Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 1352 Occupy and Conquest

Nothing is more powerful than a batch of bloody heads.

If it is invalid, it can only indicate that the number of these heads is not enough, or the identity of the head owner is not important enough.

When Allen made a head of the end of the dragon, there is a country that Karison Dosa's huge faucet is filled throughout the square. This originally ordered a country that has been expanded in the whale, and immediately ordered all military actions. It also retreats the troops to the original actual control line.

As for the reasons, it is of course the threat letter sent together with countless brain.

And this letter is not reached over an hour, and those who deploy the dragon in the army are inexplicably dead.

Judging from the tragic situation of the scene, they died in the killing of the sword without exception.

That is to say, the entire country relies to dominate the secret weapon - the end of the dragon, completely disappearing from the world.

After a fierce discussion of the Supreme Parliament, the high-level finally judged that it is a hundred percent of people who do this thing to be light and easy to destroy their strength. It is completely self-linked.

Obviously, compared to the hometown of social grades behind the organization, their death is more awake, can divide the form, decisively choose not to participate in this dangerous game, but patiently waiting for results, The continuation of its own civilization as the first emphasis.

In contrast, the country behind the organization is too far from the flexibility in the ever and the direction.

In particular, I learned that the expedition army was defeated, and even when the whole army was covered, the middle-aged emperor was completely born.

He didn't care about the opposition of his ministers, and directly ordered the army to start the acquisition of slaves, recruited civilians, and produced the soldiers with the technique mastered by the hand.

In just one or two months, I turned the original bustling capital into a cold and chestnut.

Those who have reluctantly awakened failure works, according to the normal process, should be processed.

But now, as long as you are willing to continue to loyal the army, you don't have to worry that it will be killed, and you can get a living person every week, eat the privilege and benefits of its internal organs.

Just started, it was only a heavy prisoner who was imprisoned in prison.

But how long, with the number of wakes rises straight, this range covers the general criminal.

Later, the criminals were not enough, allowing these guys to attack the house with nights.

As long as it is not captured on the spot, those guards who maintain order will open an eye, close one eye, all did not see anything.

The number of victims is getting more and more, and ordinary residents finally realize that they are unsatisfactory, and they have begun to escape from their portals.

As a result, all fugitive civilians have just been out of the city, and they immediately suffered thousands of murderous massacres.

The cruel bloody scene is enough to make any mental health of people to collapse.

Of course, this is a predecessored in Allen.

After all, in the entire country, all the high-level faces are facing the disaster of the top, and only those transformation fighters can give this middle-aged emperor.

However, the other party does not know that the last energy source of this planet has completely disappeared with the death of Caridados.

Whether it is awaken, it is still a renovation of the warrior, unless I learned to control the skills of life energy, I will have used it to have nothing to do with ordinary people.

At the same time, the other side of the expedition army finally gave up the prior guerrillat, and began to prepare and clean up those circumstances.

After about three or four months, a direct or indirect rule was established on the land of about 70%.

Although some ambient expansion guys want to be self-reliant, it is finally in front of the expeditionary combat power, there is no difference with the paper paste.

Most importantly, with the convenience of Allen, La Chi quickly appeared in the army, and built a madness of the opponent in the crucial moment.

When several army came from all directions to the capital, he was already the highest commander of an independent legion.

As in words, the war makes people mature.

At the moment, the lanterns are riding a high-head horse, wearing a strong silver gray armor. Holding the handle can bring powerful power to the sword of the desire to make himself, both eyes look deep and scared, followed by the previous look It's just like two people.

"General, we carry too much captive and trophy, we can't continue to move. And our fires and cannons need to supplement the projectile and filling the gunpowder. Otherwise, the next time I have encountered a large-scale enemy, I am afraid it. The cold weapon is fighting. "A man whispering a wearer knight sign.

"Where is our nearest port?" Laji did not return.

"Is Sark Port! It is about 80 kilometers away. If there is no accident, the newly established sixth legion has captured there." The man does not think about thinking.

"Very good! Let us go to the Sac Harbor to make up. I hope that other legiers have not been there. There is enough projectile and gunpowder in the warehouse. Of course, if there is a beautiful wine from the hometown." I lick the lips, and my eyes flashed in a strong desire.

Because the desire is unlimited, he has already become a guy who is passionate about conquering and enjoyment in the continuous war.


Of course, after the pile, he did not violate Allen's order, but directly processed all of these literacy ruling class women, or to reward it to the hand under the hand.

It is important to know that with the situation of the war from the original purely destroyed to the actual occupation, the expedition army originally formed on the island has been dispersed, then the local residents on the mainland.

The number of the army has also expanded from the initial, more than twenty.

Due to the expansion too rapid relationship, the quality of the soldiers is uneven.

Some slaves have no names, no words, don't know.

In order to let these "new soldiers" obey orders, master certain tactics, and the lattice decisively adopt the means of Ens.

On the one hand, he strictly enforces discipline, and it is not for violating people;

On the other hand, he will also relax the soldiers and vent the opportunities of the backstream.

For example, after a city or manor is captured, the soldier will allow soldiers to ran robbery to the class, including nobles, scholars, etc. must be cleaned up, and they are raped and abuse these families.

Over time, soldiers gradually accepted this young general to lead and command their own battle.

The Knight's born man consciously swept a local soldier who added, and replied with the helpless tone: "Sark in this time, must be taken several times. No way, who makes us to expand recently The speed is a bit fast. I can't believe that only a few months of hard work, the number of our legion has expanded to more than 20, the consumption of weapons and ammunition is quite amazing. As for the wine of the hometown, I think the current ship is shipped. Tightful state, there will be no too much. It's really not, you use your local wine to make it. "

"Hahahaha! It is also said. I always feel the kung fu, we have to completely destroy and conquer this wide-ranking land." Laji laughed with a feeling.

The man is deeply nodded: "Yes! Everything is the contest of the Lord and the big sword warrior. If they don't have them, those who have changed the soldiers and awaken can be so easy to deal with."

"You should change your mouth. Don't forget, we are already a country before speaking." La Chi smoothed shrug.

"Sorry, the Lord is used to it. It is a bit changed between the people. But just think about it is incredible! We actually rely on a huge country behind the organization. Future, our children and future generations Will leave the island and become the master of half a continent ... "

When you say this, the man's eyes flashed in the expectation and direction of the new life.

The wide land means more wealth and resources.

Anyone who lives in the island is extremely desire to live in a stable continent.

Unfortunately, there is still little about this island civilization.

Because of this, with the progress of the war, those who have been determined to participate in the expedition will now have a strong untrue.

It is clear that Elan has a horrible label means a deep response: "This is the best era for us, but for our enemies is the worst era. Mr. Allen said, Our goal is to change history and create history. Maybe after the whole one, a new era will come. "

"New era? That is really expecting."

To be said, the men who have been born by the Knights will ride the horse to convey orders to the soldiers and ask them to transfer to the port to the port.


On the other side, far in the sky of the Azeroth universe, Keri Jaya, who is finally rehabilled in the Azeroth, and hopes that this magical city full of miracles and fantasy colors.

After a few minutes, she smiled and said: "Sometimes, I really can't distinguish the scene you see, is it true, or some illusion."

"Beautiful here, isn't it?" Dinesha brought the shoulders of Krea since the body, and the mouth was slightly tightly turned a gentle smile.

Keriya nodded gently: "Yes! It is just like heaven. No! Perhaps the paradise in people can do so perfect."

"Since you like this, why not leave me with me?" Di Ni, no more invitation again.

It is easy to see from the pity and unnecessary from the eyes, and she is long than anyone else to Keer can stay.

Unfortunately, Keloya has a firm and refused to say: "Sorry, you know that I can't. Although it is perfect, it belongs to God. And my friend is just a group of people. I have never thought about it. God, just want to spend ordinary life. "

"Yes, it is really regrettable. Rest assured, I will not force you to do anything. On the contrary, I will bless you, I hope you can be happy. Goodbye, my little cute."

To be said, Diisha hugged Keloya in his arms, deeply kissed this girl who saved himself from the abyss.

I don't know how long it takes.

Perhaps it is a minute, maybe it is half an hour ...

When the two are separated, the Keriya's face has a faint redness.

At this moment, she wore a white tube topisk, which looks like the upcoming bride.

I don't know if I should be "daughter" or "my daughter" or "spiritual lovers", Di Niha has been reluctant, using magic props to open a pass gate: "Go, hug your new life and fate. "

"Thank you! I will never forget your, Di Ni."

After saying this, Keriya turned into the transfer door disappeared without trace.

She just left, Diisha did not have a shadow that did not have a lot of enthusiasm: "It's okay?"

"Will this? I originally thought it would be some touching, more exciting pictures."

Allen came out from the shadow, with a strong disappointment in the tone.

It is important to know that Dinesha and Keriya have official match, he thinks what interesting things happen.

The result is really a big disappointment.

Di Nissa is undoubtedly what I think in Allen's granules, and I immediately turned over white: "Are you so idle now?"

"Almost. As planned to the last step, my so-called king is not useful. The next thing is handed over to those officials, the generals and business people are responsible for it. Working thoroughly erases the country behind the organization, I will announce to let Lagi to do my own successor. "Allen is bored to reply.

To be honest, he is indeed quite free.

Because he has lost interest in this world.

If you don't want to leave a rotten stall, you have already deployed a world.

"Oh? So, we will finally have to start?" Di Ni-shaped eyes slightly light.

"Yes! Waiting for the war, we will leave this world. If you still have something you want to do, people who want to do, then take time. If you don't surprised, you will be a month to two months later, We have to say goodbye to this forever. "

As the last word is out of mouth, Allen's neighbor is also done in the air.

With the experience of leaving the Winar Universe, he has realized that the volume of the Azeroth universe has been different from the past.

I have to do some preparation in advance, otherwise the light is to get rid of the gravity of each other, I need a long time.