I, A Soldier in the Field, A Ghost in the Smoke!

I, a soldier in the field, a ghost in the smoke Chapter 51

"By the way, you are now at the headquarters of the Griffin Security Contractor. This is an absolutely safe place. I hope you will not be so excited to do stupid things in the future." UMP45 pointed to the medical office, "Now the entire headquarters Thanks to you, you have entered a state of full alert, I believe that the old man will come to see you soon."

It was also at this time that a group of human figures ran outside the door, and the neat pace gave Chen Yan an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

With a sigh, Chen Yan twisted his stiff neck.


Everything on him was taken away. Except for the firearms that others could not take away, the clothes he wore before and the documents inside disappeared. Now he wears a set of very common diseases. Number service.

If Chen Yan said in his heart that he was not worried that it was fake, everyone would always feel uneasy when he came to a strange place, even if he had seen some of the information about Griffin in the information a few days ago, he knew This place is just a private enterprise, but because of some things he has done and his identity information is unknown in this world, he feels a little restless.

"Can you answer me a question, Miss 45." Chen Yan asked hoarsely.

UMP45 looked at him quietly and motioned for him to ask.

"How long have I slept here?"

"One night, we brought you and your human form here last night, and it is the next morning."

"Is it……"

One night, the world’s largest security contractor company might have completed its investigation long ago. How would they deal with a person without any identity information?

Constantly conjecturing various results in his mind, Chen Yan quietly closed his eyes, and no one of the 404 team members spoke, until a bang when the door opened broke the silence in the room.

At the same time, Chen Yan, who was in a waste state on the bed, looked over.

A tall and sturdy middle-aged man, a lot of the hair on the temples turned silver-gray, a face that revealed the vicissitudes of life was tight, and his gestures were full of majesty and domineering.

Behind the middle-aged man, Helian was wearing Griffin's uniform, holding a pink notebook in her hand and following closely behind.

UMP45 saw Kruger and Helian, raised his right hand above his head, and said hello playfully.

"Oh, the old man came so soon, if so, let's go out first."

After dealing with humans for so long, the EQ of UMP45 is naturally very high. As for what Kruger wants to do, she guessed eight or nine, so she took other members of the 404 team, including the sleepy G11. Leaving the infirmary.

Kruger took the red coat he was wearing to Helian behind him, walked slowly to Chen Yan's bed, and sat on the bench indifferently.

"Hello boy, I'm the owner of Griffin Security Contractor, my name is Kruger."

Kruger's voice is very strong, and the words will be powerful. There is no expression, but Chen Yan can feel something called'majesty' emanating from him, which is a temperament that ordinary people do not have.

Subconsciously wanted to sit up from the bed, but found that he could not move at all, Chen Yan could only respond with a wry smile.

"Hello Mr. Kruger, my name is Chen Yan, and I am very grateful for the medical services provided by your company, but I seem to have done something that makes your company unpleasant..."

Chen Yan is not an idiot. From the previous conversations with UMP45, he can know that he has caused trouble to others, and he is now completely at the mercy of others, and he has to answer carefully.

Chen Yan, who thought that Kruger would not have any good feelings about him, was stunned after Kruger finished speaking.

"No, no, compared to your help to us, this little thing is completely negligible!"

help?Did you help them?Obviously I haven't even seen it before, so how can I talk about helping?

Kruger, who had been watching Chen Yan, noticed that Chen Yan frowned and had a puzzled expression on his face. He calmly explained: "Boy, I Kruger has always said that you are an unidentified black house, right? ?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, the denial at this time didn't make any sense, and Chen Yan could only nod his head as if admitting his fate.

"Yes, I really don't have a legal status here."

"Yeah." Kruger was obviously very satisfied with Chen Yan's honest answer. The beard on his face trembled slightly, and said: "The commanders of Griffin's multiple theaters died in a battle against a massive iron-blooded attack last week. With dozens of humanoids destroyed or injured, we Griffin urgently need to recruit a large number of commanders."

His meaning is self-evident.


Chen Yan was already a little speechless. He thought he would be handed over to the local law enforcement agency as a foreign spy, or be driven out as an ordinary tramp. He didn't expect Kruger to hand it out to him. An olive branch.

However, Chen Yan couldn't trust the other person unconditionally. Under pressure, he boldly asked: "Why did you choose me, Mr. Kruger? We seem to have never met before, right?"

But Kruger agreed with Chen Yan's statement. He pressed his broad palms on the hospital bed and nodded and said, "Yes, we haven't met each other."

"Can you tell me why you don't suspect that I am a spy or a tramp?"

"Spy? Hahaha, boy, what do you think of us as security contractors? Is the country's main combat power?" Kruger laughed loudly, and Chen Yan's confidence between his brows made Chen Yan a little unsure where to start.

"Probably..." Chen Yan said a meaningless perfunctory remark. He wanted to hear what Kruger wanted to say next.

"First of all." Kruger stared into Chen Yan's eyes. "Can a tramp defeat a large iron-blooded force and then destroy the Jupiter cannon they intend to use to extend their position? A tramp can pass the prototype. Is it the third human figure in the world to date? Can a tramp defeat the captain of Squad 404 and almost kill her? Boy, tell me, is there any tramp that can do this?"


ps: Today’s Q&A: What do you hate to do in life?(I hate climbing stairs)

Chapter 21 Did not die on the battlefield, but almost died of myocardial infarction

Kruger shook his head and said jokingly:

"Impossible, absolutely no tramp can do this, unless he is a tramp sent by God!

Secondly, security contractors like us can also fight hard. The main force of the country is the military. If it is a spy, why come to infiltrate our ordinary private tactical humanoid enterprise?Even if it is infiltrated, what use is it?Of course, these two points are secondary reasons."

"The main reason is...?"

"Haha." Kruger stood up from the stool, looked around like eagles in his eyes, and said: "Because your temperament is very attractive to me and gives me a great impression. You must know that people are very Sensual animals, anything can happen with a high opinion."

"Good...good impression?!" Chen Yan didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes changed when he looked at this middle-aged man who had a good feeling.

He used to chat with his comrades in the trenches. Someone once said that men actually have four kinds of friendship. One is the warm water-like enthusiasm for ordinary wine and meat friends, the other is the enthusiasm for good friends under the sun, and the other It is the warmth of the comrades who give charcoal in the snow, and the last one is the enthusiasm of the dry desert...

Could it be... this man named Kruger is a dry desert?

"Puff......" Helian, who was standing at the door with a serious face, suddenly laughed, but the moment Kruger turned around, she recovered her seriousness, as if the laughter was not from The same from her mouth.

Kruger seems to be aware of the improprieties in his words, but he is also a normal man and does not want to be misunderstood, especially this person is very likely to become his biggest helper in the future.

"Don't think about it, I'm talking about the smell of blood and fire on your body, the faint smell of gunpowder, which made me think you were very good when I saw you for the first time last night! Very good!"

Two consecutive compliments highlighted Kruger's recognition of Chen Yan, which surprised Helian from behind. It was the first time he heard such recognition from the boss.

Hearing this, Chen Yan also stared carefully at the burly and tall middle-aged man in front of the bed. Even though his temples had a lot of white hair and his age was a bit older, he could still be seen from him as long as he looked closely. To a shadow similar to myself.

It's just that this shadow is not as clear as Chen Yan, and the smell on his body is not as strong as Chen Yan.

The corner of Kruger’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he said with confidence, "You know, boy, my sixth sense tells me that I can place a bet on you, as long as you are willing to become Griffin’s commander, you I can provide you with everything you need, so you don’t have to wander outside.”

Chen Yan was silent for a while, and he said, "I can promise you, but I want you to find something for me."