I am a nobleman in England

Chapter 433 Is the world in our eyes real?

Regarding media, when Arthur was a child, most people probably felt that as an industry in the tertiary industry, there was no technical content, and they did not know the power of the media behind it and the degree of integration of various industries.

Fashion trends lead, and mainstream value promotion is also the purpose of the media industry. Good publicity can influence people’s judgments. With the Internet, the media industry now has many profitable methods through click-through rates, which has an even greater impact on modern people’s thinking. Dialectical thinking and critical xing learning methods have become habit that modern people must cultivate, otherwise the power of the media will be terrible if they are fully accepted.

Because any news that is taken out of context will be spread overwhelmingly.At first, they believed that it was true. After all parties commented, people turned into melon-eating people, not knowing the truth or not, and then all parties accused.People feel this way because the news is only obtained through media promotion.Many things, only one of them is one-sided, and people have their conclusions.

Then it may be wronged, and then reversed, and then beaten and swollen, and then gave a thumbs up to other people eating melons, then spit on the grass, and quit the group chat...

Well, I have the power of the media in my hands. In addition to having his own throat and a weapon of public opinion, for Arthur, there is another important point, which is to allow him to understand the world more truly, not I feel like I live in a virtual world created by'others'.

Many people don't realize that people actually live in a virtual environment world constructed by information.This is not Arthur's alarmist talk, or silly looking at The Matrix, but a fact.

When the world has entered a high-speed information era, thousands of information fill people's lives at a rate of hundreds of millions of messages per second. When faced with "objective information", people have long lost the ability to choose.

Blocking audiovisual means perishing, and the result of acceptance enters a "mimicry environment" processed by the media.

In the real world, people use virtual perspectives to transform their lives, and ordinary people’s lives form virtual perspectives in a sense.In the interaction between virtual and reality, people create the whole world with virtual thoughts mapped from reality.

The so-called "mime environment" is also the information environment. It is not a "mirror" representation of the real environment, but the media through which the symbolic xing event or information is selected and processed, and restructured to remind people environment of.

In this "mimicry environment", people can get all the information they want to know, and form their own opinions and opinions through thinking, and everyone uses actions, language, etc. to express these opinions and act on the real world.

For example, people learn about the so-called "personal settings" of various stars that they have imagined from the media, such as helping the elderly, first ask if they have mines in their homes, and the real environment created by the media.

In a rapidly changing world, people can only learn about things beyond their personal perceptions through various "news providers."In this way, human behavior is no longer a response to the objective environment and its changes, but a response to a certain "mime environment" prompted by news organizations.

Think carefully!

In this sense, people's behavior is controlled in the information environment of mass communication.The media influences and restricts public opinion through the "function of agenda setting", the establishment of "opinion leaders", the creation of "opinion environment" and so on, thereby influencing and restricting people's thinking and actions.The results of this influence are sometimes unpredictable.

Before the complete development of the Internet world, the traditional media dominated the world, and the communication mode in the traditional media was "hourglass", that is, reporters and editors stood as gatekeepers and controlled the production and dissemination of news information. , Which determines the fate of news coming from all directions.

What news is allowed to spread through this narrow “leakage”, and what news cannot be spread, sealed on the spot.Not only that, they are also responsible for the "agenda setting", that is, where certain information is placed, where to publish it, how large the layout is to report, and how to organize the report...

In contrast, in Internet communication, the audience seems to be able to freely choose the information they are interested in, and they can freely publish information on the Internet.It seems that the importance of information is no longer completely determined by the communicator, but by the audience.

However, in many occasions, such as well-known news websites, still have the right to edit online news, and there are still online reporters and online editors acting as gatekeepers. Of course, because the audience enjoys great choice and initiative, news The position of the communicator has been weakened, and the power is tilted towards the audience.

It seems that the media’s control over people seems to be reduced. Under this new media method, people can choose information more freely without being subject to the influence of reporters and editors. People mimic the environment when they act on the real society. The impact on him has also become smaller, and the environmental trend of the information environment does not seem to be so obvious.However, this is not the case.

Don't forget, although the subjective nature of the media is reduced, the information on the Internet is in a situation of information overload...The sheer number is amazing, scattered, superficial, unorganized, and screening becomes very difficult.

In the face of this new form of information, some people can accept it well, find the information they need in a short time and organize them to form their own opinions, but most people have not done well to accept this new form of information. Preparation of information form.

The Internet does allow people to "pull" information freely. It seems that people have the initiative to receive information on the Internet.But how can people use the limited time to get what they want from the plethora of information?

There are nothing more than two results. One is that people rely on a few fixed websites for a long time to obtain information, but in fact they still give the choice to the website.Another result is that people click aimlessly on the Internet and see what they see is nothing. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, just use it, comment casually, and don’t be afraid of mistakes. Anyway, there are false information everywhere...

Therefore, in fact, the increase in the amount of online information only provides more choices, but this will not necessarily increase people's ability to choose information, but rather weaken their ability to choose.

Sometimes the choice not only does not make people get rid of the shackles, but makes people feel that things are trickier and more expensive, so that they go to the opposite side and become an unselectable choice.In a word, one day, choice will be a super-selective choice, and freedom will become too free and unfree.

This is also the reason why Arthur values ​​traditional paper media. Arthur believes that in the face of various information bombings, there will be people like him who need a real carrier to help him distinguish the unavoidable truths and falsehoods of information that is awful.

And Arthur also needs the newspapers, reporters, and editors in his hands to tell him what this real world looks like, rather than living in a virtual environment and being manipulated by others' thinking.