I am Han Sanqian

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-four chapters

Pen Fu www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update Han Sanyan Su Yingxia's latest chapter! I heard this voice, arrogant, suddenly panic, I am afraid that I am looking for four weeks: "Who? Who is talking ?!"

However, the voice fell, his whole person suddenly pale, followed by a cold laugh, this is a clear, laughing, the whole person is cold, sweating is angry, the whole person is incredible, looking toward the body Han 3,000.

No ... Will it?

Is this impossible? This is an illusion! Yes, yes, it must be an illusion.

How can the dead may laugh? !

Just when the monster was as being surprised, the other of his scalp happened, and the Han Sanyan's hand suddenly moved.

He ... he didn't die?

This is impossible, in the case of his unpacking, his fullness, it is impossible to have anyone can survive.

This is not confident, but the fact.

Even if he is thick, it is impossible to hit the full blow, he can't live without a full-minded person.

Han Sanyan This single thin body, when you look at the Lord, the defense, how to live down? !

Thinking of this, the monster is flustered to rub his eyes, he feels that these are illustrative.

Under the stage, the audience who cheered, looked at the strange move of the monster, some confused, didn't know what he was doing.

But in the next second, when their pupils were unlimited, the answer would come out.

At this time, the Han Sanyan, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly stood up, and the right hand was not very comfortable to touch his waist, and it was a little unsatisfactory.

"How is it possible? How is it? This ... how this guy stood up?"

"Fuck, this guy is doing, this is not dead behind him?"

"The monster is not looking for a couple in these years, and the body is full of full flowers in the woman's body? Mom, even such a thin monkey, is he can't die?"

The audience shocked and angry, because Han Sanyan stood up, obviously what they were most reluctant to see.

"You ... you ... you eat my full blow, ... how can you still stand?" Looking at the back of Han Sanyan, the strangeness of the monster can't help but tremble.

He really can't think of it, this is why.

The more you don't want, the unknown fear takes up his heart, or there is so many people present, he really can't really find a place, how far is much far.

Han Sanyan smiled, did not answer him, turned it, looked at the tremolit, and wiped his fist.

"No, don't kill me, don't kill me, I am wrong, I am wrong ..." The monster suddenly scared the body soft, looking at Han Sanyan, the body's consciousness continues to return.

"I don't kill you!" Han Sanyan came with a little, this suddenly made the monster's heart a little bit, he smiled: "But ..."

This is very long, and the whole nerves of the monsters are also pulled by Han Sanyan.

"However, the gift is still, you hit me, how can I have to play your punch?" Han Sanyan laughed, but when the heart of the monster, Han Sanqi came: " but……"

The monster really feels that he wants to collapse, the whole person is crying: "But what?"

"I allow you to prepare in advance."

When I heard this, I couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat that has been spread on his face.

Although Han Sanyi made him feel horrible, but the monster is very confident to her strength, especially on strength and defense.

Rely against these two meters, as well as the rock general muscles, he has confident, in the face of Han 3,000, he should have no problem.

"Do you talk about it?" The monster's test is asked.

Han three thousand bodies.

"I pay for my arrogance, now you also pay for your arrogance." Get the answer from Han Sanyi, and the monster is suddenly oscillated, and a breath suddenly scattered.

"The mysterious person, you have not awkward, I am strange, come!"

Rule, the monster is tightening on the body, the whole body is tight, far away, the fire is shining, these like the boulder, even the golden light.

"Come on!" The monster screamed.

Han Sanyan's eyes are shrinking, cold voice: "Now, for your sneak attack, regret it."

After saying, Han Sanyan suddenly squeezed his fist, a horse step forward, refined, and capacity.

"Grass, this is a stupid ratio, too fucking is arrogant? Also let people monster to prevent him, just if he makes him, how can he make a monster?"

"Yeah, although weird is spent on the woman, it is a bit unfortunate, you can consider the body. This guy, really don't put the monster in the eyes?"

A group of people spoke, Han 3,000 stood up to make them difficult to accept this reality, but there is no way, so they are bored to happily for any one fell in Han 3,000.

At this time, Han Sanyan's punch has arrived.

Just asked Han Sanyan's punch, the monsters were completely cool, then, then, spread to their body.

Under the cold, the monster is so short in a short moment, and there is no different strange.

Anti-Buddha, nothing happened.

When he was just ready to put down, he suddenly fought, followed by, the body was suddenly bursting, and the whole body had a five more time!

And next second, the body also fly directly because of the huge inertia.


Only smelling a loud noise, far from the temple of the temple, the show of the ancient moon, and the huge body of the monster is heavy.

"To ... Sorry!"

The monster muttered, he looked at Han San Qi on the far platform. After almost crying, he murmped out four words, full of regrets closed his eyes! !

Then, it is a sudden sound, his body, and directly falls directly on the ground.

At the junctions he hit, four cracks are in the eye!

Under the stage, the Chinese is silent, and a part of people breathe.

"This ... how is this? This ... this guy is a punch, a punch ... a punch will fight the monster?"

"Just even ... even the junior of the ancient master master also breaks, this guy is ... this guy is what ghosts, this is too ... Too horrible?"

Crazy, the people in the scene are crazy!
