I am a nobleman in England

Chapter 41 Talent is more important than title

"Ha ha."

Holding the newspaper in his hand, watching his words clearly printed on the newspaper, Arthur's mood at this moment is uncontrollable happy. To be honest, there is no author, and he does not want to see his work printed as a book. Publishing is the biggest dream of every author, including Arthur, an author who was mixed in the online world in his previous life.

This has nothing to do with money, and it has nothing to do with the grade of online literature and physical books, or the status of online writers and traditional writers. It is just a feeling.

This moment of realization is naturally happy, and there is no need to hide it.

And Paul, the butler standing on the side, was also very happy, "Earl, you use words to accurately show the operating rules of the upper class before and after World War I. Whether it is exquisite clothing, table manners, and reading, people can’t help feeling that this Called exquisite life."

"Haha, is that right? Thanks for your explanation. Without you, I can't describe it as accurately as possible." Arthur smiled and thanked the butler Paul. This is true.

Butler Paul smiled and shook his head, expressing that he did not dare to take credit, and then sighed softly: "The British aristocracy has really fallen completely. You know, until 40 years ago, the aristocracy was still on the cover of the high-end fashion magazine "Hello!" , But now replaced by stars.

Only when aristocratic families have wedding banquets, scandals or divorce property disputes, some British media will be more interested."

Arthur didn’t care about this. After all, he hadn’t seen the scene at the peak of the aristocracy, so he didn’t feel so much. But Paul, the housekeeper, experienced the passing of a bill in 1998 when Gong DANG deprived more than 750 hereditary aristocratic councillors. The seats and voting rights of the upper house abolished the privilege of the hereditary aristocratic upper house that has lasted for more than 600 years. At that time, except for the booing of the upper house, there was no sound in the quiet upper house.

Since then, the so-called British aristocracy has completely withdrawn from the center of power in Britain.

And the British aristocracy really began to decline, and the Second World War has to be traced back. The culprit was the big brother at the time, the cigar mound, who was also aristocratic. In the war, out of the honor of the nobility, their death rate was much higher. Any other class, and every time you inherit the title, you have to pay a large amount of inheritance tax. Cigar Hill raised the inheritance tax to 98.5% during World War II. Quite a few noble families continue to pay their inheritance because of the continuous death of family members. The tax finally declared bankruptcy and was so poor that even the maid could not be hired. The original lady had to take care of her livelihood.

After World War II, the aristocracy was completely squeezed to the edge of British politics, society, life and history.

This is also the reason why all the British nobles hate Cigar Hill in private, even more hate him than the worker DANG who canceled the upper house seat and voting rights.

Noble privileges are gone, and family history is not so important.

"Actually, it is nothing. Talent is more important than title. We are all middle class now." Arthur smiled and said two of the most famous words spoken by the two leaders.

"Yes, now everyone thinks that the nobles should be the middle class." Butler Paul also shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Talent is more important than title... Hehe." Arthur smiled and patted the newspaper in his hands, and some naughty butler Paul winked his eyes.

"Hehe." Butler Paul also swept away the haze on his face, and laughed happily and comfortedly, his eyes gleaming brightly, and in a magnificent English accent, he said: "Your talent must be Will shock them!"

Arthur chuckled and shook his head. He understood the mood of the butler Paul, and knew that where he could not see, there were many pairs of eyes staring at Boleyn Manor with sarcasm, joking and gloating. Of course, he did not rule out indifference or sighs. After all, there is a dead heir who is not favored, that is for sure.

The world is such a reality. When people are in trouble, there are always more troubles, and most of them are stories!

Arthur really doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about these good, evil, or even indifferent gazes. There is no psychological burden at all, because he knows better than anyone else. As long as he succeeds, people will be perfect. Yes, even farting is good......

Because the winner is not condemned, no one has the capital to condemn the winner.As long as it succeeds, the muddy water behind the success, and the shameful filth, will not be noticed, and some are just fanatical pursuits.

However, it is not yet the time for him to be proud of Arthur Bolin. After all, he has just taken the first step, and it is far from success!

After finishing the afternoon tea, he restrained his pride and continued his writing career.

After he published two more chapters of "The Fifty Shadows of Gray", the plot has been unfolded, and the relationship between the characters has gradually improved. The aimei atmosphere created by the text has completely evoked the greatness of the readers on the forum. Interest, the number of comments has reached more than 1,000, and the number of views has exceeded 50,000.

Arthur sighed again, and the humanities are indeed a shortcut!Standing on the shoulders of giants, it is easier to succeed!


The long codeword experience has allowed Arthur to practice a quick touch typing technique. However, it is a pity that he typed Chinese characters before. Now he has changed to English. Although he has received everything from the predecessor, he can still make use of the amount of English words. , But temporarily unable to correct his subconsciousness, the Chinese character expression will first appear in his mind, and his fingers will subconsciously tap the keyboard...

As a result, his typing frequency is very high, but the typing speed is terribly slow.

"It seems that I have to add a new course..." Arthur murmured helplessly while pressing the delete key. He had to find an English dictionary to do a good "research". These two days Later, he found that his predecessor’s spelling of English was simply outrageously weak, so he could only find a way to make up for the amount of words he was increasingly lacking, and to cultivate the habit of switching English context.


Stopped the finger tapping the keyboard, picked up the phone on the table, unlocked and checked, the message was sent by Long Ma, and a photo of makeup was also included, which she took in the backstage of the theater.

"My dear, it's my turn to play in a while, and I'm really a little excited..."

Seeing the joy and excitement expressed between the lines in the message, Arthur laughed very unkindly. What I didn’t know was that Long Ma was acting as the heroine. However, the truth is that she is just a clumsy, wearing A maid costume, a maid without a line.

Arthur took the phone and started sending her words of encouragement and compliment. If he said it to her face to face, maybe Arthur might be a little embarrassed, but typing on the screen, ROU talks about sao, he is not shocked, women, when in love , Even if she doesn't tune in or shamelessly, she will listen to it as the most beautiful language, and she will like it very much.