You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (" in Baidu!After one night's rest, early the next morning, Li Lan communicated the results of the discussions with the branch minister and Long Xue yesterday to everyone.

Because Liu Jian still needs to be hospitalized, the original mission is temporarily invalidated when one person is lost.

In order to prevent Erica from using despicable means to cause other losses, Li Lan and Minister Branch finally decided to let Li Bo and Su Qingyun partner on the search task.

"What about us?"

Hearing that Li Bo and Su Qingyun are going to perform a search task, Li Feng pointed to himself: "What are we going to do next?"

"You are responsible for blocking the offensive of the gods."

Li Lan pointed at the electronic map on the podium blankly: "As for why, look at the map yourself."

"This.... This is..."

After seeing the map displayed on the podium, Li Feng and the three of them were surprised: "Why are there so many wild gods suddenly approaching from the north?"

"This also requires you to be responsible for the investigation."

Li Lan tapped his finger on the podium and said: "In the past few days, the migration speed of the northern wild gods has begun to accelerate. Their activities will cause the expansion of the ice and snow area. Therefore, you must clear the wild gods and slow down the expansion of the ice and snow while investigating the cause. "

"Now it's task assignment."

Without waiting for Li Feng and the others to speak, Li Lan went on to say: "From now on, the reconnaissance unit and the special combat unit will take turns carrying out the crusade against the desolate gods of the north and the work of guarding the branches. And you..."

Speaking of this, Li Lan stared sharply at Li Feng, Zhongyuan Ying and Lu Erxi in front of him.

Looking at Li Lan's chilling gaze, the three of them swallowed with difficulty and waited for the rest of her words.

"Although, personally, it is too early."

Staring at them for a while, Li Lan said in a stern tone: "But now is a special period, we don't have time for you to grow up slowly. Do you have any comments on this?"


Li Feng's eyes were the first to make a statement: "No matter what kind of desolate god, you will kill them all! Don't keep one! And, I remember what you said before the lieutenant colonel? Fighting is the best way to grow. "

"me too."

Zhongyuan Ying and Li Feng's expressions and even their eyes are almost exactly the same: "Our job is to conquer the gods! To grow this kind of thing, you can beat the gods a few more times!"

"What can I say?"

Lu Erxi smiled helplessly and spread his hands: "In order to protect my family, I will defeat any desolate god."

"Then get ready to go."

Li Lan was obviously satisfied with the three people's answers. She raised the corner of her mouth and said: "Your goal is to fall into the sky with the three King Kong moving on the border of the snowy field."


After the three responded, they all saluted Li Lan and left the command room.

"Am I right?"

After the three of them left the command room, there was a dandy voice from the corner: "The two guys are fighting freaks. No matter what their reasons are, they seem to care more about challenging stronger enemies."

"Hmph, I have never doubted it from the perspective of people."

Li Lan glanced at the owner of the voice and then turned to look at the big screen: "However, although you cheated to upgrade their magic machine to R3, is their current strength enough to fight the ice-attributed wild god?"


The man put his hands on his chest, leaned his back against the wall of the command room and said, "Qingyun will explain them carefully later."

"Caution first, you know?"

Li Lan said without looking back: "You and Qingyun are the same. I have lost countless comrades in arms. I don't want to lose my beloved brother and sister-in-law, as well as these promising younger generations."

"Of course I know, dear sister."

Li Bo walked out of the shadows, his face was rarely beaten up: "In this world, I only have you and Qingyun."

"Why don't I, brother fool."

Speaking of this topic, Li Lan's face showed a trace of sadness: "I am not Amamiya Tsubaki, I can't easily accept the fact that I lost my brother. You and Qingyun must be careful with me."

"Don't worry, old sister."

Li Bo turned and left the command room. He waved his hand and said, "You know. There must be places in the world where I can't get in, but there has never been a place where I can't escape!"

After the automatic door of the command room was closed, Li Lan closed his eyes and said softly: "I'm afraid you will encounter an enemy that you can't even deal with."

After about an hour...

"Huha~~~ Is this really about 200 kilometers north of South X City?"

As soon as he stepped out of the cabin, the main blades of the helicopter hit heavy snow and wind on the body of Sakura, who was wearing winter clothes: "It feels super cold~"

"It's really cold~"

Although Li Feng was wearing winter clothes, he kept stomping and rubbing his hands on the ground, "Although it is said that it will snow in the north, the snow line has never been here before."

"But curious!"

Lu Erxi knelt down and grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, and then let it slip from his gloves: "Is this snow? This is the first time I have seen it."

After the three people got off the plane, the helicopter immediately set off a gust of wind and flew back to the branch without looking back.

"I rely on ~ this cheating driver!"

The gust of wind from the helicopter blew a lot of snowflakes on Li Feng. Li Feng kept shivering and cursed at the back of the helicopter: "Can't you slow down the pit cargo? It's cold, don't you know?"

"It's really cold..."

Lu Erxi, who was still looking excited just now, also rubbed his arm at this time: "Although he is wearing winter clothes, it is still cold!"


Seeing Li Feng and Lu Erxi, Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help laughing: "So they are afraid of the cold!"

In fact, no wonder these two people.

Both of them were born and raised in South X City, where the Southern Region Branch is located. The two who grew up in this subtropical climate region naturally couldn't stand the cold of the ice and snow.

Where they are now, except for a few centimeters of snow on the ground.

Wherever he can see, there is a white world.

"Okay, okay, what are you two big men shaking here?"

Seeing the two guys who kept moving on the spot to warm up, Zhongyuan Yingqiang suppressed a smile and shouted: "Don't shake, hurry up and perform the task!"


Lu Erxi resisted the trembling body and picked up the magic machine: "I said Li Feng, are you so afraid of the cold?"

It turns out that until Zhongyuan Ying spoke up, Li Feng kept breathing in his gloved hands and kept moving his feet.

"Who says not to be afraid?"

After noticing a trace of displeasure on Zhongyuan Ying's face, Li Feng had to take the magic machine and step forward: "I grew up here, and I can't stand a little bit of cold."

"Aha, it won't trouble me!"

After Li Feng walked in front of her, Zhongyuan Ying smiled and patted her chest and said: "I grew up in the land of Northland. This kind of cold is nothing to us."

"Be proud of you now."

As he walked by Zhongyuan Ying, Li Feng couldn't help but choke her a few words: "How many months are it now? In a while, you will not leave the branch if you cry!" Love the book www.aibook8. com


Upon hearing these words, Chu Yuan Sakura's curiosity was aroused: "Will summer be terrible here?"

"Humph~ of course."

Li Feng led the two towards the depths of the snow and said: "The place where the Southern Region is located, the temperature in summer can reach 38 or even 40 degrees, and the humidity is very high, the kind of stuffy and sultry!"


Hearing that the summer temperature here is high and the humidity is high, a look of fear immediately appeared on Zhongyuan Sakura’s face: "Is the summer here so terrible?"

"Of course it's scary."

Lu Erxi also took the stubborn words at this time: "It doesn't sound good. If you dare to stand under the scorching sun for a few minutes in the summer, I promise you will become black and have heat stroke!"

"I don't want it!"

Zhongyuan Sakura exaggeratedly exclaimed: "I don't want to be exposed as a black man!"

In this way, the three of them left the snow-covered ruins while frolicking and walked into the snowy field indicated by the mission.

After walking for a while, Li Feng and the others noticed something that seemed to be moving on the white snow.

Seeing the live animal, the three hurriedly lowered their bodies and approached the area quietly and quickly.

Not far from the area, the three people hiding behind the snowdrifts could see that the living creatures were the target of this mission.

It's just that, in addition to the three ice-attribute diamonds falling into the sky, there are several ice-attribute cocoon girls falling into the sky and ice-attributed conjugations falling into the sky.

"Aha~ this is enough!"

After counting the number of wild gods, Li Feng switched the magic machine to bombardment mode and checked the ammunition: "I said, this doesn't match the mission briefing! Would you like to go back to the lieutenant colonel and complain?"


Nakahara Sakura also started the divine machine inspection before the battle: "However, my biggest idea today is to test the bullet I just adjusted."

While speaking, Zhongyuan Ying's divine machine made a sound of loading.

"Speaking of bullets."

Lu Erxi also switched the bullet to the edited ammunition: "I said Zhongyuan, the bullet you gave me, I tested it, the power and range have indeed increased, but..."

Speaking of this, Lu Erxi erected his magic machine and pointed to the screen on the magic machine that showed the ammunition count: "What's the matter with this mere fifty-five rounds?"

"This is the limit bullet count."

Zhongyuan Ying scratched her head with a bitter face: "Because I pay too much attention to range and power, and ignore the consumption of oracle cells."

"It seems I have to prey frequently."

After checking his magic machine, Lu Erxi pointed the muzzle at Huang Shenqu: "Speaking of which, how do we fight?"

"A positive breakthrough."

Li Fenggong watched every move of the Desolate God Group and said: "The three of us directly attacked directly. However, remember to keep moving. If you stop..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng deliberately pointed at the few female cocoons that looked like sculptures and said to Lu Erxi: "You should know that you were accidentally hit by its oracle bullets or were poked too close by its spikes. What's the end of the game in China."

"What about the conjugation?"

Lu Erxi pointed to the white fusion body dancing in the sky like a female body and a huge egg and asked: "What should I pay attention to when they say?"

"The ice-attributed conjugate body will not poison the sky anymore."

Nakahara Sakura's eyes did not leave the conjugation body for a moment: "But they will cause you to enter a leakage state, in which the oracle cells in your body will be constantly lost."

"There are also severe cold attacks."

Li Feng immediately added: "Whether it is the conjugation falling into the sky or the King Kong falling into the sky, they will use the coldness in the body as a weapon of attack. If you are not careful, you may freeze."

"Got it."

After Lu Erxi silently remembered these words, he looked at King Kong's Falling Sky again: "Anyway, keep moving, don't get frozen!"

"It's that simple and rude."

Li Feng patted Zhongyuan Ying on the shoulder: "These guys should not help us, but remember, we must be careful!"

After getting the reply from the two, Li Feng took a deep breath and rushed to the wild god group with the two.

I don't know whether the enemy is too weak, or the three have become stronger after a period of tempering.

In just twenty minutes, the last King Kong fell into the sky and fell in a pool of blood.

"Too weak, too weak."

Nakahara Sakura complained while hunting the barren god's body: "I didn't even warm up, the battle is over."


Li Feng was obviously not enjoying himself. He stepped on the fallen corpse of King Kong and gnawed at it with a magical machine: "Could it be that the bullet you edited to me was too powerful? I always feel like I die after a few shots. Up."

"It should not be."

Zhongyuan Sakura raised the magic machine and looked at the result of the predation and said: "You are using the mopping bomb I gave you. This bomb has a wide range, and its power is actually quite low."

"Then why is it so easy?"

Li Feng jumped off and preyed on the clean corpse of King Kong's fallen from the sky and walked towards the dissipated conjugation body to fall to the sky: "Not to mention King Kong, these little trash fish also die in one shot, and it feels like bullying the weak.

"This is really strange."

Nakahara Sakura tilted her head and poked her chin with her finger: "It is reasonable to say that our R3-level magic machine should not be so easy to deal with this three-star Aura."

"I think the problem may be that these guys are not in perfect condition."

Just as the two were thinking about what happened, Lu Erxi, who had been silently preying on the other King Kong, said: "Come here and take a closer look at my King Kong."

Upon hearing Lu Erxi's words, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly came to his side.

When they saw the corpse of King Kong in front of Lu Erxi, the two finally understood the reason.

During the battle just now, because the scene was chaotic, no one noticed.

When cleaning the battlefield now, Lu Erxi took the lead to notice that King Kong's body had many scars.

"Is this a scratch?"

Lu Erxi pointed to the blood stains beside the three scratches behind King Kong's fall from the sky: "It seems that this wound has not had time to heal. And look at its tail."

Having said that, Lu Erxi pointed to King Kong's fallen tail again: "Did it be cut off by something?"

Seeing these two scars, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying hurriedly ran to the other undissipated corpses of the gods and began to take a closer look.

"Indeed, these wild gods are all hurt."

After inspecting all the corpses of the desolate gods, Li Fengcai turned his head to look at Lu Erxi: "I am afraid they have fought other desolate gods before."

"What could it be?"

Zhongyuan Ying came to Li Feng and asked, "What can defeat these wild gods?"

"I'm afraid it's Vazheluo."

Lu Erxi walked over at this moment, and he said with a black face: "From the traces, they might have encountered a Valzheluo species. And...their previous group is probably larger than the current scale!"

Update trailer: Next, I will arrange for an Aura that everyone is familiar with, so stay tuned