I am a Witch Requested by My Crush to Make Love Potion

It's a witch who enchants the princess 22

What the heck from yesterday.

Once in a few months, it was a remote area where visitors could visit, but now it feels nostalgic.

"... that uniform is a town guard."

Harige looks into the window from behind Rose. He feels Harige's temperature on his back, but keeps on his face.

"What is it for?"

"I'm not too familiar, but I guess this wasn't on a patrol route, isn't it?"

I was in trouble. Rose thinks so and looks at the forest and is afraid. Men are trying to get into the boat.

"Why the boat is there!"

"Oh, I was telling you might be coming in during the night, so I turned the reel I was listening to and brought the boat to that side. hand--"

Rose was impatient when she did extra work.

If the boat was here, I could penetrate the unknown, but the two men were rowing and came here.

Rosé lifted himself out of the window and placed the love potion on the workbench, pulling the rug under the bed.

Below the rug there is an opening into the basement.

The prayer room, which is so small that it cannot be called a basement, is only large enough to accommodate two people.

Rose is thrilled to see Harry looking at the basement without question. Close the top plate from above.

Protesters can be heard from underground. Rose put his mouth on the ground and called out to him.

"Please, don't make a single sound."

Protests stop, assuming Rose's intentions.

Rose is not worried about bringing trouble.

Hariju is at the witch hermitage.

The guards can't afford to see Harrige.

He is the nobleman who supports this country and the princess' sword.

It's not a nice person to be in such a place.

With rugs laid down from above, Rosé re-covered his robe deeply, as if nothing was present.

A guard who comes in a row hits a knocker.

Rose opened the door, nervously.

"Yes, are you a customer?"

"Is this the home of the" Witch of the Lake "?"

"Yes. I'm a" good lake witch. "

"Is there a use for the spooky witch's secret?"

One of the guards fired a contempt to spit out. A small number of guests visiting the witch's house flirt with the witch, and the majority of the rest take this attitude.

It's a familiar word, but there's no obligation to tolerate it.

"Is that so?"

Rose pressed the doorknob, which he held open.

The arrogant guard panic.

"Now! Do you think that such an attitude is acceptable?"

"I think. I'm a witch."

Rose is a witch.

That doesn't mean that Rose is despising himself.

It means that you have a firm grasp of your background and your business.

--Witches follow people, witches follow the country, and witches follow the law.

Witches have been independently autonomous since ancient times.

Although he is not as proud as he used to be, he has been found to be of rare value because of the absolutely small number of people, and has been granted exceptions.

For precious ones, it is also evidence that a witch is indispensable.

There are no nations to protect, no laws, but no territory to be committed or committed.

Witches live in a world different from humans.

Rose thinks he and Harrige's future won't intersect because he knows where to live and how to walk are different.

"Please pick it up."

"This is ... if I let her think she's a woman"

A guard puts his foot in the gap in the door and pushes in.

Basically, those who visit the witch's hermitage, including those with servants, had noble behaviors attached to the board, so it was a bit of a crude response.

"Hey, let's do it well."

Whether he felt pitiful to the witch he was pulling, or if he thought he would not want to bring a drip from behind to escape this man, another guard next to him called out.

"I'm sorry, Lake Witch. I really want to ask."

"If it is related to the knowledge of witches, we will charge you for it."

"Unfortunately, I don't have anything else to do. I have a lot of thefts around the royal capital recently. Damages have been rising from the villas without houses and very wealthy merchants."


Did he come to alert you just because the thief came out? Rose looks at the men from the slightly opened door gap.

"Speaking straight, there was a report that the man entering and exiting here was very similar to the thief's characteristics."

"Huh ...?"

Rose leaked a surprise voice.

Thought can not catch up with the development that I did not even think about.

"Eh, man?… ... not me?"

The only man who frequently visits this lake is Harriage.

But I couldn't imagine Harry's being a suspected knight on a square square. If that is the case, those who have been called for "Witch is suspicious!"

"If you don't put anything on your teeth, we've started investigating the possibility of collusion."

What a hell.

Rose flickered. Unusual sweat flows through the spine.

This is not the story of Harrige's hearing.

The witch's bad reputation may boost the innocent Harrige.

Of course, Rose doesn't even dream that Harriage was a thief.

The problem was that Harrige was in the house-and Rose didn't lie to hide him.

"Please understand, 'The Witches of the Lake'. We must protect the people and punish humans for breaking the law."

"I know it."

"So, please cooperate"

It was difficult for Rose to pursue the opponent who begged me carefully. Rose is, after all, a witch because he wants to help others.

The guards pushed the door hard from the other side, affirming Rose's weakened look. Rose, who had been holding the doorknob, lost his balance.

Pushing the staggered rose, the guards came up home.

"Please wait. I don't want to be in the house right now."

"Is there something you have stolen? I'm suspicious of that mountain."

"It's just messy."

"It's too much for a woman living alone. It's too cluttered."

I just don't know the slob of a living alone! Perose wanted to scatter. When changing clothes, almost every house is like this. Must be so.

"Or, why is it hard to go home because she hides a man?"

"There is no thief here."

"I see. So you've been told that you're coming and going, don't you recognize a young, tall man with gray hair?"

Rose shook his body.

Rose is a witch.

The witch does not lie.

A witch who uses a lie of magic cannot use a lie other than magic.


Rose clasped her hands in the robe.

No matter how you think about it or how often you think, it's bad that Harrige is known to be in a witch's house.

The guards said earlier about people's impressions of the witch.

`` Does the spooky witch's secret have any use? ''

Anyone who visits the witch's house comes in hiding or uses a servant.

That's because the witch's secret is ugly, and using the witch's secret is sneaky and must be stigmatized.

Rose likes Harriage.

So I want Harrige to walk under the sun all the time.

"Yes, of course"

The voice crouches and the throat withers.

The sound was far from my ear. The eyes darken and the view begins to blur.

I felt a dull, sharp pain as if my heart was being squeezed by something.

"Such, hi"

From the squeezed throat, there is the sound of a squeeze and thin breath coming in and out.

I couldn't stand upright and I put my hand on the wall. I'm dizzy and can't focus.


The breathless breath struck Rose.

Fat sweat does not stop and falls to a single bed.


"Are you okay"

The voice that I heard trembles.

On the beat, the air came into my lungs. Hold on to the chest and squat down for the painful exhilaration of sudden attack.

A large palm was attached to Rose's back.

It was a gentle, labor-filled hand that stroked the cat's back.

"Don't be mad when you're sick. Sleep quietly in the bed behind you."

Lord of the voice-I didn't know what Harrige was saying and shook my head.

Why came out. Why didn't you get Rose's intention? What are you lying about?

Rose imagines tears in the eyes of Rose, imagining only the worst scenes when Harrige is in trouble.

"I'm good, I'm quiet."

Harrige whispered at Rose's ear, holding her lightly, trying to take him to bed.

When Rose clings to Harrige's neck with her immovable arms, she desperately shakes her head.

Rose's body, which has no power to resist, is trembling little by little.

"Just let it sleep."

If it's no good, shake your head more.

"Now, here."

With a sigh, Harrige embraces Rose.

Rose sat on his knees sitting in a chair.