I am a master, I have the final say

I'm a master, I have the final say Chapter 1

Baicheng is a master.As a master, one needs to have kind and beautiful morals, to be willing to help others, to be chivalrous, to serve the country and the people, to be a righteous partner, to be a good person, the most important thing is to be able to help the old lady cross the road... All of the above are not available in Baicheng.

However, he is a master!

① Fantasy World·Time and Space Prison

001 Master, just to be different

"What happens if a person has no negative emotions?"

As we all know, people have seven emotions and six desires. Wisdom is born from the seven emotions and six desires, and they use wisdom to make up for their own weaknesses and avoid weaknesses. Therefore, although humans are not as fast as cheetahs, not as powerful as ants, and not as long as tortoises, and they will not fly in the air like birds. Breathing in the water like a fish, creatures whose individual strength surpasses humans are everywhere in nature, but humans can still sit firmly at the top of the food chain.

However, emotions are also divided into two types, positive and negative, such as anxiety, tension, anger, pain, sadness, fear and other negative emotions. Their existence will not only interfere with the dissemination of people’s wisdom, but also make wrong judgments about things, which will lead to work and life. Many ills, more serious ones, even directly lead to death.

Such as the most typical depression.

Then, if the negative emotions are erased from human thoughts, will humans become stronger as a result?

Obviously, in the eyes of most people, this is a false proposition, because everything is relative to each other. When there is happiness, there is sorrow. When there is anger, there is joy. When there is life, there is death. When there is yin, there is yang and light. It is also because of the existence of darkness that it can bring out its greatness. To remove negative emotions from human thoughts is tantamount to a fantasy.

However, there is no absolute in the world, the world is so big, there will always be one or two strange things occasionally.

Baicheng, there are no negative factors in his emotions.

Baicheng, male, twenty-four years old, is a genius.

Yes, the aura of genius has been with him since he was conscious.Because he does not have negative emotions, he will not give up halfway in doing things, because he does not have negative emotions, and can always actively and calmly find solutions when encountering problems. Because he has no negative emotions, he will never be disturbed by external things and concentrate on Investment.

Therefore, everything he wants to do has never failed, and wherever he is in the examination room, others can only silently compete for second place.

Such a person is perfect, but is it really the case?

Quite the opposite!

Although negative emotions are not conducive to the body's body and mind, its existence also reflects people's desire for a certain spiritual and material pursuit. Because of sadness, they long for joy and because of fear, they long for peace. When a person has no negative emotions, It also means that he has lost the goal that most people pursue.

Over time, even Baicheng's values ​​have been greatly different from ordinary people.

For example, he often does things that are meaningless in the eyes of ordinary people and enjoys them, but what ordinary people desperately desires is abandoned by him, which makes people feel that he should not appear in the real world. Characters in.For most people, his existence is an untimely bomb, which can only bring fear and anxiety.

When he was still a young adult in Baicheng, his parents took him to the best hospital in the city to see the best brain doctors. They didn’t expect their son to be very promising, they only hoped that he could be like an ordinary person. life.

However, the brain doctor with several titles who had returned from studying abroad only said a word.

"Please turn left to the psychiatric department."

Yes, in the eyes of ordinary people, Baicheng is no different from a mental patient.

It's just that a mental patient never thinks he is sick, and Baicheng doesn't think he has any problems. Even if there is a problem, how can he care about others' eyes?He is still doing his own way, as always, as a genius!


"Others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through..."

When the familiar mobile phone music sounded, Bai Cheng was having fun with people on the Internet on the topic of "whether human beings can live forever". He held a positive point of view, while the other side held a negative point of view.Baicheng didn’t say anything. The person on the other side was also an unyielding host. The two of them just discussed this boring topic from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. After a full six hours, the post had already been raised. , The crowds onlookers walked one after another, and no one could persuade anyone, and according to the current trend, it is quite possible that the water will reach night.

At least Baicheng was full of enthusiasm, but was a little worried. The other party didn't eat lunch, so I didn't know if it would be acceptable.

"Others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through..."

The phone’s music keeps ringing, and the screen shows an unfamiliar number. Baicheng didn’t intend to answer it. After all, there is no water sticker for talking on the phone, and this kind of phone is either a liar or a salesman, but the buddies who call are also very persevering. , After automatically hanging up, he called again.

Baicheng thought about it again and again, and finally left the keyboard with his hands and took the phone next to him.

"Hello, is this Mr. Baicheng?" A magnetic voice came from the phone. Just by listening, Baicheng could make up for the gentleman's grace of the other party.

"I don't seem to know you." Baicheng replied.

"I have read your post, very insightful."

"Which post?"

"As for the one you are talking about now, I have the same opinion as you. It is possible for human beings to live forever."

"Oh, what then?" Baicheng didn't have any extra good feelings about this life because of this. There were more people who agreed with him. Although most of them are people who eat melons, they are not bad.

"Uh, don't you want to prove this possibility?"

"Pull it down." Baicheng sneered, "Although I did say so, but I also said that it is only a theoretical possibility. If the human body's regeneration system can reach a permanent cycle, let new cells continue to replace necrotic cells. In theory, human beings can live forever, but the theory is a theory after all, at least it is impossible to achieve this with current medicine."

"No, no, Mr. Baicheng, I don’t mean medicine. There are many ways to make your theory come true. In fact, I’ve read many of your posts and have to admit that you are a real genius. But your thinking still has limitations...Of course, you can’t be blamed. After all, the world you come into contact with is too ordinary."

"What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that people like you shouldn't be buried in such an ordinary world. You should have a larger and more mysterious stage, such as... a fantasy world of strange power and chaos and a dance of demons."

"Sorry, I'm past Secondary Two."

It turned out to be a liar... Bai Cheng shook his head, already thinking of hanging up.

But soon, the man continued: "No, I'm talking about the facts. The fantasy world of weird power has always existed, but it is difficult for ordinary people to contact. If you wish, I can provide you with such a stage. ."

"Not a joke?"

"Not a joke!"

"Since you can find me, you should know that I have a hundred ways to find out your identity and address, and let you know the cost of deceiving me."

"seeing is believing."

"Okay, then I will see what you call a world of weird power."

"Thank you very much for accepting my invitation, but according to the rules, I must reveal to you that if you fail in the process...you will die!"

When the other party said this sentence, his tone became extremely serious, and Bai Cheng was indifferent, only returning two words.


"See you by express in ten minutes."

Putting the mobile phone back on the desktop, Baicheng is no longer interested in going to the forum to fight his mouth. His mind at the moment is all in the phone call just now... If ordinary people receive such an inexplicable call, it is estimated that there will not be more. Pay attention to it for a second, but Baicheng is different. He often feels incompatible with this world because he is too genius.

"If there really is such a world...it would be interesting."

Baicheng waited patiently in the room. In his opinion, whether the other party said it was true or false, it was an opportunity. If it was true, it would naturally win the jackpot. If it was false, it would be nothing more than a waste of ten minutes.

"Is this Mr. Baicheng in Room 302? Please sign for your courier."

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Is it really here? !