I am a Witch Requested by My Crush to Make Love Potion

Crystal clear lake, thin, sukiyaki and witch 15

While Yashm is changing, Rose goes to Tara to deliver the collected eggs.

The servants seem to be quite accustomed to the sudden visit. With no surprised expression, she was preparing clothes for Yashum and a warm towel.

You receive a bucket with lunch from Thara as usual. The sunlight coming in through the window is starting to rise. It is time for Rose to go to hermitage soon.

You can go out without saying anything, but Rose wanted to go to the guestroom because he wanted to go after saying a few words to Harriage.

As I approached, I heard a voice.

From the door that remains open, you can see the Harijs.

Harrige seems to be talking while standing. Yashum probably sits on a sofa that is invisible to Rose.

Apparently it was a relaxed tone that changed clothes.

"-Let's do it?"

"Once I get married, I like the rest--"

"It's an idiot. It's a convenient delusion of a stupid man!"

Jashum laughs at Harrige's shallow remarks. The following Harige's silence shows his dissatisfaction.

Rose had stopped his feet for some reason. My heart is strangely heavy and my legs do not move.

"If you get married, you'll love the rest--"

After that?

After that, my voice was low and I couldn't hear it well-how many words follow?

Would you like to live

Can you like it?

Would you like me

No matter what goes on, it is far from a good image.

In addition, there was a "convenient delusion of a stupid man". The easiest to imagine, and the one with the highest probability, is probably a woman relationship.

Rose was shocked, even though he never thought his future husband was blossoming about his affair with his best friend.

Rose is a witch. The witch respects the promise.

For Rose, he thought marriage was a promise of two loved ones--a contract.

Witches do not need marriage to have children.

If a child receives a seed, it can be raised by the hand of a witch.

The marriage for Rose, who is not bound by class or family tree, was even an unnecessary contract to survive.

Nevertheless, Harriage's request for marriage was solely because Rose loved him. He thought he could accept the work of the person he wanted.

Nevertheless, Harrige's words, asking Rose to marry me, seemed too inappropriate and dishonest.

--A distant foreign country had a spell called Flynnhabunka, which was written in a magic book left by his grandmother.

But even without resorting to such spells, nobles in the country enjoy love after marriage.

Rose forgot.

The witch is still able to keep the sign behind because he doesn't hesitate to fall in love.

``-Ze, Rose ''

Rose rose suddenly and raised his face, which was down.

"What happened?"

Thinking in front of the room, Harrige finds a rose that has stopped and seems to come to see him.

Rose responds with a slight distraction.

"I'm about to return."

"Where do you want to go back? Hariyama Castle? Or Poison Swamp? All you need is an annoying queen bee. ''

He told Harrige, but responded to Yashum, who was stepping back on the sofa. Harige turns his gaze into a terrible glance.

"I'll tell you once more. Next time, I'll be rude to her, and I'll have to stop your knight."

Yashm, who was dismissed by Harrige, opened her mouth, even though she said so unsatisfactorily to Rose.

"... Harry, say this is a dream."

"This is real and I am serious."

"That must be a fake. Harige I know doesn't treat women that way."

"Then you've become me you don't know."

Harrige stopped the conversation that seemed to be endlessly endless.

Then, Harrige stepped down to show Rose to Yashm, who was still in shock.

"Yashum-she's Rose, a good witch on the lake"

"I see .. Please be acquainted. Witch Rose-or should I call Lady Rose?"

"With a witch"

"Rose. How is this house comfortable?"

Yashm called by name, even though she was to be called a witch. It might be Harriage's preference for Rose over her. Rose is obedient.

But I didn't think I could restate anything. Rose isn't in a mental state now that he's struggling with such a chick-soggy man.

"If you get married, you'll love the rest--"

The same words have been repeated in Rose's head many times since the beginning. As a result, the exchange between Harriage and Jashum was hardly heard. Rose can't even see Harije's face properly.

"I have watering the field, so I'm here."

"... What? Hey, why don't you wait!"

Rose did not bow to Yashm, and rose and bowed away.