Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1256 Contradictions and Split

At midnight, the top of the moonlight, a big one-piece armor handheld soldiers secretly launched on the square.

In their front, it is the gate and suspension bridge leading to the outside world.

Although some of them have killed a troll, there is no complete dryness and the blood on the face, but at this moment, there is still a tired color at all.

Because everyone has been informing you to do what you want.

Simply, it is to teeth with your teeth, it is eye-catching.

Since the Amani troll wants to kill them as food, they can naturally go to raid the big rear of the troll, kill all the guys who dare to resist, all the things for all the money, women and children Catch it as a slave.

This is a battle between the lives of my life, there is no reason.

And the nobles have promised that no matter how the income of this is, 30% will be taken to each participating soldier.




Under so strong emotional stimulation, the human soldiers present were very excited. Har hate can't open the door to kill, and went straight to the road to Sintry.

As long as you can live back from this expedition, they can definitely get unimaginable huge wealth.

And as a veritable "truth killer", even can win the heroic applause and cheering.

To know that the current human beings, it is not the "Virgin" that will invade your own homes, causing millions of people who have died in millions of people.

In fact, if So Latin is to deal with these defeat or arms, hundreds of percent will choose to kill all, or throw it to dry and serious physical labor.

I won't waste precious food to support a group of hands with innocent blood.

Moreover, I don't have to mention that Saar also took this group of guys to the opposite shore of the sea, establishing a new tribe who came to the Taiwan play with himself.

To be honest, Allen has been doing not understanding the father of Alsace, the Ruo Dueng Kingdom of Tyris Mi Nahir II, what did you think about?

Why is it unfavorable with the mood of the orcs in the alliance, and find a place to find a captive of the surrender?

However, he obviously will not make such a low-level error.

With the short mobilization speech, the hanging bridge that was originally pulled up was slowly released.

When the closed door was opened, Ignamen led his highland cavalry to launch a charge, followed by Allen's bow cavalry, and finally the expedition army of the nobles.

Due to the tenth hour of the tenth hour, most of the trolls after the night were faintly sleeping.

After all, from physical fitness, the troll is not better than human beings.

So when you hear the whistle whistle of the enemy, most of them have not recovered from a groggy state.

And long-term hunger and malnutrition have also let them respond more and more slow, so that after opening his eyes, it can force what happened.

The result is not unexpected!

The fragile campus village was rushing by the brave and fearless highlands in a moment.

Following the next bow, playing his own good play, using the bow and arrow and make confusion.

In short than ten minutes, the situation is completely lost.

When the troll rushed out of the bill, he only glanced at the expedition army from the majority team, and the direction of the way to the north will move forward, so soon disappeared in the night.

"Do you know what they do?"

Allen, Allen, asked in a few meters long and asked loudly.

As the high-rise of the Amani Empire, how can the supervisor may not know, but it doesn't want to say it, just face the face of iron, shameless, sinister, and deceitful enemies.

If you can kill people, then Allen should have died thousands of times.

In the hearts of the trolls, I can't hate this damn man thousands of knives, throw it into the pot.

But Alan himself did not consciously, sweeping a giant gathered around him, meaning deep and self-friendly: "They went to Sinceland! Go to you to stay in the rear of the tribe! Then no Every troll who is in love, whether it is the elderly, women, or children. "


When this sentence is out of mouth, the trolls that are affiliated with the dead wood tribes are both horrified and angry.

Some people can't help but began to curse and even curse this "not talking to Wu De", and I have forgotten how they kill, active sacrifice and eaten behavior.

The troll is even more sophisticated: "Do you not be afraid of us?"

"Revenge? Sorry, I have not planned to let you leave. Troll! Now choose! It is left here to continue to die, a little bit is exhausted, or immediately choose to retreat to catch up with the expedition army , Block the upcoming massacre. "

After saying this, Allen immediately turned the horse head immediately, withdrawing with most teams.

He promised to see, this commander from the Armani tribe, how to deal with the warrior of the following warriors to go back to protect their tribes in the strong desire.

It is necessary to know that there is a huge difference between the high-rise and lower level opinions in this army, which is very prone to riots and transform.

What's more, the so-called Amani Empire is just a tribe.

Every tribe has its own interests.

At this time, it is related to the death of the dearity, even if the sheep in the next day, the sheep will instantly become a lion.

If you can use this opportunity to provoke contradictions, you can make bigger.

In fact, as Allen is expected, waiting for human beings withdrawn, hundreds of thousands of dead wood tribal warriors don't go to the flame burning immediately, but spontaneously gathered to the command of the commander.

Not long, a prestigious warrior leader was taken out, and the road to the army came to the opening of the army. "

"Back! It is not a way to speak like this thing." The emotion of the dangerous light whisper made a warning.

He is not a fool, understand the soldiers of this group of dead wood tributs, and heard the mood when he heard the hometown.

It also understands that the failure of the two thirds has led to a sharp drop in his prestige, so that the grievances accumulated by the soldiers and dissatisfied with their dissatisfaction in the edge of the outbreak.

The more you can't get zoom in this time!

Because the troll cruelty is determined that they only obey the power, any retreat will be considered weak.

As a supervised army, the weakness of weakness is only one, that is, killed or lives.

This is also why the armed forces are afraid to know the risk that may face after the protection of the Raising Long cavalry, and still should continue to advance.

It is not that he doesn't want to return to the heavy flag drum, but once it refuses, it means acknowledgment failure.

The loser only has an ending in the Amani Empire, that is, death.

But unfortunately, the Director's words did not scare the soldiers of these dead wood tribes, but aroused their subconscious and cruel.

In just a few seconds, some trolls of the eyes began to red, and the muscles were more convincing.

There is no doubt that this is a sign of the violent state when the troll is excited.

And once they start violent, they will become crazy and unreasonable.


Just opposite!

He is very likely to die in the chaos!

Don't think that the trolls still maintaining tribal structure have discipline,

These guys will not consider any consequences when they are crazy.

"This is related to the life and death of the dead wood tribe! Of course, there is a qualified statement!"

The leader of the soldiers seems to capture a trace from the other eyes, and immediately strengthen the courage to move forward into a big step forward.

With his lead, the ordinary giant soldiers behind him were quickly surrounded, and some of them were staring at many giant bear riders with unpleasant eyes.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the air is getting more tense, it is possible to explode within any time, and the high-level sacrifice representing the power will finally stand it out. "Enough! Don't you see that this is actually the trap of the desertible man in order to set up our internal relationships? He just wants you to worry, and then take care of everything to chase the army."

"Yes! If we now turn around, the human cavalry will continue to harass the plain, grassland and hills along the way, sneak attack until we kill us." Another witch doctor followed the attachment.

Compared to these underlying warriors without brains, the caster is obviously more sensible.

But unfortunately, the already eye-catching deck tribal warrior has already taken advantage.

The leader of the soldiers who were being promoted first, first glanced at the sacrifices of these congoriations, and then relieved: "Let's of course know what despicable humans want to do. But do you like that you give up the reasons for the tribe? I don't care! If you can't get a better solution before you, we will take action. "

When he said, he directly turned around with thousands of soldiers left, leaving only the military and a witch doctor, the sacrifices and the secrets of the eyes glared.

After a feet of seven or eight minutes, the director of the army took a deep breath: "Everything! It seems that our plan is going to be advanced!"

"Agree! Never let these stupid guys destroy the strategy of the Amani Empire." The high-level sacrifices of the Dragon Eagle did not even end.

"In this case, then you will be prepared. Take advantage of Dianliang for a while. This time, the round to we give the sinister people a little color."

When I said this, the supervisor glanced in the eyes of a spicy and vicious light.

To know the witchcraft you have mastered by the troll, it is not something to deal with.

Especially when they decided to get a large number of sacrifices of their own people as the price, they absolutely causing unimaginable terrorism.

In Azerus history, even the servants of the gods of the ancient gods could not attacked the attack of witchcraft, let alone people who have no magic power in the eyes.

In this way, the caster and the Director join hands, with the power of the faith, constantly confuse those stupid giant soldiers, and let them believe that everything that happens is from God's will.


At the same time, the two higher elf the third floor of the Lord House just finished the whole process of this midnight action, of which the female elves took the lead asked the companion: "What is the army that has just disappeared in the darkness? ? "

"This is also guessed? It is definitely the northern Sintry! The dead wood tribe stays all the old weak women, as long as the military successfully found them, he will stage a big massacre. Human can not We are as benevolent, and even take the initiative to put away the underage giant cubs. "The male elf touched the chin analysis.

The female elf is sneer and satirical: "kindness? I think it should be stupid. In the parliament, there are not a few on the battlefield. They don't know the trolls to our hatred, every time I put a cub, a few After the year, it will grow to the warrior again to launch our attack. It is just to satisfy your own laughing morality. Human processing method is right! Kill each of the truths encountered, whether it is the elderly, women still. "

"Maybe you are right. Unfortunately, in the place of the parliament, you and my opinion is not important. Don't forget, Kuilsara is a magical country, only those practitioners are eligible to Parliament and Sun king ... "

The male elf has not been waiting, and the troll of the flame just extinguished in the distance of the flame has suddenly passed a strange magic fluctuation. At the same time, it seems to be invisible to the shadow of a large substitute.

But all this is coming soon, and the blink of an eye-catching is disappeared.

There is no vigilance that causing patrol soldiers on the wall.

It can be told the troll for thousands of years, and Tonghua realizes that this is the expectation of the enemy in the preparation of a wide range of witchcraft.

Especially the huge shadow that I have just emerged, full of violent flames, which is obviously the projection of the giants believe in the god of Longying.

In order to prevent the lack of experience in the lack of experience, it is a big loss, and the two are already in the middle of the night, and the servant and guards of the door will be required to see Allen immediately, and it means that there is an important military situation.

After a few minutes, they were brought to Allen's bedroom.