I actually became a god eater

Chapter 231-The Fourth Stage

You can search for the latest chapters by searching "I actually became a God Eater Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu!"Zhu Huai?"

Hearing this familiar name, Li Feng was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Shuishu, how does this desolate god use the name of an ancient monster? What power does it have?"

"It is so powerful that it cannot be stopped."

Now that Li Feng asked, Shenjia Shuishu gritted her teeth and said what she knew: "Although it uses a certain degree of ice-attribute oracle bullets and ice cones to attack, it uses its own powerful body more. Fight with the giant horns."

"Are you just a strong fool?"

After listening to Shui Shu Shenjia's general description, Li Feng showed a disapproving expression: "What is the speed? Does it have any other abilities?"

"I do not know."

After Li Feng continued to ask questions, Shui Shu Shenjia shook her head with a pained expression: "The Heilongjiang branch was captured in just forty minutes, and it did not use its full strength to fight us at the time."

After saying this, Mizuki Shenjia moved her gaze to the snowfield in front of her. She clenched her hands involuntarily, and her body began to tremble slightly. In addition to an angry look on her face, she also had a look of fear. Emerged.

"Li Feng, it's useless to ask Water Tree."

After noticing Mizuki Shenjia’s expressions and actions, Thunder Dragon hurriedly stopped Li Feng, who was going to ask further questions: “It’s also on the terminal that Mizuki knows this guy. The survivors with her came to the Frost Winter branch. It happened years ago."

"No, Brother Thunder Dragon. I have seen Zhu Huai with my own eyes."

However, as soon as Leilong helped her out, Shenjia Shuishu raised her head and looked at Li Feng: "It broke through the defensive wall and led the Desolate God Group into the Heilongjiang branch. I will never forget it!"

When she said this, in addition to fear and anger, there was a trace of sadness in the beautiful eyes of Shuishu Shenjia.

Seeing Mizuki Shenjia, who is always heartless and joking and joking, showed a sad look. For a while, everyone didn't know what to say.

"Because my brother was eaten by this bastard!"

In the end, it was Mizuki Shenjia’s crying voice that broke the silence: "My brother was the God Eater of the Heilongjiang branch at that time. After Zhu Huai broke through the defensive wall, I saw him on the plane by this thing. Swallow it!"

After telling the story, two rows of crystal tears flowed from Mizuki Shenjia's fluorescent eyes.

"Isn't that just right?"

The corner of Li Feng's mouth raised, and his gaze moved to Zhu Huai who was dimly in the snow and said, "It seems that it is God's will to see this beast here!"

Seeing Li Feng's attitude and hearing his words, Shui Shu Shenjia, whose face was slippery with tears, widened her eyes in surprise.

"What do you mean!"

Before the others reacted, Katyusha Dongshan, who has the best relationship with Mizuki Shenjia, asked in an angry tone: "What is just right? What do you want to say?"

"Is not it?"

Facing Dongshan Katyusha’s questioning, Li Feng kept his triumphant smile: “Originally, it took Mizuki to find this guy for revenge. It took some effort. Now it’s good, this idiot has delivered it himself. Isn’t that a good thing? ?"


After listening to Li Feng’s explanation, Dongshan Katyusha completely understood what Li Feng meant, but she still widened her eyes and asked, “Can’t it be you...”

"This was originally our mission, right?"

Before Dongshan Katyusha finished speaking, Li Feng stood up from the snowy ground and lifted up the magic machine: "Since we are going to crusade this idiot, it's not a violation of the order to help Shuishu's brother with revenge?"

"That's right, anyway, helping Shuishu get revenge is also a good way."

Without waiting for others to speak, Zhongyuan Sakura also stood up and picked up the magic machine inserted in the snow: "Anyway, this shit Zhuhuai must die today, so that Mizuki can avenge his brother, and it can be regarded as dead."

"I agree with the princess and comrades."

The others hadn't expressed their opinions. Rhein, who had already been filled with righteous indignation, walked to the side of the water tree god Jia: "The hatred must be avenged! These dark relatives must pay the price for what they did!"

Although Thunder Dragon and Dongshan Katyusha didn't speak, they could see that they had the same attitude when they silently picked up the magic machine and walked to the side of Shuishu Shenjia.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

Seeing the friends standing by and supporting her, Mizuki Shenjia finally stopped tears flowing again: "I... I don't know what to say except thank you."

"Then needless to say, just stay in my heart."

Li Feng patted Shuishu Shenjia on the shoulder, and then observed the movements of the Desolate Gods again: "We all know what you want to say. But now, it's not the time. We still have a task!"

Listening to what Li Feng said, everyone's eyes were focused on the direction of the Wild God Group that was slowly dispersing.

About thirty minutes later, the area where nearly a hundred wild gods once gathered was only left with the huge arms and several diamonds falling into the sky.

Although the gods below have basically all gone to the Frost Winter branch, Li Feng has never allowed to attack.

After waiting for a while, after knowing through communication that the defensive wall had begun to fight with the gods, Li Feng led everyone to use the snow and terrain as a cover to approach Zhuhuai.

About ten minutes later, even after the wind and snow, everyone could see the purple-gray skin, sharp and thick horns on Zhu Huai's body, the limbs with sharp claws, and the short tail that kept swaying.

"Wait for Sakura, me and Captain Thunder Dragon to contain Zhu Huai."

After stopping again, Li Feng made allocations for the battle: "There are still four King Kong falling from the sky beside Zhu Huai, and the number is not large. It will be handed over to Shuishu, Dongshan, and Rhine. No problem?"

"no problem."

Because Li Feng is allocated according to the usual battle, everyone has no opinion: "But it will take a little time to clean up the four King Kong falling into the sky."

"We can only do our best to contain it."

After approaching, Li Feng realized that Zhu Huai was actually bigger than Venus. He watched Zhu Huai and said, "How long will it take you? I guess."

"Ten minutes at most."

After silently glanced at the King Kong scattered beside Zhu Huai after he fell to heaven, Mizuki Shenjia frowned: "If Zhu Huai doesn't get in the way, it may be over in five to seven minutes."

"Captain Thunder Dragon, are you sure?"

After nodding towards Shuishu Shenjia slightly, Li Feng looked at Thunder Dragon again: "The three of us will temporarily contain Zhu Huai for ten minutes."

"With you and Zhongyuan, what's not sure about?"

Unlike the serious Li Feng, Thunder Dragon smiled relaxedly: "Although I have never fought against this kind of guy, as long as the two of you don't run away, I should be fine."

"That's good."

Li Feng switched the divine machine in his hand to a remote form, and then waved to everyone: "Everyone, start acting!"

Following Li Feng's order, the group of six people immediately divided into two three-person teams and quickly ran towards Zhuhuai and King Kong, who were facing away from them, from two directions.Fate book www.yyshu8.com

Perhaps it was because of the loud running noise, King Kong, who had a very sensitive hearing, immediately noticed the footsteps coming from behind.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the few King Kong fell into the sky and immediately turned to look in the direction of the sound.

But before they could see clearly, they only heard a few consecutive explosions, and a thick cloud of smoke obscured their sight.

Simultaneously with the smoke, there was also a gunshot and oracle shells fired at them.


After being attacked, the few King Kong fell into the sky with roars and rushed towards the Shuishu Shenjia who could see clearly.

King Kong Falling to the Sky just ran towards Shuishu Shenjia and the others, staring at Zhuhuai in the distance, then turned his head and looked in the same direction with those red eyes.

"Hey, your opponent is me! Zhu Huai!"

As soon as Zhu Huai turned his head, he heard Thunder Dragon's voice from the other side: "Idiot, look here!"

When Thunder Dragon shouted, an oracle bullet accurately hit its head.


Although the smoke from the explosion of the oracle bomb was mixed with the wind and snow that made people unable to see the situation, the heavy breathing from the smoke and the flashing red eyes could tell that the gun had an impact on all the people. It's not an issue at all!

"Be careful!"

Just when Zhu Huai turned his head to look at Thunder Dragon, Li Feng's voice came from his ear: "Captain Thunder Dragon, move quickly! This guy may be attacking!"

Hearing Li Feng's reminder, Thunder Dragon, who had successfully attracted Zhu Huai's attention, hurriedly got up and stared at Zhu Huai who was slowly turning around.

Sure enough, after a roar, Zhu Huai who turned around suddenly rushed towards Thunder Dragon like a giant tank.

While sprinting, Zhu Huai lowered his head and pointed the two big horns forward.

Fortunately, Thunder Dragon was already prepared. Before Zhu Huai rushed forward, he quickly avoided Zhu Huai's collision with a triple step.

As Zhu Huai ran past, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying, who had been hidden in the smoke, hurriedly shot Zhu Huai's butt.

Although these shots and shells were accurately hit on Zhu Huai's big ass, for Zhu Huai who was huge, it was nothing more than a tickle attack.

Let go of the three of them, Li Feng, who is holding Zhuhuai down.

Above the defensive wall, a large number of ordinary soldiers are using various weapons with the help of the transport team to launch a fierce attack on the Aragami who has attacked under the defensive wall.

Different from ordinary soldiers, those god-eaters who still have combat effectiveness, with the cover of defensive walls and ordinary soldiers, go around behind the desert god group and are rapidly reducing the number of desert gods.

"It seems that the defense wall is not a big problem."

Looking at the wild gods who only fell outside the defensive wall, Minister Liu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and moved his eyes to the huge figure that kept running in the distance: "I don't know how they are."

"The snow is going to stop."

Just when Minister Liu Zhi was worried about Li Feng and the others, Dr. Zhou, who had been looking up at the sky, suddenly said: "Although the vision will become better after the snow stops, on the other hand, the attack of the gods will become more fierce. ."

Although Dr. Zhou kept looking at the sky, he seemed to be talking to himself.

But in fact, everyone around him knew that what he said was for everyone present.

Looking at the snow gradually getting smaller, Minister Liu Zhi's eyes became complicated again.

On the other hand, because Zhu Huai was drawn away by Li Feng and the others, the three of Shuishu Shenjia and the others were able to wipe out the four diamonds that were drawn into the sky.

If placed before, the four King Kong falling from the sky would be enough to clean up all three of them.

Even if the three of them could barely save their lives, it was enough for them to drink a pot.

However, after a period of training, the four King Kong fell to the sky, such low-level wild gods, really did not pose any threat to them.

In less than five minutes, they all resolved the King Kong Falling to Heaven and joined the battle against Zhu Huai.

Just when the six people finally arrived at the same time and started to attack each other, the heavy snow that had been continuously stopped since just now, and the visibility gradually improved.

When the snowflakes stopped flying completely, Zhu Huai's true posture came into Li Feng's eyes.

Although roughly the same as what they had seen before, Zhuhuai's huge and fierce face, the mouth full of blood basins with fangs, red eyes and the patterns of wild gods on his body all made everyone a little bit afraid.

"It doesn't matter if this dog looks ugly, and has a fierce face."

After seeing Zhu Huai's appearance clearly, taking advantage of the gap in the battle, Li Feng couldn't help but ridicule: "This big mouth comes over in one mouth, I'm afraid we are not enough to plug it between our teeth?"

"It's not enough to stuff your teeth, I guess I'm dissatisfied with a bite."

When Li Feng started to ridicule, Zhongyuan Ying smiled and said, "But compared to its big mouth, I think its horns are more dangerous, right? If it hits the body, our body will be split in two!"

Listening to the ridicule of the two, the other four people who had been forced into a hard fight by the huge and fast arms opened their eyes.

It was at this time that they noticed that Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying were different from them.

Faced with Zhu Huai's collision, claw attack or even bite attack, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Sakura flashed easily with ease.

Although every time it was a dodge, and a few times it was almost hit, but it was true that the two of them dodged every attack unharmed.

Not only dodge, but also the timing and gap of counterattack, both of them have almost perfect control!

This series of actions makes it impossible to see that the two are facing Zhuhuai for the first time, just like veterans who have fought Zhuhuai several times.

When everyone was strange, Li Feng's voice came over through the communication: "Don't be dazed, continue to attack. This guy's oracle cells are still abundant, and we won't be able to solve it for a while!"

Hearing Li Feng's reminder, the other people who were a little startled just shook their heads and joined the battle again.

But as the fighting continued, the actions of Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying changed again.

Before that, the two of them only took a small dodge to avoid Zhu Huai's attack.

But as Zhuhuai's attack frequency became higher and faster, the dodge of the two began to increase, and the attack frequency also decreased.

The only thing that doesn't change is that the easy smiles still hung on their faces.

After fighting with Zhuhuai for a long time, with Zhuhuai's roar, Li Feng and Zhongyuan Ying quickly separated from Zhuhuai.

"Attention everyone, this guy is going to do his best!"

As soon as he stood firm, Li Feng shouted to the others: "The next battle may not be so easy, everyone must be careful!"