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So, since this guy wants to help, let him see where this guy's means, and I don't know why, the scenery always feels that this new group of people don't seem to have a special place.

I don't know, just a new group of new groups of ordinary people spend thousands of bones, why can I join the chat group? Is it because his cultivation is too weak, and it is impossible to spend the secret of the new group.

"New group members, first, here is called chat groups, is the strength of all the people who are deeply unpersurveth, and all the souls in the hall are from different worlds."

"What is the world? The world is the world you live, there are many different worlds outside the heavens and the earth you live."

"In the hall of the chat group, the title between the group is the same as group members, the power is called the big man, so you can call me how big, this is the scenery."

"And, you can try to call the chat group panel, there are several features, maybe it will be very helpful to you, there are a lot of things in the chat group shopping mall."

"However, you need to use points to exchange, I see you just an ordinary person, so you can chat in the hall every day, accumulate points."

"And, if you like to watch books, you can use books in the chat group, the price is not expensive, and you can use something you can use."

"Or, you can also collect some Tianwei Di Bao exchange into points, anyway, the more points, the better."

At the eyes of this new group of people, the eyes flashed in the eyes, solemnly said, the new group of people spent a common person.

Therefore, it is not possible to withstand the information of chat group, which requires him to be confused with the scenery, but he is now clever boring, so, he will not mind to help this new group of people.

Moreover, the points are really useful, and there are many good things in the chat group mall, even if the new group of people spend thousands of points to improve the repair.

Just, use points to improve the hidden dangers, it is indeed a bit big, as for those four-order big and five-order big , why not use points to improve, which is also guess.

Those big ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Even if it is him, now the points are enough for him to advance, but he has not chosen to use the points to advance, because, which does not want to have always been a child's look.

"Here is the hall of chat group? There is also a chat group panel? Points? Which is big, and the sky is big."

After spending this big story, I finally wake up, I came to you, and I wiped a curious, and said.

She has always lived in the village. I have never been to those urban pools. How can I understand what the world said, what kind of chat group.

However, spending thousands of bones or the first time and strangers said so many words, so spending thousands of bones, she can tell the words before the eyes of the eyes.

When she is alone, try again, what is the mysterious chat group, and what points, chat group shopping malls, and those books.

"Yes, new group members don't have to worry too much, I have nothing to do with the scenery, you only need to put the chat group as a place to make friends."

When I saw the new group of people, I finally understood the words he said, and said gentle, I said that he would not be so arrogant.

Besides, he and the new group of people are just a leisurely chat, nor does it like to think about what accounts, what conspiracy, no need to worry about this new group of spending bones will not figure out.

At this scene, I looked at this scene, lazy, on the chair, flashing a smile, since this guy wants to chat with the new group of people.

Then he didn't mind, how did this guy gave this new group of people to spend a bone, and he would help the new group of people to spend thousands of people in the chat group. .

For new groups who have not been repaired, I can know those groups of people, but a big opportunity, even if the new group of people have dangerous, I can also come to chat group Hall for help. .

At the scene, I feel that if the new group is really dangerous, he does not need to personally come to the world of new groups, just send several swords to protect this new group of people. There is a thousand bones.

"Which is big, the sky is big, can we make friends? I am a monster, anyone who is close to me, I will encounter danger, I don't want you to be dangerous."

After spending the words of this big words, the eyes flashed a sadness, hesitated a breath, whispered, this thing, she didn't want to hide the big and the sky.

She lives in the village in the village, because she is a monster, her blood, can make the flowers instantly, can also enhance the demon.

Moreover, all people close to her are dangerous. She is an ominous person, and this is just a child.

The scenery is just a few years older than her, and she is still the first time and two strangers say so much, she doesn't want to see the danger of these two big men.

"Monster? How do I feel that you think too much? With your cultivation, even if you are a demon ghost, you can't hurt me one, so I think you seem to be a little."

After listening to the words of this new group of people in front of him, I flash a smile in my eyes, leaning on the chair, said, he didn't brag.

In his perception, this new group of people spent thousands of bones, just a general person, even if the new group of people spend thousands of demon ghosts, I can't hurt him.

Moreover, if the new group of people hide the repair, it is even more impossible, the position of the chat group, can be arranged according to the cultivation of the group.

The new group of people spent the last position of the temple in the bones, and it has been very explained that this new group of spells have the strength, so what monster? It is basically bragging.

Again, even if it is a monster? I don't know how much it is in his hands, and will it be afraid of a general man monster?

"Yes, you seem to have a little too worryable, we don't think so weak."

After listening to the words of this new group of people in front of him, it was helpless, how to say it, an ordinary person said to hurt him in front of him.

It is really a bit helpless, perhaps because this new group of spectacles are not deeply involved in the world, and they have not seen the horror of those strong, so they will be so laugh.

"Which is big, the scenery, I am telling the true, I was born, my mother died, and my blood can make the flowers and grass."

"It will also attract those demon, so people in the village will be used as monsters, I will take me away from the village, I have lived outside the village."

"So, I don't want to be tired."

The flowers of the flowers and the scene of the scene, and the scenery seems to think that she is laughing, the eyes have lost a shot, solemnly.

She is an ominous person, any person who is close to her, will encounter danger, and she is inexplicably comes to this chat group, saying that it will bring dangerous to these people in the Chat Square.

"New group members, you really want more, what is your monster? The top more is some talent, let alone, your blood can make the flowers and grass."

"Is this very powerful? I am gently waved, I can also break a big mountain. If I follow you, isn't I also a monster?"

"Moreover, your blood can attract those demon, you are really talented, if you are afraid of those demon, you can directly destroy those demon."

"You need it, just for strength, when you have strength, these problems will be hit."

After listening to the story of this new group of people in front of him, I sighed, said, what flowers were withered, was this very powerful?

As for those demon, it is even more powerful. In his hand, I don't know how many emperors are contaminated. How can I be afraid?

"Yeah, new group members, you really think more, your blood can make the flowers and crafts, can enhance the demon, not because you are a monster."

"This is just the opposite, because your talent is very powerful, so there will be this special ability, you should not be so timid, wait for you to practice."

"You will find that those demon are not so terrible, how is the demon? Killing those demon can be."

After hearing this new group of people in front of him, he smiled and said, it looked, this new group of spectacular qualifications, it was quite powerful.

Haven't started cultivation, there is such a special ability. After this new group of people spend thousands of bile rows, they will definitely be more than those ordinary practitioners.

"Which is big, the scenery is really like this? I am not a monster? I am just a talent?"

After spending the bones, I heard the words of the scene and the words of the scene, flashing a surprised, surprised, this is the first time someone told her.

She is not a monster. Her blood can make the flowers and herbs, and those demon are all because she is so disaster.

Moreover, she feels that these two big men seem to have not smiled. Is it true because of talented? So will it be like this?