I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 589

In the darkness, Li Yan carrying a gun stumbled behind Ying Lili, praying silently.

He held Ying Riri's hand and tightened it slightly.

As a result, the two of them quickly came to the train.

Sure enough, the other girls had gathered here, and Ying Lili was relieved after seeing that everyone was all right.

However, under the dim fire, the other girls looked at Ying Lili with complicated expressions.

Ying Lili, who was holding Li Yan's hand, looked at them curiously and asked, "What's wrong?"


Ying Lili hadn't waited for any reply. Suddenly, she was hit by a heavy blow on the back of her neck, and her whole consciousness was interrupted. Ying Lili suddenly opened her eyes, and her body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and she fell forward instantly Fall down.

Li Yan caught Ying Lili.

"Does this really work..."

Xuezi, Mei and others looked in their eyes and couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"I have to stay, otherwise you absolutely can't escape... Whether the ghost or the mercenary is, it is quite easy to catch up with this kind of coal cart that is less than forty per hour."

Li Yan said, entrusting Ying Lili to Mei.

Although on the surface he asked them three girls, but Li Yan's main entrusted object was the girl who didn't know her appearance, but slightly trusted him the most.

"we know."

Yayi and the others were standing by the train, knowing that they were only a drag here, so they should leave as soon as possible, and it would be more rational for Li Yan to walk out of the tunnel by himself.

However, no matter how sensible choice or conscience is tortured, they cannot convince them to fully agree with their behavior.

At this moment, Li Yan’s editing system sent a [Beep Beep] prompt. He secretly felt that it was not good, and immediately said to them: "That bastard is here, hurry up, get in the car!"

The girls at Toyosaki Academy climbed onto the train one after another. As a result, in the dark red light of flash bombs, after careful study, the train quickly turned on the lights.


Li Yan crouched down and fired a shot in that direction.

The figure rushing here suddenly shrank back. Even though it was a special bullet, it couldn't kill people, but it could break a few bones when hit. The mercenary who ate a shot in the back was more or less towards this Young people are a little jealous.

Finally, Li Yan took off the bandages, revealing some bright eyes again, and formally played his last trump card, and started the final battle with the old mercenary holding a live ammunition gun.

The train finally started to start, but unfortunately, the girl didn't seem to operate successfully, and suddenly turned off.

The gun battles on both sides continued, and both sides no longer conceal their whereabouts, holding flashlights under the butt, used to more accurately shoot the other's vital points, the gunshots were loud.

For ten minutes, Li Yan was struggling to support the cover point, restraining the opponent, anxiously waiting for the black long straight girl in the tunnel above to figure out how to start the old antique.

However, something unexpected happened.

The hunter's live ammunition directly hit a wall, and the wall suddenly began to crack. Li Yan saw the black spring water flowing out with his right eye, continuously pouring into the ground, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

In the editing system, the mines that were originally marked by no ghosts are increasingly pouring out of other walls that continue to burst.

"This is terrible."

Li Yan looked in his eyes and understood that the situation was getting worse.When he heard many caves before, he was a little aware of something wrong, and as a result, the yellow springs sealed here have been constantly eroding the surrounding walls and boulders, and there is only a wall between them.

"What's the matter, kid, are there no bullets? Anyway, I have a special body armor and a lot of firearms to entertain you. Wait, I must punch your head out."

The hunter found that the train was stalled, and Li Yan did not shoot any more. He immediately felt that he was in sight. He took out his pistol and was about to rush forward, shooting Li Yan and the others at close range.

However, a gust of cloudy wind blew the ground, and Inoue seemed to have noticed something. He turned around. As a result, in the darkness before his eyes, a group of densely pale hands grabbed towards him...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

From the place where Inoue was hiding, there was a heart-piercing scream.

Seeing the right time to escape, Li Yan was about to get up and ran towards the train.

As a result, his right eye couldn't support it again, and his vision became increasingly blurred.

"Don't think that you can escape like this! I'm dying, and don't plan to escape here!!"

Suddenly, the figure that was gnawing on the flesh from a group of hell kids was dragged into the hell continuously. He grinned, and finally, he opened a bag of explosives boxes that were picked up by the girls behind him, in a bloody and painful moment. , Pressed the button.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't expect the other party to bring more than one box of explosives.

Suddenly, in the dark place, a violent explosion exploded from the mine. A group of hot flames leaked out, burning the walls, but it did not reach Li Yan and the train.

However, due to the strong impact of this mine, the soil and boulders on it continued to collapse, and the whole mountain was almost crumbling.

Amidst the loud noise and dust, the shaking ground kept falling huge rocks, and the black pool kept pouring into this area.

At this time, the train was started together. This time the train was finally successfully started. The train slowly turned its wheels and headed for the tunnel exit under the mountain.

"Senior Li!!!"

Not far away, in the situation where the sky is cracking and the earth is cracking, the noisy voices faintly faint the voice of the girls on the train side.

Li Yan almost couldn't see anything clearly, a ghost behind him chased him out, and he started running towards the train.

But when it was more than ten meters away, the ramp had already begun to collapse, and there were constant rocks falling, blocking Li Yan's final way out.


Standing in a mine with falling rocks, the original exit and the cave close at hand were blocked by huge rocks. Li Yan could only stand in place, watching the train carrying Yinglili constantly far away.

Since he entered the mountain, he was destined to be unable to leave this mountain...

If I did not follow, the situation of Yinglili's group might be safer.He was worried that Ying Lili would not be able to go down the mountain on her own, but now, he can only watch this girl leave this place of right and wrong.

The huge shock awakened the unconscious Ying Lili.

As a result, when she got up, she was in a daze.

The constant falling rocks rolled down at the entrance of the cave, the train drifted away, and in that darkness, black water continued to fill that area. The man with the flashlight and shotgun used the right side of the last surviving light. Seeing her.

In the darkness, the figure immersed in Kurosawa burned himself once again, turned around, and aimed his gun at the hell evil spirits who were leaping at him.

In the falling rocks, the fire of Li Yan fighting the ghost of Heishui still filled the gaps. Even if there was no way out, he still did not give up hope and buried himself here.

The strong desire to survive, like a ray of flame in the darkness, will never give in, struggling to make the final struggle.