I am a nobleman in England

Chapter 391: Isn't it beautiful to sweep directly!

Whoever masters the media will master the people, and whoever masters the people will master GJ.

Some people might think that this is simply nonsense. How can the media have this ability?

That's because the emergence of the Internet has accelerated the speed of information dissemination, but also produced a large number of self-media. New media have sprung up everywhere, allowing a large amount of information to be spread, and the credibility of the past media has also been greatly compressed.

However, it should be understood that although the credibility of the media has been greatly compressed, the mixed media on the Internet still guide people's thinking directions, and the Internet news, Facebook, Twitter and even advertising promotion that they encounter every day. And television, newspapers, radio, etc., are still the source of most people's information. No matter how unbelief, it is impossible to completely deny that this information has been conveyed to people's minds.

Regardless of whether the information is correct or not consistent with people’s perceptions, when people learn of this information, it means that the first purpose of the media has been achieved in a short period of time and widespread dissemination.

And then the second purpose began, affecting the audience's thinking.In ancient times, we knew how terrible it was for three people to become a tiger.

If one morning, when you wake up, you find all the media you can access, even GJ-level media, all well-known foreign media have unified the caliber that the moon is an aircraft built by aliens and is used to monitor people on earth. Do you believe it?

Ahem, well, the content of this hypothesis may be a bit exaggerated, so change another one...

Suppose, the most authoritative media in the UK suddenly uttered that a certain moral model star secretly raised ten qing women, and had twenty illegitimate children, and even gave back to his neighbors, male neighbors in the entire community. Everyone wears a green hat, and then the national media began to reprint and promote it. Do you believe this news?

No matter how ridiculous, how absurd it sounds, believe it or not, as long as the news spreads and the star does not have enough evidence to refute it, then this is a fact.

Well, even if the celebrity rebuts, it’s the same. Chunqiu brushwork is the best weapon for the media. What's more, what channels will he use to rebut?

Sorry, it's still the media, see, can't escape this circle, right?

"... The media is like this. It has enough power to control the thinking of the people and guide the thinking of the audience. If we control the local newspapers in major cities and towns in the UK, we have this power."

Arthur’s bright eyes flashed with something called ambition that made Jerry Fuller feel heart palpitations. To be honest, as a media person, I never thought about controlling the people’s thinking and guiding the audience’s thoughts. What I think is to pinpoint current malpractices, unearth the truth behind news events, and so on.

But now it’s not the same to hear the ambition of his young boss. The media has been used by him as a tool. After pondering for a moment, Jerry said with a hard smile on his face: "Hehe, okay. , Boss, what you said really makes sense, but the power of the media is not as great as you think. After all, the people are not all fools..."

"Haha..." Arthur seems to have seen Jerry's very straightforward purpose, and has some different views. After all, Jerry is a typical media person, not a businessman, so he will naturally feel like this. Fan words feel harsh.

"Of course, the people are not all fools, but as far as the fact is concerned, people who are really capable of thinking and exploring the truth behind things account for no more than half of the overall population.

Among these people, most of them will follow the bo and follow the general direction of everyone. Those small ones who can think carefully but will not follow the bo, how many people have the right to speak in front of the masses?

Well, the group of people who have the right to speak are also selected. They are the so-called social jingying of opinion leaders, but don’t forget that this kind of people can be selected by everyone because they also have the characteristics of the media. xing or well-known media routines...

Under this circumstance, unless it is related to their interests, they will not stand up and be the best ones. If they stand up and be the best ones, the media will have a way to dig out their interests, and then their right to speak is useless."

Arthur is very clear about the purpose of arranging the local Xing newspaper. He knows what he wants and does not need to conceal his ambitions. This is like the old Mo of News Corporation. No matter which newspaper office he acquires, he will make a promise. Claiming to the outside world that they will never interfere with the content of newspapers and fully implement press freedom.

But what about the facts?

Almost every newspaper he bought must follow Lao Mo's instructions in the content and direction of the report, and implement his opinions, and all those who are self-righteous, insist on their ideals, and disobedient are gone!

Simply put, the role of the media is one point, the dissemination of information, and guide the direction of public opinion.No matter what kind of news, as long as the media is prepared and planned to promote it, it does not matter whether it is correct or not.

So it is the beginning sentence, whoever masters the media will master the people, and whoever masters the people can master GJ.This is the power of the media.

"I will allocate 10 million pounds to the newspaper to acquire Xing newspapers in the second-tier area of ​​Hampshire, buy them, absorb them, replace them, and turn their readers into our readers.

What I want is that we have only one voice in Hampshire.Let me tell you straight, the plan for a local Xing newspaper office in the UK has already begun. My investment team is already screening other suitable targets. Once the target is determined, the acquisition will begin.

Eventually, it will become a media group composed of regional xing newspapers. This is a media network. My investment team has been persuading me to form a new media management team and hire industry elites to help me manage the new company.

I've been hesitating all the time. To be honest, I hope that my own people will help me manage it. Jerry, when my father was alive, he trusted you very much. When I came to my place, I also believed in you. If I can, I hope that You help me manage the media group that may be formed in the future.

However, this requires you to come up with enough achievements to be convincing, so let's start by integrating newspapers in Hampshire. I hope you don't let me down!"

Hearing what Arthur said, Jerry Fuller was already excited and excited. To tell the truth, he was still struggling with the young boss's views on the media and went astray. In a blink of an eye, he was stunned by the sudden happiness. Up.

The head of the media group?

The head of a media group with hundreds or even more regional xing newspapers...

Jerry Fuller is really surging at this moment. Looking at Arthur, his gaze is full of gratitude, admiration, conviction and touch. His voice trembles a little and said: "Boss, please rest assured, I will never let you Disappointed, I will definitely complete the task you assigned as soon as possible. Maybe I can't guarantee that we are the only voice in Hampshire, but it will definitely be the biggest voice, the most trusted and the most credible voice!"

"Haha, very good. Is the ten million pounds enough?" Arthur was very satisfied with Jerry's reaction and asked with a happily smile.

"More than enough, some community newspapers can't even cost tens of thousands of pounds. Ten million can almost sweep the newspapers in Hampshire." Jerry, whose eyes became extremely bright and sharp, has become completely ambitious at this moment. The appearance, vowed, said very confidently.

"Hehe, then sweep!"

Hampshire is his home base and his foundation. Therefore, Hampshire is the starting point and the most important first step of his media group.

After chatting with the excited Jerry for a while, Arthur left the newspaper with satisfaction, and with his departure, the newspaper office, who was enveloped in tension and anxiety, completely lifted the alarm and relaxed the atmosphere.

But what they didn't expect was that they had just sent away the boss with his own murderous aura, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the editor-in-chief who was in a frenetic state came in.

"Everyone, meeting!"