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"Nine World Return? Wan Ming? Lin Xi

After listening to the story of this Lin Xi son, he said, the meaning of the justish reincarnation, he can understand that it should be that the Zhu Tianlou is the main material to retreat to nine times.

However, don't you do anything? Although I don't know what the maple is experiencing, but I still can't understand. Since the maple is sick, why is it still dead?

At the beginning, those paradise contractors were crazy, but let's memorize, struggle in crazy, pursue death, death, and die for those paradise contractors.

"I remember, the maple said and I said, his nine, experienced a lot, when the emperor, Jun is in the world, when you have a businessman, rich enemy country."

"It's also awkward, lonely, and I have suffered, become the strongest in the world, I have encountered a lot of red and known, every world's ending, all of him sleeping alone, then, awake."

"If you understand, the maple is just a general person before becoming the traveler, the will is not firm, so it can't stand the loneliness of the world."

Lin Xi leaned against the chair, looked at the front of the eyes, said, the speech, he didn't compare the maple, but he couldn't look down on the maple.

What is the nine-day reincarnation? If Feng can have powerful strength, will it turn round back? Another look at the people around you?

Therefore, only power is the pursuit of his life. For all, Lin Xi will not be too care of those children's feelings, feelings, will only drag him.

"It turned out to be like this? However, the will of the Tiantianlou Food is really fragile."

Which of the Lin Xubi in front of him, solemnly said, although he is still less than seven years old, but his eyes, but the same age people are far super.

Perhaps these trails are also some poor people, leaving hometown to other worlds. If it is strong, naturally, it can be a strong, if it is not firm, naturally it will not be able to adapt to those worlds.

"Which, you can't see it, you are hidden, even if you know the trail, since you want to wait in your world, then if there is anything big event in the eternal temple, I will inform you."

"Ordinary words, you will stay in your world."

Lin Xi looked at the eyes, and the eyes flashed a thinking, so he said, he reacted, and he was not surprising to cross the things.

It looks like this, which is far more powerful than he speculated. However, he did not kill the idea. His companion is powerful. For him, it is a good thing for the eternal temple. .

If you encounter a companion who does not think in progress, mix, I am afraid, Lin Xi will directly expel the companion to the Eternal Hall, no, he can't give the soul to the Yongsheng Temple.

"Lin Xubi, you also said, the Tiantian Wanjie, very vast, if I am just a prescription, I am afraid, I have already fallen."

After listening to the words of the Linkon in front of him, smiled and said, anyway, chatting with the hall, he won't tell anything.

Moreover, he has a secret, and the Linkon in front of him may not be secret? How can it be so gentle if he saw? What really don't think about the terrorism of Lin Xi?

The killing, but it is far from him. It is more than the spirit of this Lin Xi's hands. It can be much more than him, which is more than the murderous power, how can it be so gentle?

"Which, these are small things, no need to care, anyway, I just know, we are companions, that is enough, right, waiting for you to mix into the sky, I have to remember."

"Those traversers, habit of calling the son of the air transport, because, in those trails, they are only the world's passengers."

"And those gods are indigenous, they will not treat those indigenous as the same kind, they are used to watching those indigenous killing, this is the traveler."

Lin Xi looked at the eyes, flashing a smile, arbitrarily said, anyway, which is his companion, the stronger the strength, the more you happy.

Moreover, those trails generally call the monk of air transport, and Lin Xi worry about the habit of crossing the traces, and inadvertently dismantled the disguise by those trails, I deliberately reminded a few words.

"The protagonist? Both is a life, why do you feel that you are high?"

After listening to the words of the Linkon in front of him, the curious asked, he was the first time I heard another title of the gas transport.

However, those who have encountered, seems to have some perseverance such as anthrapes, is it like this? Which is very curious, those confident that traversers come, come from?

"Hone other words, I don't know, maybe because those trails can travel freely, so I feel that I am tall."

After the inquiry of Lin Xi, the eyes flashed a thinking, she said casually, although he was also traveler, but he never had a high confidence.

He only knows that for those strong, he is just a slight anti, so he is eager to force strength and eager to become a strong.

Just then, in the Yongsheng Temple, a light flashed, Black Dragon Heaven handed a wish dragon bead, and a smile appeared in the Yongsheng Temple, it is related to the resurrection of Bailong, he naturally wasts time.

When he did not sacrifice the old gods who were imprisoned by him, and then, Bai Long, finally woke up, he completed his original commitment.

Therefore, he can't wait to want to give a wishing dragon bead, then, wait for him to solve those life, smash the so-called predict, he will take Bailong to other world travel.

Bailong slept for so long, definitely very curious outside world, what is it like, as for the god? Leave it in his world, anyway, he will solve all hidden dangers before leaving.

"Black Dragon Tianson, that white dragon, resurrected?"

He saw that Black Dragon appeared in the Yongsheng Temple, it seems that the mood is very good, curious asking, looking like, this Black Dragon Tianson successfully resurrected the white dragon.

Otherwise, this Black Dragon Tianshi will not be so happy. In this case, then his blood spearing, it's time, but, the more critical, the more you don't dare.

The Black Dragon Tianshi is a sixth-order strong, and he is just a small third-order peak. In case, the Black Dragon Tianson is going to Bunder, then he is going to prepare it.

Yes, it is the same, where to listen to the scenery, the six-order magic thing, the sixth-order magic is directly suppressed to the scenery and Sun Wukong.

All the means of the scenery and Sun Wukong have no effect. If it is not the sixth-order magic, the horror of the master, I am afraid, that time, his two friends will fall in the world where Luo Chen is located.

So, I can't confident, there is a owl of the group, he can have no taboos. If this Black Dragon Tianson suddenly shot, he can only take advantage of the name of the group of the group.

Moreover, at this moment, the group of the owner is sleeping in chaos, and I don't know, I don't know, I am saddened, and the group owner will not shoot him. Therefore, he must be prepared to be prepared.

Lin Xi looked at the black dragon in front of him, and there was a little happiness. He also solved it, he was very happy.

This shows that the wishing dragon beads can really resurrect the white dragon, then, maybe there is a day, he encounters what is dangerous, or you can go to the sky, and use the wish of the dragon to resurrect him.

"Things have ended, which is, Wishing Dragon Ball, and the blood of my promise, also give you."

Black Dragon is looked at the front of him. When the Wishing Longzhu in his hand, the heart is moved, the blood spear directly rushed into which body, he promised the thing, it will be done.

Moreover, if it is not because of which of the dragon beads, he will not resurrect Bai Long so soon, he waited for 100,000 years.

However, all this is worth it. Although the blood speake his weapon, but compared with Bai Long, it is more important than Bai Long, so Black Dragon is not an idea of ​​going.

"Then thank Heilong Tianzi."

I took a wish, I perceived the horrible blood spear in my body, my heart was moved, and the power used the chat group covered the breath of the blood, and said.

Look, this Black Dragon Day does not plan to go to Bundell, then he can also prepare to find the guy of the scene, if the eyes of the scene have not recovered, then he still goes to other group members.

"Wonderful, blood spear power, too strong, so, with your strength at this moment, you can't use blood spears, you can only use part of the blood spear."

"Waiting for your strength, you can easily master blood spears. If you are in danger, the blood spear will protect you."

Black Dragon is looking at the front of you. After the breath of the blood of the blood disappears, the eyes flamed, gentle, look, which is very strange.

The blood spear is his weapon. He naturally knows how strong the strength of the blood spear, and now, the strength is too weak, it is not possible to use blood spears, and use a little bit of power.

However, he has already cut off him and the blood spear. In the future, if the strength is raised to his realm, you can easily refine the blood spear, and if you encounter danger, the blood spear will take the initiative Which is protected.