can play in the war.

After planning to go back, I will report to the Parliament, see if I can organize the Ranger, play sports with the giant in the forest.

"So, you also think we can touch him slightly?"

Said, male elf tenants turned around, watching their companions with dark blue eyes.

The latter did not think about thinking: "Of course! The mission to our mission is to figure out the relationship between these humans with the troll. If it is hostile, then try to contact them and establish alliances, to deal with threats The bigger the Amani Empire. "

"Then when do you think it is best to make the first contact?" Male Elf Ranger continued to ask.

"Well ... I think this evening is the best time. In order to avoid more people, we directly sneak into the house of the human league, talk to him."

When you say this, the female elf has a unique arrogant arrogant.

I don't have to ask, she wants to use this way to give Allen a next Mawei, and establish a psychological advantage of the Higher Elf Kingdom for the Human Empire in the next conversation.

Male elves have also thought of a piece, immediately laughed and said: "Well! Just follow you. Waiting for the night, we turn over the city wall and enter the leader, to see this battle with the troll. Has frequently created amazing guys, is it qualified to become our ally. "

"For Quender Salas!"

"For the glory of Yue Yuecheng!"

Soon, these two no-fast passets will be hidden in the shadow again.

When the sky is gradually bleak, they put on the cloak with magical effects, just like the shadows in the dark, they are easily crossing the moat, and easy to climb the wall with a rope, and bypass the soldiers who are patrolling, successfully entered the inside of the fortress.

In addition to accidentally anesthes a dog, there is no peek at all.

And the dog who found the sneakers was also misused by the owner, and immediately was put into the dog house as a punishment.

At this moment, the nobles in the hall are eating a rich dinner that is entertaining by the owner.

Hiding in the woods and blowing a day of feather, it is not polite to smoothly baked into a golden duck from the table, a bottle of honey, sharing with companions.

After eating enough, they touched together in the direction of the study.