If you're going to the semiball, you need to be ready!

The venue is a staple of the semi ball.

The Wang capital has several expensive loaner halls for hosting, and the noblemen with money mostly use them.

Of course, it's good to make your own hall a venue. Instead, you have to wave your own extraction from whatever meals you serve, customer service instructions to invitees, and the selection of orchestras and performances. Though we had a semi ball, it was a huge failure, and so on.

If you succeed, your reputation is good, but as an organizer, it's hard to work with. It also takes time. Either the title doesn't have any money, or the nobleman with the problem is after a one-shot reversal, or I don't know how to choose it unless it is.

- There you go. If you use the lending hall, it's expensive to use, but it's pretty much a set to follow. When you want to make it an adorable venue, if you order that, you decorate it with plenty of ribbon, and if you order to serve unusual dishes, you will come out with dishes from other countries. With ideas and funding, we'll have the quasi ball we want with less effort. So.

One such lending hall is the holding of the Count Reddington quasi ball.

Called 'Paradise in the Sky', it is also the most popular venue among aristocrats.

The sky, of course, comes from the sky god. That's how classy they are.

Paradise, because it has a stunning garden. You can go out to the garden for a rest and watch the flowers. Put your hands together and go to a close meeting with a couple.

The journey time to "Paradise in the Sky" is about an hour's ride from the Royal Castle by carriage.

So, it doesn't mean it'll just take a day to get there.

If you leave the castle that day, you'll make it.

The problem is - dress!

What to wear for the semi ball.

Namely, dresses, shoes, ornaments, to be exact! Women's combat gear! Three types of artifacts! This!

Princess, we need to dress properly in public!

I usually wear a raku dress enough for one person to wear or take off. rotation out of it. No, the administration is coming in this way, and I've made it a design that's not ugly to take a wide walk through the royal castle, but it's not going to work either if it's a semi ball.

I need to get in the mood and dress up.

That's why the chief woman came herself in the morning and moved to the costume room. As soon as you decide to make your choice of combat equipment, including dresses. Overall change in the scheduled time schedule as well.

"I can't believe His Royal Highness is attending a semi ball. We know the epidemic, so leave it to this Matilda."

The woman chief's name is Matilda. The baroness, with dead fish eyes, gradually emerged and rose to the rank of chief woman. When I first met her, she was still a maid of honor. Single thirty-six years old. But you look like a twenty, dark-eyed brunette. There is a mole under my left eye.

Actually, Matilda, since she was over thirty, she's been holding up some marriage stories. But Matilda kicked it all.

"It's already this year and... We want to bury bones in the royal castle. I am married to the position of chief woman."



In fact, being a female chief equals not having anxiety in old age. Even when I quit, I think I'll get a retirement pension and land if I want. I have a lot of cultivated connections. Even if my husband doesn't feed me, I can make a living.

Since Wang Du has a widespread homosexuality among the upper classes, pure male and female romantic marriage is harsh. But there's a way open for an outgoing woman to live without having to get married, right? Ironic story.

For less likely men to be rivals in the provinces, although marriage is easier, it is on the contrary difficult for women to live once in a profession. Long and short.

"Thank you for waiting. Your Highness."

Matilda brought some of the dresses that were hanging in the huge closet in the costume room.

For once, dresses for formal wear are new every year. Measurements are also taken. To go with it, when you notice it's growing...

When you need it, you have nothing to wear! What a measure to avoid falling into the situation of calling a tailor. Instantly for every need, that's the role of the costume room. With everything, a simple fix can be done by a samurai.

Some dresses are only worn once, and they look wasted. But even if the princess always wears the same dress or cheap stuff to see, she still can't.

"Here's the epidemic. It is the latest mainstream to show your skin. The colors are red, green. It's unusual and black is noticeable."

I put the fan in my hand on a small desk. Even myself, I'll wear every dress Matilda stands out to me, and take a closer look. I also touched the fabric.

They were all designed with a wide open chest. I have nothing to hide my shoulders from. Dark red, green, too. Primary color system. Ugh. The shapes and colors are resistant...... This is the current epidemic......!

"Dear Matilda, Your Highness is not a fashion chaser. Why not give priority to His Royal Highness's preferences?

Sasha, a samurai with me, who is choosing dresses with me, brought me about three dresses that are perfect for my taste.

Let me see.

This is a dress for outfits, while an easy-to-wear, easy-to-move design. Sleeveless and modest to show both shoulders and chest. The color is also cream, pastel color. That's with me!

"Indeed… fashion is the opposite of His Highness's taste…"

Matilda puts her hand on her cheek and squeals.

If I were you the usual, I'd jump at Sasha's proposal. But......

"Of the dress you two chose for me, isn't there an intermediate? I'd prefer a combination of two good things."

Follow the fashion and remember your tastes. Those who chase two rabbits do not get one rabbit, not in an operation to get two rabbits!

Matilda and Sasha rounded their eyes. It was Matilda who opened her mouth.

"I thought it was uncommon in itself to attend a semi ball... Your Highness himself makes such a suggestion…. Your Royal Highness is on board, isn't he?


"It's going to be a special semiball. I want to go to war in the best dress that suits me."

Before Matilda came, after breakfast, a letter from Ereil arrived. Though I'm supposed to be a nobleman, a letter from a soldier in one place never comes up to me, but if I know it will arrive at me, I have a backhand.

The letter from Ereil must have immediately contacted Lust and received a reply. It said Lust would attend a quasi ball hosted by Count Reddington. Ereil was politely choosing words and spelling out sentences, but in short, if you want to see him, you need to meet Lust there,.

When it comes to sounding like the original Lust, it may seem like a way.

It's a mystery how Lust, who is supposed to be hiding himself, dived into Count Reddington's semi ball as a regular invitee. Whether it has anything to do with Count Reddington suddenly being diagnosed with my attendance......

Anyway, it was confirmed that I could face Lust directly. I know I want to see you over there.

We need to make a good impression on Lust at all! First impressions are important!

With my intentions, Matilda and Sasha looked out for a carefully selected dress.

Matilda chose a dress with a deep green colour and an elegant design, scattered by aquamarine as a decoration. Overall exposure is modest. Kind of grown up, I guess.

Sasha chose a light water coloured dress. Same color as my eyes. The skirt is double-layered and lace and ribbon go together. A design that feels clear but boldly emphasises the chest and back. Exposure looks like an adult this way too.

Both meet fashion and my tastes. That's Matilda and Sasha......!

"Both of you, that's great. Thanks."

"There is no such thing. Your Highness."

"His Royal Highness tears...?

Matilda thanked me and Sasha asked me with her eyes full of anticipation.

Hmmm. It's hard to wear a A and B...

I don't know what Lust likes...

At the very least, I'd like to hear the opinions of the opposite sex.

Alec... it's about time you're encouraging me to study, so I'm sorry to interrupt you...

I knew it. I knew it. I'm the only brother I can count on at a time like this...! Sure, Alec is heterosexual, but heterosexual, but I can't believe he's just my brother...!


Has been annoying.

He's here! My escort knight! Clifford!

I have them waiting outside my room right now because I plan on matching my costume.

Last night, Father told me something profound, but in my heart I decided to keep it, and basically I didn't care. The poison's gonna be a pill, too!

It's "submissive," and who do you think I rely on without relying on Clifford!

I seek valuable, heterosexual opinions!

"Sasha, can you get Clifford inside?

"What... Master Alderton?

"I haven't changed yet, and you won't mind. I'd like to get your opinion on deciding on a dress. Clifford would be perfect."


Sasha saw Matilda's face. Take it, Matilda's been checking with me.

"Your Highness wouldn't mind inviting Master Alderton to the occasion, would you?

"- Can't you?

The costume room consists of two rooms. Made with an even more fitting room apart from where we are. The dressing itself will be done that way. Don't call me to the fitting room, but I don't think there's any particular obstacle. Or is it just the costume room, and even the knight of the escort difficult to enter the room? Men forbidden?

"No. This Matilda. I am relieved that His Highness has finally obtained a knight of escorts to trust that much. This fact alone is sufficient."

I guess I don't have to say that much...

Matilda nodded with a smile.

"We are also here, and that His Highness himself, like no other, wanted. No problem. Sasha."

"Yes, I'll call you."

Sasha carefully handed Matilda the dress she had and headed for Clifford's waiting hallway.

So much less, Sasha brought Clifford back.

Stepping into the costume room, Clifford checked the interior first, as he did when he entered my own room. Something like a knight's habit? Is there anything dangerous or something? Like an interval?

That's how my gaze eventually turned to me.

He seems to be wondering why he was called.

"Clifford. I need you to do something for me."

"If there's anything I can do, I'd love to"

"Matilda. Sasha. Please."

Matilda and Sasha stood a short distance from Clifford. He holds each dress so that he has a clear picture of the whole thing.

"Dear Alderton. This green dress is fashionable..."

"His Royal Highness prefers soft shades, so don't follow the fashion in the colored areas..."

The Matildas seem to have decided to appeal to each one because they are confident in the dress they have chosen. There is a spark scattered between the two, beyond the position of chief woman and samurai. While doing so, it also serves as a commentary for Clifford on the current fashion of dresses and my dress preferences. Wow.

In anticipation of the time the two of us ended our appeal time, I accompanied myself with words.

"I'm attending the semiball tomorrow. I'm going to make the dress one of these two, but it's going to be just women. I want your opinion, too."

I stared for a while as if Clifford would observe two different dresses. Then take a glance at the closet and then glance back at me.

"- Your Highness, will you use the fans you usually have at the semi ball as well?

Fan? I have it on my little desk now......


That's because it's one thing! Instead of a quasi ball, we pride ourselves on making it a dish you won't be ashamed to take to the ball! If you're shaking and smiling in front of your face, you can interpret it appropriately, and it's a necessity in a social setting! Well, I haven't used that fan once in that social setting yet. The last time I came out... was at the ball last year, and you were using a white fan then, weren't you?

Really, Clifford nods.

"I think the dresses the Secretary and the Samurai have are both wonderful. You'll look good on your Highness."

Words are on the back, and there is no sign that Clifford will choose one.

"But - as you cross, will you forgive me for choosing the third focus? Your Highness."



Following Sasha and Matilda, I also raised my voice.

"Clifford did?



- Fine.

I'm interested to see what kind of dress Clifford chooses. Try the stuff!