I, A Soldier in the Field, A Ghost in the Smoke!

I, a soldier in the field, a ghost in the smoke Chapter 64

Before the maid could finish her long conversation, she was interrupted by Chen Yan's roar.

At this time, Chen Yan showed in front of G36 the appearance she had never seen before, the look of waiting, the expression that was twisted into a ball, and the words that put life and death out of the way. G36, who has taken care of Chen Yan for so long, knows, now Probably no one can stop their commander.

"Okay, I understand." G36 nodded, holding the gun behind his chest, with a vicious expression like a big villain boss.

"Yeah." Chen Yan calmed down, put away the hideous expression on his face, rubbed his eye sockets, and said in a softer voice, "Let's go and take the three of them home."

The greatest combat power in the S09 theater is Chen Yan's four human figures. This time the team dispatched three main forces. If the three of them are killed under the iron and blood siege, the situation in the S09 theater will be unimaginable.

Chen Yan also intends to rely on Griffin's investigation information to find information that he can return home. If he not only failed to save the person to be rescued in such a rescue, but instead got in three high-star human figures, he believed , Kruger is likely to withdraw his previous promise and no longer help him find the information he needs.

Another point is that vector, c-ms, and MDR are all soldiers under Chen Yan, his friends, and his human figures!To make him feel helpless to his own people in this situation where there is no need to give up...

Sorry, Chen Yan couldn't do it.

The commander needs the soldiers under his opponent to take responsibility. Any commander who does not pay attention to the lives of his soldiers should be beaten to pieces by anti-aircraft guns and blown to pieces by magnetic mines!

When necessary, even the commander in the command will bring me the submachine gun, and charge at the forefront!

Touching the map inside the clothes, Chen Yan's stern face was slightly warmed.

War zone is dangerous?Will die?Haha... That's only true for ordinary Griffin Commander, he Chen Yan is a Griffin Commander in the field!

The cold evening breeze blew Chen Yan's clothes. Listening to the roar of the helicopter, Chen Yan and G36 jumped on the plane. It was just such a small black hawk, soaring in such a peaceful night. sky.


The red flame illuminates the top of the mountain red, and the harsh and dense gunshots are like torrential rain.

With the help of a boulder on the edge of the mountain as a shelter, the three of Vector leaned over to hide behind.

Many of her snow-white hair turned brown, and her snow-white profile became muddy and dirty during the firefight.

After hitting all the bullets and bullets in the magazine, vector pulled out the last incendiary bomb from his waist and threw it out. The small incendiary bomb exploded a red flower in the iron blood, and the high temperature paralyzed a small piece of the gun. The shot iron blood unit formed a vacuum area.

c-ms Youyou's hair was dyed brown with yellow soil and unknown things, and the large blue coat on his body was stained with blood.

The leg wearing the knee pad flew and kicked on the head of the charging ripper, knocking it out, and the c-ms replaced it with a new magazine.

"Sister v...I, I am almost out of ammunition!!"

The c-ms on the battlefield was not as squeamish as usual, but a serious and serious appearance. She grinned her teeth and endured the pain in her lower abdomen, shouting loudly.

Vector waved the butt of the rifle and smashed it on the head of another ripper, smashing the ripper directly into a mass of scrap iron. There was still not much expression on her dirty face, but the panic in her eyes was hard to hide. Gritting your teeth:

"I only have the last two magazines... Hold on, there is still a chance."

MDR crawled behind the stone and kept knocking down Hu Feng behind the Ripper. She complained: "Ahhhh! It's too uncomfortable to shoot with only one hand, even the magazine is not easy to change!!!"

The three-person team was attacked by the iron-blooded troops that came suddenly. Vector and c-ms escaped with their clever postures, but the MDR, which has a very general dodge ability, was hit and was directly attacked far away. The Jaeger sniper hit her left shoulder. Now her left arm is only half attached to her shoulder and can't move. It is estimated that she has to go back and repair it.

Well, the premise is to go back alive.

With his back on the boulder, the vector cautiously looked through the uneven stone surface that was beaten by iron and blood, and suddenly saw an iron-blooded Jaeger sniper in the corner of his eyes. He did not know when he ran to the side of the crowd, a handful of shiny black hair. The muzzle of the sniper rifle was firmly aimed at the prostrate MDR.

Vector suddenly shouted: "Sniper! MDR!"

"..." The MDR on the ground hurriedly struggled to get up, but because of the lack of one arm, the speed at which she got up and rolled forward was greatly restricted, and she had no time to avoid the iron-blooded sniper's aim.

Halfway to the side, MDR also saw the skua hiding behind the tree, and could even see that her finger was pulling the trigger.

MDR's breathing even stagnated, her eyes widened, with unwillingness in her eyes...



Option 1, you attacked the crew member who ran up to check the situation, and he was killed by you unsuspectingly.

Option 2. Your questioning voice reveals your deeds. You were shot by the crew who rushed up. At this moment, the number of minutes is divided by 2 and the blood volume is -1, and the blood volume is divided by 3 and the blood volume is -2.

Option 3, you will kill the crew member while his back is facing you with confusion

Option 4, you were shot in the finger by the crew when you were rushing, you killed him in the fight, the HP was -2

You look closely at the appearance of the crew, and you find that this crew member in a sailor suit suddenly drilled numerous bugs out of his seven orifices. Seeing this horrible sight, you were frightened and fled, and finally came to the captain’s room. You found it in the captain’s room. There are two figures, you choose:

1-Open the door and attack them to kill them, you must have a pistol, crowbar or wrench

2-leave here quietly

3——Try to communicate friendly like two people in the room

4-Shout to the two figures in the captain's room, "Yes? Look at the ass?"

Chapter 37 The commander says he wants to rescue by himself

The pupils of the heterochromatic color were instantly enlarged, and in her eyes, the Jaeger on the side had already pulled the trigger.

MDR's tactical gloves had long been damaged, and several fingers lost the protection of the gloves, and they were exposed to the air full of gunpowder.

As the first time to participate in mission operations related to iron and blood, MDR obviously still lacks experience in combat with iron and blood. In her cloud map data, iron and blood are just some iron-skin robots with no brains. The number and Griffin compete for the territory of the theater.

But what she never expected was that the iron-blooded robots would move tactically and sneak up to their side when they exchanged fire with the frontal units, which was very deadly.

Relying on such a perfect vision, the three of them were seen by the Jaeger, as long as it wanted, any one of the three could become its hunting target at any time.

Under the black muzzle, MDR exploded with an unparalleled desire to survive. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to go back to the empty space, where there is no interesting internet, no delicious food, and no one. The commander who will give her pocket money!

Fear of loneliness is not a shame.

Almost without any hesitation, MDR gave up the gun in her hand, and her nails turned purplish red due to congestion. Under the huge grip of MDR, she sank deeply into the dirt on the ground, as if she was unwilling to accept what was going to happen. With the coming death, MDR discarded the image she usually paid attention to. With her two slender legs pushing on the ground like a frog, she tried to use this method to speed up her climbing up.

The turquoise weeds were kicked down by her shoes, and the dry gravel on the soil was kicked away by the soles of her shoes. MDR was struggling to escape the fate of death with the only effort he could do.

However, in the panic, MDR still made a fatal mistake.

The gravel on the ground was kicked away, revealing only the moist mud. The sole of the MDR slipped on the moist mud. Halfway through the body, it was like an old man who had lost his crutch while running. , Following Newton's laws in physics, crashed down.

The silver-gray bangs were stained with the color of earth, and in the red and blue pupils of different colors, a strong breath of despair poured out like the sea.

The hand in the worn-out glove stretched out to the vector in front of him desperately, and the vector also squatted down to hold the MDR that fell. It was obviously close at hand, but at this time it seemed extremely far away...

At this moment, MDR understands one thing, why the commander always babbles, "The battlefield is hell" This sounds like a second-most word, because on the battlefield... a difference of thought will really go to hell. what!


A dull sound surged in the air, mixed with the sound of the iron blood continuing to attack from not far away, MDR believed that she was already dead.