I actually became a god eater

Chapter 279 Mechanical Legion

You can search in Baidu "" I actually became the latest chapter! "

After about seven hours in the underground passage, Li Feng will continue to travel with everyone.

Didn't go, the underground passage is suddenly widened, and a heavy protective door has appeared.

"Feng Ge, or do we go here?"

After seeing the guard door, Tang Yu stopped to point to the door: "Although it will go to the exit, I feel that I will compare this side."

"Keep going."

Tang Yu said yet, Li Feng shook his head and pointed to the channel: "There are things in this, and the southern domain division is good, there is no level that can be accepted. It is better to be used as not seen. "

I heard Li Feng said this, Luke's heart is full of doubts.

Indeed, change is the previous Li Feng, he will definitely want to open this door to see it.

Regardless of the outcome, Li Feng will want to see something behind this door.

However, this time, Li Feng has exposed a favorite look, and it is not intended to open this door.

"Seal, don't you care?"

When Li Feng stared at the protective door, the Zhongyuan cherry is careful to ask him: "Do you really don't want to know what this is?"

"Think, I am still thinking."

Looking up at the hidden shadow troops on the guard door, Li Feng has strongly enjoys curiosity in his heart: "But can we really accept it? Everything is hidden behind this door."

When it comes, Li Feng took out the stack of letters that had just been dried by him.

"These letters have just seen a lot."

Li Feng hooks the letter in his hand, then recovered back to your pocket: "Although the content recorded in these letters is a meaningless two, but let me know something that should not know."

"Don't know what?"

Upon hearing this word, Lu Xi and Tang Yu immediately surrounded by Li Feng: "What do you wrote?"

"For example, the support minister knows Erica."

After hesitating, Li Feng bite his teeth and said with a low voice: "It can even be said not only to know, they still have a couple in love."

I heard that the Minister of the Minister actually and the Ai Ruka's female head is a lover. Central Plains cherry they expose a surprised look, obviously can't believe it at all.

"This is one of the reasons why Qinli can easily mix into the South Division."

After the embarrassment of the difficult expression, Li Feng once again opened: "Because the southern part of the branch is based at the help of Erika! Many of the South Division is clearly clear!"

"Why didn't the minister do not block the vulnerabilities you know about Ai Ruka?"

After Li Feng said this fact, Zhongyuan Sakura called: "If it is blocked, Ai Ruka wants to be mixed into the southern domain."

"I am afraid it is because these vulnerabilities are not known."

Things have not figured out that Li Han obviously does not want to depict the branch heads into hidden internal respiration: "From the content of letters, I Ruika sent the most primitive design map of the South Division to the support, and then the minister followed Design graph construction. "

"Hey, this is troublesome."

After listening to Li Feng's story, Zhongyuan Sakura bite his feet: "If the vulnerability designed by Ai Ruka is more delicate, then the minister in the process of construction is not an impossible thing."

"Not to mention that Erica has also been one of the Finrier researchers."

It is quite uncomfortable to the fact that Li Ling is very uncomfortable: "What is the original security measures of Finlier, Erica should be very clear. This is why Qin is always able to make it unsolved into the south One of the reasons for the division. "

"Then we have to hurry as soon as possible!"

After listening to Li Feng, Tang Yu is anxious to jump: "If this is true, we must catch up with Erika to further go back to the South Division to let this matter."

"Not only is it necessary to catch back as soon as possible, and we can't announce these things so quickly."

Li Yan smiled and turned to go to the channel: "These things may trigger the storm of the South Division. Before determining the security of the division, we may not directly put this one directly."

Listening to Li Feng said so, even the Central Plains cherry can't help but sigh the caution of Li Feng.

Indeed, if one goes back, the relationship between the support of the support and the Ai Ruka is indeed difficult.

But now the South Division is still under the environment that is threatened by Ai Ruka.

At this time, this kind of thing will be announced, and the security of the Minister will definitely decline in the segment.

With the decline of prestige, the minister's probability will be against his people deprive power.

If this time these opposition, there is an internal response of Ai Ruka, then what will be faced by the southern part of the Minister?

But this is not the most terrible for the South Division.

The most terrible thing, I am afraid it is the identity of the minister.

It is assumed that the branch is really coming now, and once his status is exposed, he will make a crazy move no one know!

When I think of this, the Central Plains cherry is cool in their hearts. I don't know what to say.

Li Han is like a careful thinking of what is generally in front of the team, and there is no way.

After a good road in the darkness of silence, a green spot in the front of about 100 meters in front of a dark tunnel.

"Everyone hides!"

After seeing that the spot, Li Feng hurriedly waved his hand and flashed against the tunnel wall: "I found the light source! Everyone is careful!"

I heard Li Feng's warning, everyone quickly slammed him into the tunnel.

"Is Carlo, do you see clear?"

After careful and laborious look after a little, Li Feng was smashing the sound asked: "I vaguely look at that thing seems to be small, but I can't see it."

"It seems to be an individual."

Unlike Li Feng, these people who laid into the god cells were different. As a ridiculous place, I was still good in this almost no light. "But he seems to wearing a piece of steel manufacturing, it is not clear."

"Is there a weapon in him?"

I heard that the clothes made of steel, Li Fengxin has a bottom, he wants to ask questions after a moment: "For example, a gun or other weapon, is he hold?"

"I can't see it, he is back to us."

After a while, I was chopped after a while, I shook my head: "The light came from the light behind him. And ..."

"And what?"

Seeing that I'm showing a difficult look, Li Han couldn't help but ask questions: "What did you see?"

"It seems not to be alone."

After observing the last one, I reached out of the hand in the Yuan Dynasty and said: "There, here, there is still there, you can get at least two thirty people gather together."

"How can there be so much?"

Seeing the soldiers who were in the distance of the bones in the distance, Li Han couldn't help but surprised: "They are still alive?"

"I don't know, I can't see it."

Shake his head in the disappointment of Carlo: "They were wrapped by those steel clothes, I couldn't see their long phase."

"Take a look at it."

After slightly, Li Feng cat continues before: "Everyone is careful! If there is light, there is still an energy. If they have weapons, it is troublesome."

"They are only afraid to die,?"

When I followed Li Feng, Zhongyuan Sakai quickly came to Li Feng and asked: "Even if there is still energy, there should be no threats."

"You forgot the robot I encountered in the Frost Division?"

For Central Plains Sakura, Li Han has different views: "I have been checked in the underground storage library of Grenada's body before I found out the bones."

"After checking it?"

Obviously, the Central Plains cherry failed to contact the relationship between the two, she widened his eyes: "What is the relationship with that robot?"

"The two should have common technology."

Li Feng looked back at the Central Plains, then the line of sight moved to the direction of the spot: "If I have not guess, this outer bone can also have a certain degree of combat in the case without operators. "

"No way?"

After listening to Li Feng, Lu Ji is surprised: "What do you mean, now in front of it is like a robot like a robot?"

"Well, there is this possibility."

Li Fengmai nodded and slowed down: "We are already close, everyone will slow down."

The slowing speed is approaching, until it is about two or 30 meters from the spot, Li Feng makes everyone stop.

After stopping your footsteps, Li Feng thought about taking a donkey from the waist, but did not unplug the boost.

After hesitating, Li Feng's hand draws an arc, and the domerpen was thrown near the highlights close.

" ... ..."

The voice of the coma grenade fell to the ground, and it was so harsh, and it was very far away in a dark tunnel ...

It is almost at the same time in the sound, and that highlights suddenly moved, and the two glares also lit up on the other side of the highlight.

The running sound of a burst of machine is rotated, and countless strong light also sounds in the vicinity of the highlight as the sound.

That is, these strong lights lit up, Li Feng, they finally appreciate the rough to these outer bones.

It turns out that these outer skeletons are not the kind of the kind before Li Han, but the appearance looks more like thick astronauts, and there is another outer skeleton with transparent glass helmets.

And that lights up, it is an indicator light behind the outer skeleton. The two strong light is the light from the light-emitting flashlight of the outer skeleton helmet.

As the strong light lit up, those skulls originally rushed to the ground stood up and took the weapons next to the body, and did not stop the ground with the electric cartridge on the helmet, and it seems to be looking for something just asked.

"Rely, it can be operated without operators."

Seeing those outside skeletons, they still took a boot rifle. Li Han couldn't help but whispered: "Hey! There are these things to block the way, I am afraid it is not easy."

"Will they know you?"

When Li Feng Si went around these outside skeleton, Zhongyuan Sakura was asked to him: "Do you remember? Those Ai has your data, did you know you? "

"Rely, have you not seen them all of them?"

Although Li Han also feels that the AI ​​of these outer skeleton may know himself, but see the weapons in their hands, Li Feng still played the drum: "If they don't know me, I am still going to have it."

Haven't finished it, it seems to be aware of the words of the two people, and those outside skeletons have turned to everyone hiding.

Because there is no place near this, Li Feng is shining by strong light on the spot.

And the strong light of this suddenly played on the face also made it adapted to the dark people raised their hands before the face.

"Discover invaders!"

I don't wait for Li Feng to make any reaction, and those outer skeletons have sent a voice: "Confirm the invader handhelves, perform C-level handling programs."

After this speech came, those outer skeleton raised the weapons in their hands and began to come to Li.

"Don't move!"

Although the eyes are invisible, but heard the sound of the outer skeleton, Li Feng hurriedly stopped intended to have actions: "When they walked! As long as you don't make an attack, they will not start attack. ! "

After listening to Li Feng's shout, I originally wanted to attack the action in his hand, and squatted in Li. After Li Zhi, quietly waited for those skulls approaching.

Things really have the same as Li Han, although he holds a weapon and pointed to everyone, but has been surrounded by everyone, the outer bones do not have the trigger on the hand.

"Please indicate the identity."

After giving everyone, an outer skeleton came out of the team to say: "Please keep the movement slow, don't make anything excited."

"I am the captain of the ghost wolf squad leader Li Feng."

Although there is Tang Yu, Li Feng has some scruples, but in the face of the outer skeleton Ai, Li Feng, who has lived in the torch, and Li Feng have only temporarily put down the scruples, let go of the hand of the god, slow down: "Which force you belong?"

However, the outer skeleton did not answer the problem of Li Feng, but it was slowly close to Li Feng.

As the outer skeleton is close, the two glare have become soft, and the black glass helmet has a small convex, but suddenly the red rays.

"Please look here."

Until the Li Han, the outlet of the outer skeleton refers to the position of the red light, and the direct instructions will be decided to Li Feng: "I need to test your identity."

I heard the indication, Li Feng will put down the hand before the face, and the eyes look directly at the position that issues red light.

"Authentication is completed."

After Li Han looked at the red light, the outer skeleton made a sound: "Confirm that Li Feng on the school."

As this sound rang, those AI skeletons that were originally waiting for, they will refer to the muzzle of Li Feng.

"They are my companions."

Although the muzzle did not point to himself, Li Han noticed that the outer skeleton was still for others, he hurriedly explained: "They are not enemies."


After listening to Li Feng, after this explanation, the head skeleton suddenly raised his left hand: "Confirm that the same walker is the companion of Li Feng," "

After the indication of the head skeleton, the other outer skeletons have put down the weapons in their hands into the state of Li Han salute.

"Wow, this is really enough science!"

After the other skeletons were put down the weapon, Luke was standing up and looked at the skeleton around him: "I didn't expect that our country can develop such a magical thing when our country can develop such a magical thing!"

"I am afraid that there is also a more incredible thing."

Li Feng turned his head Charter Lu Xi smiled and said: "You should be glad to let these guys will let these guys put down the weapons. Otherwise, we are now estimated to be sieved!"