The MS driver of the Zamir army is an unwritten rule, that is, it is absolutely unable to capture his own body.

On the one hand, it is to obtain corresponding technologies in order to prevent the Earth's coalition from capture Jean;

On the other hand, it is to retaliate the "blood dyed Valentine's Day" innocent compatriots, even if it is dying, it is necessary to pull the enemy around him next hell.

When the MS driver realized that the body could not continue to fight, they will force the self-explosion process in the first time.

At this time, guys who have action will open the hatch, and quickly escape the explosion range with the injection module behind the space clothes.

If there is no action ability, you will end your life with your body with the bombings and explosions.

Obviously, the test body of the controlled manner is no exception.

In just a few ten seconds, the body of the electronic equipment is seriously damaged, and it suddenly released the eye-catching red light.

Next second ...

The dramatic explosion rapidly spread to Allen, which is rapidly retreat.

Although the explosion does not generate shock waves in the universe vacuum environment, it produces the same very horrible magnetic storm.

Only a blink of an eye, Allen's body has a serious out of control.

In particular, the mechanical neural network formed by excessive electromagnetic induction is almost lost in an instant.

Some more serious places, even large-scale short circuits caused by the burning of electronic devices, and neuron connection point overload, etc. It is sufficient to cause the body to scrapped.

Looking at the drift indicator in the cockpit, as well as the thorn sound emitted by the outer placement, Allen couldn't help but sighed: "Oh, is it really too reluctant? Maybe I should be like a cherry, this is a little bit A certain degree of magic change. Anyway, with the height of this world human technology, the average person can not see. "

Since the electronic equipment is all destroyed, coupled with the impact of the magnetic storm, the communication is basically completely cut, and there is no other way in addition to temporarily abandon the body.

Just when Allen is ready to use the brute force to open the door, when you fly back to the big angel, suddenly I found that the duel is rushing to rush through the very fast speed, the only mechanical arm that can be used, caught a handle High energy beam sword.

"Go to death! Trajectory !!!!!" Izak opened his own Maybius zero, and his face was a roar.

At this moment, he can even feel that the wound is vigorously burning, as if the pain is constantly reminding yourself to use blood to scrub this humiliation and hatred.

"Damn! Allen's body seems to be affected by the other side, there is no problem!"

Mi captured this scene through radar cleaning, and the whole person stood nervously from the captain position.

"Never let our ace! Yang ion cannon immediately calibrate! The target duel is up to!" Natal Pakistan Lulu made an instruction.


The artillery has completed the ballistic trimming through radar and computer, and the expression is loudly responded.


Natal Pakistan did not hesitate for a second, straightforwardly reached the order.

She doesn't expect to be a cumbersome gun to have a powerful motor power in a while, and only hope to slow down its approach, thus for Allen's time to escape.

If you don't work, you should also let Mu Driving Mei Biuszone can catch up.

The two "long legs" in front of the big angels shot a glamorous red light, and the decimal high-reached radar immediately issued a high energy warning.

Although Izak is a non-critical mad dog, it can stop the charge when life is threatened, but the choice of reverse avoidance.

I saw that the engine just took the huge body backwards out of a few tens of meters away, and the disruptive positive electrionization cannon immediately passed the PS armor of the chest cockpit.

Its vigorous energy reacts, suddenly lets electricity dropped more than one-third, directly approaching the red warning line.

Don't ask if you know, if you are playing in front, you will have a few minutes from G plan.

"Hey! Izak! Are you okay?"

Seeing that the companions almost have been killed, Diago immediately asked, while lifting the beam gun, the enemy sail.

"Cruze captain issued a retarded signal! Don't continue to be entangled! Our Queen of our Red clothes has detonated the body to retreat! It is prone to it. It is difficult to take it."

Aslant Minru captured the white signal bombed from the battleship, and immediately manipulated the holy shield of the MA form, and smashed several high-energy beams to force the strong attack of Diisha. Then turned It has been killing red-eye duel high, and it will bring it back.

But unfortunately, Izak has some unparalleled part of Aslant, and it is not necessary to mention it.

"Go away! Don't bother me!"

When the San Shield high-rushed, he directly lifted his feet, with the help of the enemy's cockpit.

"I want to succeed!"

At the critical moment, Mu droves his own Maybius, finally came over, with four-door separation line control gun cartridges to initiate attacks from different angles.

Have to say, the ace of this natural person still has two brush.

Immediately let Duel arrived into the dilemma of siege.

If there is a PS armor, it is estimated that it has been disintegrant.

But unfortunately, the duel high has an overwhelming motor advantage and defense, and the driver is also the red elite of the Zafron, adjusting the best talents in the best.

"Bastard! Why is this annoying flies always wrapped me?"

After experiencing a short passive beating, Izak launched the anti-control of the head of the anti-control of the head, and the three moving forts around the head were exploded, and the last one was caught. I came to a one hundred and eighty degrees. Large turn.

"not good!"

Mu is an unclear, there is no time to stop shooting. As a result, it is injured by his mobile fortune. It can only be hate to close one of the damaged engines, and sway back to the big angel number for repair.

It is estimated that there is no way to continue to participate in the battle with the current state of Mei Biuszone.

Get rid of Mu's entanglement, Izak also did not want to chase, and flew down to the enemy's body. It intends to collapse the knife and fall into two seats together with the cockpit.

At the moment that this sword has just waved, his pupil suddenly enlarged, and it can't trust the fact that he saw.

I saw that the original closed hatch suddenly squeezed from huge strength, jumping out of a person wearing a white tight space suit.

Most importantly, this person is in seeing huge duel up to up to, but there is no one milli-tension or fear, but revealing the smile with a playful play.


Naked and naked no despise!

The God seems to look at a sad bug ...

"go to hell!!!!!!"

Izak was completely irritated, and the huge high energy beam sword wanted to evaporate the enemies in front of this world.

With human flesh and blood, if such a weapon is touched, it is afraid that it is not even a little residue.

"do not want!"




At a time, the big angel number is almost nervous in the bridge.

Just like this thousand!

The flight modules behind Allen suddenly shot a strong airflow, pushing it forward, with a few tens of meters away, just hiding this fatal blow.

Not only that!

He also picked up a homemade laser cutting machine, which jumped into the head of the duel, directly along the gap exposed by the neck, simply cut off all induction device cables including radar.


Izak, located in the cockpit, found something you can't see.

He was panicked to him, and quickly lost the high energy beam sword in his hand, waving huge robot, want to shoot Allen, near the head.

Unfortunately, how the combat experience is rich in Allen may stay in the ground, and I have long jumped to the joint of the arm again in the instant of the cutting cable. The key power supply part of the transmission is burn it with a laser cutter.

Results Izak discovered that his last intact arm lost control.

This time, the entire duel can use the weapon, only the fire cannon of the heads of the heads.

And these two fire gods also don't know where to shoot because they lose their sense of ability.

If you change to normal people, you encounter this critical moment, it is definitely the first time to ask for your companion.

However, Izak that killed red eyes couldn't have so much, and the fire ghost will be a shot of his body, trying to bring Allen to a corpse on the spot in this way.

However, I haven't been succulent, this guy finds that the key connectivity parts of their own body have impaired, and even the back jet engine is turned off.

"This ... What is going on?" Izak crazy pulls the joystick.

But the entire body is not moving.

He didn't know at all, and the two sides of the outside battle were completely shocked by the scene seen in front of him.

Even if I have an angry, I don't want to shape color, I will ask my mouth, with an incredible tone: "Our radar and detector have no problem?"

"Should ... no!" The Silk of the Zafron troops trembled.

No way is not trembling!

Just in just a few minutes, Allen didn't do anything, that is, the performance is high.

Of course, this free handle is high, refers to the use of violent means, and tears up with a piece of armor and internal structure.

Just opposite!

Allen uses a very well-cleaning method that uses the laser cutting machine to sustain a gap that does not have armor covered, destroying its cable and relatively fragile electronic components.

After all, as one of the core development members of Shuguo, there are no fewers more about the big angel number than him, and the internal structure and weaknesses of G-plans a few machines.

"Monster! The driver of the body is definitely a uncomproved monster!" Lloyr Ru Kruzawa flashed a fear.

He could not imagine that the ability of human individuals can achieve so exaggerated extent.

On the other hand, the big angel number of the ship is even more conscious, and it is exciting: "He ... how did he do it? No! Do you say this is what human beings can do?"

"As the core participants of the G program, I think he should know more than the weakness and structure of the duel, so it can solve the enemy with a laser cutting machine."

Natar Pakistan Lulu Attempts to stand in a rational perspective.

Of course, if her voice and legs are not shaking slightly, it is more convincing.

In fact, it is not only shocked by the two of these two military ranks. Others in the command room also have no exception to breathe, as if they see the miracle.

As for Aslan and Diago originally wanted to help, I didn't dare to act rashly at this moment, and I was afraid that my body was so easy to understand.

I looked at the body of this completely lost action, and Izac who was trapped in the cockpit. Allen didn't help but shook his head and shook his head: "It's really! It's not forced to be a person!" Forget it, look at the face of the cherry, this time I let you go. Of course, before this, I will leave a small mark as a discipline. "

When he said, he raised the laser cutting machine in his hand, portrayed a horror dog on the door of the other cockpit.

Don't ask if you know, this is in the personality like Izak's character like a mad dog.

When you finish all, he will not fly in the big angel.

Although the Thunder of Niger Driving along the way, Thunder, who once wanted to use the maritime system system, but was rushing back to the hit of timely arrival.

In the end, this pursuit war once again ended the enemy.

On one side of Zafd lost the test body of Sakura driving, the duel is also needed to disassemble a large number of replacement parts and cables, and it is estimated that it will not be able to restore the battle at all.

Similarly, the Earth's coalition, Allen's body is basically in the semi-reports.

Unless it arrived in the moon base, otherwise, there is no way to repair with the barren logistics supplies of the big angel.

In addition, Mebius is also seriously impaired, and there is no replaceable moving stool in the gain.

Although it is not completely unable to attack, but the combat power is also a discount.

In short, both parties need to stop the battle first make up, otherwise, the words can't be found.

However, compared to the big angel number in the universe, Lloyr Ru Kruze has a huge advantage, that is, most of the universe is the power range of Zafd.

You can contact the rear transport ship directly to send the parts needed for the new body and maintenance.