I am Han Sanqian

The first thousand two hundred and eight chapters

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Han Sanqian Su Yingxia!These words of Han Sanqian made Wu Xin feel so cold-blooded and ruthless, leaving no room for Wu Xin.

"You go." Wu Xin said.

"Take a good rest." With these five words, Han Sanqian really left.

For Wu Xin, it was like an illusion. She didn't expect that Han Sanqian would actually leave like this!

For Han Sanqian, this is the best result. As long as Wu Xin’s life is guaranteed, injuries such as minor incidents are nothing, and he can also ask Yang Wanlin to find a way to compensate, although money can’t solve everything. Question, but in this matter, money can show the greatest use.

Because of Han Sanqian, it is impossible to make up for this matter with emotion.

As soon as he walked downstairs to the hospital, Han Sanqian saw Yang Wanlin with a middle-aged woman beside him, who should have been the person he had brought to take care of Wu Xin.

"Old Han, what's the matter?" Yang Wanlin asked Han Sanqian puzzledly.

"Ward No. 17, on the third floor, you should take care of her first." Han Sanqian said to the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman glanced at Yang Wanlin, and then left after Yang Wanlin nodded.

"Do you know Mo Yu?" Han Sanqian asked Yang Wanlin.

"Yes, Miss Mo family, this can be regarded as the role of a stubborn princess. Relying on being a member of the Mo family, she has always been out there, and her reputation is not very good." Yang Wanlin said.

"I won Yan Bingfeng at the Wuji Summit. She is a fan of Yan Bingfeng, so she wanted to retaliate against me and arrested Wu Xin." Han Sanqian said.

Yang Wanlin was overjoyed when he heard these words. So, did the Mo Family offend Han Sanqian?

This is a good thing for the Yang family!

Recently, Yang Bin is worried that Han Sanqian and Mo family are getting too close, and he is afraid that Mo family will also establish a relationship with Han Sanqian. Now that this incident occurs, there will be little chance between Han Sanqian and Mo family. Become an ally.

"What are you going to do next?" Yang Wanlin asked.

"Help me find a way to compensate Wu Xin. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it." Han Sanqian said.

Yang Wanlin was a little disappointed. He also thought that when Han Sanqian went to Mo's family to find trouble, he could take him to see the excitement.

But since Han Sanqian asked him to ignore it, he didn't dare to say other nonsense.

"Don't worry, I must make arrangements for Wu Xin in this regard." Yang Wanlin said.

"Then I will go first." Han Sanqian said.

"Wait, I have to tell you something." Yang Wanlin stopped Han Sanqian.

"whats the matter?"

"I heard that your schedule has changed. As for the Wuji Summit, it seems to help you arrange a new opponent, and this opponent has never appeared on any list. I am afraid someone deliberately wants to target you." Yang Wanlin said, This news was learned from the insiders of the Yang family at the Wuji Summit. There is no definitive news yet, but there is a possibility in this regard.

But even if there is only one possibility, Yang Wanlin felt that he should remind Han Sanqian.

"Unexpected thing." Han Sanqian didn't feel any surprise at all.

Since Nangong Boring has come to Yanjing, he is unwilling to see himself, so he will definitely find a way to verify his strength. After all, there is still a gap between hearing and seeing.

"You don't know who the other party is?" Yang Wanlin asked curiously, seeing Han Sanqian so calm.

"You can probably guess, but the Yang family had better not go too far in this matter. The Yang family can't afford the opponent's power." Han Sanqian reminded.

This sentence shocked Yang Wanlin. He would not suspect that Han Sanqian frightened him deliberately. Since he said so, it definitely made sense.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll tell Grandpa when I go back, the Yang family will never make trouble in this matter." Yang Wanlin said.

After Han Sanqian left the hospital, Yang Wanlin also hurried back to the Yang family.

When Yang Wanlin told Yang Bin what Han Sanqian had said, Yang Bin looked very serious. He had doubts about Han Sanqian’s identity and background. He thought that Han Sanqian was not just the young master of the Han family, but this doubt has always been. There is no way to verify.

But now, Han Sanqian's remarks finally revealed some clues.

In Yenching, if there is someone who can't afford the Yang family, then the status of this person is probably not only influential in the hot summer, but also in other countries, it must also have amazing influence.

And being able to make enemies with people of this kind, Han Sanqian's identity is naturally not simple.

After all, the elephant's opponent cannot be an ant. Yang Bin still understands this simple truth.

"I don't know what kind of big people came to Yanjing, it is really curious." Yang Bin said lightly.

"Grandpa, do we want to check it privately?" Yang Wanlin said, he was also very curious about this matter, so he hoped to know who the other party was sacred by his own means.

"No." Yang Bin said decisively. Since Han Sanqian has reminded him, if he goes into danger out of curiosity, if there is an accident, Han Sanqian will not help, so the best way now is to wait. , No matter who the other party is, sooner or later it will surface.

"Grandpa, Yanjing, is there really anyone we can't afford to provoke?" Yang Wanlin wondered. There is no saying that one of the three major families in Yanjing can't provoke anyone. It's just that the three are not willing to stand firm. Of course, he doesn't doubt it. What Han Sanqian said was just a guess as to whether Han Sanqian would say it too much.

"There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. Whether it is the Yang family or the other two big families, they are only in power in Yanjing. The truly powerful people have their power all over the world. The Yang family and these people It's not comparable at all." Yang Bin said.

Yang Wanlin nodded, as Yang Bin said so, he naturally didn't think too much.

"By the way, what happened between Han Sanqian and the Yang family?" Yang Bin asked.

Speaking of this, Yang Wanlin couldn’t help but laughed and explained: “Mo Yu is the granddaughter of Mo Yanshang and a fan of Yan Bingfeng. Han Sanqian defeated Yan Bingfeng at the Wu Ji Summit. I was very unconvinced, so I retaliated against Han Sanqian and arrested Han Sanqian’s friends, but he tortured them very seriously. So now, Mo Yu is offending Han Sanqian. I guess, Han Sanqian is now in Mo. Home, I'm afraid Mo Yanshang is already two years old."

"It means that there will be a gap between Han Sanqian and Mo Family?" Yang Bin couldn't help but laugh. He didn't want to see Han Sanqian and Mo Family get closer and closer. Isn't it possible to isolate the relationship between the two?