I actually became a god eater

Chapter 200 Underground Power Station

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!After choking with Mizuki Shinka in the lounge, the relationship between Nakahara Sakura and her began to become more subtle.

On weekdays, although the two would talk and laugh and even go shopping with Dongshan Katyusha.

But once they enter the task state, two people are constantly comparing each other as if they are going to compete.

"Hey! I really have the most kills today!"

Zhongyuan Sakura jumped from the body of King Kong's fallen from the sky, and looked at Mizuki Shenjia with a hint of ridicule: "It's not a small one, but today I defeated nine medium-sized wild gods!"

"Hey! Lost again!"

Although she didn't say it out loud, Mizuki Shenjia secretly squeezed her fist and murmured, "This guy is too experienced! Nothing can compare to her!"

"I also made progress today."

Higashiyama Katyusha shouted at Zhongyuan Ying with a gasp: "Central Plains, I crusade against four King Kong today."

"It's strange enough."

When the three women were comparing the number of kills with each other not far away, Li Feng, who was preying on the magic machine, looked at that side with a puzzled look: "When have they become popular for comparing the number of kills?"

"Comrade! Can't you see it?"

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, the voice of the twenty-legged Rheinlander reached his ears: "Don't you know why the princess can compare with the other two roses?"

"Huh? Do you know why?"

When Rhine said this, Li Feng looked at him with an expression of interest: "Come and tell me why."

"Forget it, it's normal if you don't know."

Rhein just wanted to speak, but Thunder Dragon patted him on the shoulder to stop him: "I'm afraid you are often...no, you are often called wood by the Central Plains?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

As soon as Leilong said these words, Li Feng showed a surprised expression: "She does often say that I am an elm head, a fossil head, how did you know?"

"I can tell...."

Thunder Dragon shook his head dumbfoundedly, and then sighed: "If you are more sensitive in some aspects, maybe you can know why they are like this."

After dropping this sentence, Thunder Dragon patted Li Feng on the shoulder deliberately before turning around and walking towards Zhongyuan Ying and the others.

"Rhine, what does Brother Thunder Dragon mean?"

Looking at the back of Thunder Dragon, Li Feng was even more confused by Monk Zhang Er: "What makes me more sensitive in certain aspects, then maybe you will know?"

"Comrade, it seems you are really hopeless."

What made Li Feng even more puzzled was that Rhein actually patted his shoulder with the same expression: "Sure enough, as Brother Thunder Dragon said, some aspects of your reaction can no longer be described as slow."

After saying this, Rhine kept shaking his head and following the footprints of Thunder Dragon to the others.

"Hey hey hey, you guys speak clearly!"

What the two people said was unclear, and Li Feng couldn't help shouting and chasing them: "Hey, can you have a sentence without a sentence? Can you make it clear?"

About thirty minutes later, Li Feng and his party who took a break were led by Thunder Dragon to a cave that was steaming hot.

"This is it."

Leilong pointed to the cave in front of which was still steaming and said, "This is the entrance to the geothermal power station."

"It's too conspicuous, right?"

Looking at the entrance that was enough to pass through a train and the area near the entrance that was not covered with frost and snow due to the high temperature, Li Feng smiled bitterly: "For such an obvious target, why is there an invasion by the gods now?"

"The specific reason, you will know when you enter."

Thunder Dragon smiled as if it was deliberately selling Guanzi, and then took the lead and walked into the cave: "You will know the reason why Aragami is not willing to invade here."

However, as they went deeper into the cave, everyone gradually understood the reason why this place would not be invaded by the gods.

It turned out that although the road leading to the generator was wide, there was a defensive wall from the gods that could be opened at intervals.

Just a short distance of several hundred meters, the number of defensive walls of the Desolate God has reached as many as twenty!

Not only that, in order to reduce Aura's desire to attack and prey, the entire passage is in a dark state without any light source.

"In this case, the gods will invade from the entrance to be a ghost!"

After walking through another defensive wall, Li Feng used night vision to look at the dark road in front of him: "This environment with almost no light is the place where the gods are least willing to invade."

"Yes, this is the only absurd habit we can find out."

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Thunder Dragon laughed and took over: "No matter what the gods are, they all hate the dark and dull environment. So as long as the passage is set black enough and the entrance is conspicuous, the gods will not Invasion."

"But it has been hacked now, isn't it?"

While observing the surrounding environment, Nakahara Sakura asked, "Why was he invaded by Aragami at this time? Could it be that there is a second entrance to this place?"

"There are actually five intersections in this geothermal power station."

Thunder Dragon smiled helplessly, then shook his head: "In addition to the entrance we just entered, there are three entrances that lead directly to the underground city, and the other leads to Coldwind Canyon."

"Then why did we enter outside instead of taking the other three passages?"

Hearing Leilong said that there are three more passages from the underground city to the power station, Li Feng frowned: "Isn't this kind of behavior totally unnecessary?"

"The defensive faction always has reasons to block our actions."

In addition to helplessness, Thunder Dragon’s face was more painful: "They rejected our request to go to the power station from the three passages on the grounds that the gods might invade the underground city."

"If you have it, just solve it."

Zhongyuan Ying kicked a stone away from her feet angrily: "Could they still believe that our strength is not successful?"

"This is where the problem lies."

Before Thunder Dragon could speak, Katyusha, who had always been silent, said: "No matter what method Dr. Zhou uses, there is no way to persuade those guys in the underground city council, so we can only go outside."

"I am afraid that some old men from the defensive sect are in the midst of it."

Shuishu Shenjia intervened at this time: "Although the old guys have seen our record, the fear of the gods still dominates them, so they resolutely do not allow any proposals that might make the gods appear before them."

"Can the situation be resolved by being afraid?"

Hearing this, Li Feng also shook his head helplessly: "I don't care if you are afraid of things like the gods. As long as they have the opportunity, they will not hesitate to attack objects that can be swallowed."

"So this time Aragami invaded this underground power station."

Leilong waited until Li Feng finished speaking before accepting the stubborn words: "According to the information captured by the surveillance video, it seems that a certain cocoon girl fell into the sky and accidentally dug into the power station while moving forward. Then the huge heat will increase. The Arakawa who likes to be hot..."

"I probably understand."

After listening to the description of Thunder Dragon, Li Feng gradually outlined the general situation of the incident: “Because one of the female cocoons fell into the sky and dug a channel, and then the heat attracted more female cocoons fell into the sky and was attracted by the heat. More access to the power station."

"Yes, and this is not the most terrible!" Extraordinary Novel www.ffxss.com

Thunder Dragon opened the defensive wall of the gods in front of him, sighed, and said, "As the tunnels where the female cocoons fall from the sky more and more, some of the gods with larger bodies also widened the tunnels and entered the power station."

"Isn't it said that there are about thirty or forty cocoon girls falling to heaven?"

Nakahara Sakura carefully recalled the pre-war mission briefing and asked, "It seems that there is still Ge Bo Luo who has evolved after entering?"


As if deliberately showing off her memory, Mizuki Shenjia glanced at Nakahara Sakura with a triumphant look: "There are a total of three Ge Boluo who have evolved into fire attributes and are active in the power station at this time."

"It doesn't matter how many."

Hearing that the only opponents who fell into the sky and Ge Boluo fell into the sky, Li Feng raised the corner of his mouth: "If it is this kind of stuff, it can be solved easily."

While walking and chatting, the group finally passed through a long and dark passage to the underground where the geothermal power station is located.

After passing the last barren god defensive wall, everything in front of them made Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying couldn't help but exclaim.

Unexpectedly, in the underground of this snow-capped mountain, there is a huge cave as big as several football fields!

In the center of this cave, there is a huge pool of magma that is constantly rolling and bubbling.

And outside the magma pool is a vast area with exposed rocks.

Although most of the places are still in a relatively primitive state, the artificially flattened ground surface and the deliberately broken stalagmites on the ceiling make it obvious at a glance that there are a lot of artificial excavations.

After taking a rough look at the environment in the cave, Li Feng and the others noticed that they were at the top of a huge slope close to the ceiling.

Looking over the magma pool, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura noticed that there is a huge disk made up of countless pipes at a height of about forty centimeters from the magma.

Judging from the reddish color of the disk, those pipes should be geothermal pipes that collect magma heat and then conduct it to the power station for power generation.

"The power station is behind that."

After gently pulling Li Feng and the others into a hidden place on the slope, Thunder Dragon pointed to the barren god defensive wall where all the pipes converged and said, "That is the entrance to one of the passages leading to the underground city."

"That's it."

After hiding in a hidden place and roughly observing the entire cave, Li Feng's eyes immediately focused on the three Geboluo who were active by the magma pool and fell to the sky: "This extremely hot environment is indeed suitable for this kind of fire-attributed wild god activity. but...."

Before he finished speaking, Li Feng noticed that the cocoon girls scattered around the magma pool had fallen to heaven.

"It seems that they have no plans to attack those channels for the time being."

After carefully observing the desolate gods, Mizuki Shenjia frowned: "From this perspective, as long as the desolate gods do not attack the defense walls of the three passages, we can ignore them completely, right?"

"The problem is not the defensive walls, but the geothermal pipes."

Zhongyuan Ying shook her head, her sight did not leave Ge Bo Luo for a moment and fell to the sky: "Although the geothermal pipe can withstand a certain degree of attack by the gods, there are limits. If the gods attack the geothermal pipes, it will be very troublesome."

"Not only the geothermal pipe, but also the temperature."

Dongshan Katyusha used a small terminal to constantly monitor the temperature in the cave: "Look, everyone, just now, the temperature here dropped by one degree."

"Sure enough, it absorbs heat."

After glancing at the numbers displayed on the terminal in Katyusha Dongshan’s hand, Li's face revealed a worried look: "The wild gods of the fire attribute have the habit of absorbing heat and storing them in the body. If they are allowed to stay here, I am afraid it will not be long here. It can't generate electricity."

"What are you waiting for!"

Zhongyuan Sakura abruptly stood up and moved her shoulders: "Go straight down and kill these wild gods, isn't it white?"

"Calm down, Zhongyuan."

Lei Long glanced at the terminal, then looked at the wild gods: "These wild gods are numerous, and if they rush down rashly, it may be dangerous. Li Feng, what do you think?"

After stopping the impulse of Zhongyuan Ying, Leilong asked Li Feng for his opinion.

"Brother Thunder Dragon, are you making a mistake?"

Li Feng laughed uncharacteristically, and said in a relaxed tone: "The captain is you and not me. You should make the decision instead of me, right?"

Speaking of this, Li Feng put a smile away and showed a serious expression: "My opinion is the same as that of Sakura. I just rush down to clean up, and then blow up their entrance."

"This is too savage, right?"

After hearing this fighting method, Rhine shook his head repeatedly: "Can't there be a better way?"

"Fortunately, it is spacious enough here."

The corner of Li Feng's right mouth lifted upwards, showing a triumphant look: "As long as the gods are drawn away from the geothermal pipes, and as long as possible to ensure that they will not attack the geothermal pipes, we will basically let us fight."


From the expressions of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, Leilong could see that they were not joking. He turned to consult other people: "What do you think?"

"Li Feng is right."

Although the time spent getting along is not very long, but because he usually cares about Li Feng’s every move, Mizuki Shenjia immediately saw his thoughts from Li Feng’s expression: "I also think that I will directly rush to beat the wild gods. The most suitable meal!"

"I have no objection to such rough behavior."

Rhein poses as a Form 2 and plays with his blond hair with his left index finger: "As a knight, it is understandable to be rude sometimes."

"I... I have no objection."

As Dongshan Katyusha put away the terminal, she raised her hand and said, "Anyway...they are going to attack them. It might be better to just rush down."

Faced with the same opinions given by the five people, Thunder Dragon showed an unhappy look.

After careful consideration, Lei Long sighed: "Li Feng, I know what you and Zhongyuan are making."

"If you know, don't say it."

Li Feng smiled and stared straight into Thunder Dragon's eyes: "Captain, it's time for you to play."

"I see, let me observe."

Thunder Dragon shook his head helplessly, then stood up and carefully observed everything in the cave: "Well...if that's the case..."

While whispering softly, Thunder Dragon's eyes kept scanning the entire cave.

After a while, Thunder Dragon squatted down again: "Well, my idea is probably like this....."

"Do you have any other ideas?"

After talking about his own ideas, Thunder Dragon once again solicited everyone's opinions: "If you have any, please say it."

"Just do what you say."

Not only did Li Feng not say his own opinion, but instead took the magic machine and took Zhongyuan Ying's hand and started to follow the passage under their feet to another position: "Captain, I will faithfully follow your instructions, unless... ."

Speaking of this, Li Feng stopped and turned his head to smirk: "Unless your instructions are wrong in my opinion!"

After dropping these words, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying went straight to the position that Thunder Dragon said.

"Everyone, let's split up."

After shook his head helplessly at the backs of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, Thunder Dragon said to the others: "Action! Wait for my signal!"