I am Han Sanqian

The second chapter of two or twenty chapters

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CC, the fastest update Han Sanyan Su Yingxia!

Within the temple.

A woman who is more than 30 years old, the skin is like a frost, the five senses, a pair of peaches is pure and thin, and the thin yarn can't stop her beautiful figure.

At this time, her lips were slightly closed, and there was a mottled blood on the silk, hands and clothes, which was obviously just a war.

In the Hall, several long-fitted outstanding, the best young woman is tired of sitting on the bench, pretty face is full of dirt, fluffy, blood is full of blush.

This is the Bagui Palace, the top right is the princess of the Bagui Palace.

After two days of hard work, the front of the Bi Yao Palace has become a ruin. Nearly a thousand disciples in Biyu Palace are exhausted, and there are only more than two hundred disciples left to keep the final hall.

The laminar is clear, and when the sun is in the beginning of the sun, it is the joy of the Bagui Palace.

Everything is now, but it is just a stubborn.

However, she did not regret that the Bi Yao Palace as a neutral camp, which is not involved in the forces of the Eight-Party World, but a weak woman in the Eight-party world.

This is a place for women as the main body, up to the head, down to the servant, all is a woman.

Originally, the Bi Yao Palace is also harmonious to get along with all the gates around, but before, the Wang went to establish the drug god, the Fusheng in Qinglong City collected under the top of Tian Ding Mountain, and for the medicine of the gods, In order to expand the forces of Tian Ding Mountain, Tian Dingshan launched a general attack on each of the gods in several drug gods.

The Bagui Palace and most of the martial arts were forced to fight, and the middle did not try to talk, after all, as a neutral mart, they didn't want to be involved in any dispute.

However, the conditions opened by Tian Dingshan really let the cemented moon are difficult to teeth. They don't want the power of the Bagui Palace, but they are in their body.

For dignity, this is the only belief in everyone in the hearts of the Bagui Palace.

Almost at this time, suddenly, there is a hustle and bustle, and the moon is light, the long sword armover, and it will go outside the temple.

Could it be, the people in the top mountain, launch a gratitude in the night? !

Several young disciples have also strongly hit the spirit at this time, stand up.

At this time, a female disciple hurriedly ran in.

"Report Palace"!

The coming people are on the ground, obviously shocked.

"What happened outside? The people in Tianchao Mountain attacked?"

Condensing cooling channel.

"Square has a silver dragon in the sky, and there is a child in Yinlong, but it seems not to be the people in Tianyami.

After that, the disciples present a stacked silver cloth.

The Silver cloth opens the silver cloth, and the frown is frown: "What is this?"

If the rivers and lakes Bai Xiaosheng know that it is a child because he is short, I don't know what to do.

"The child on Yinlong said that as long as we will raise this silver cloth tomorrow, there will be someone to save us.


The silver cloth opened, it is a banner, which is just a simple logo.

Several disciples have also been coming over, one is more handsome than one.

"Master, what does this mean?"

"Why do we hang this banner?"

"What new martial art is?"

A group of disciples have said their own guess, although the Lianry is not talking, but the mind has been searching for memory, trying to find out which master is this pattern.

But unfortunately, the month did not think of it.

"Master, what should I do? Do we have to hang this banner?"

"The other party is unknown. If they are also the same as Yunding Mountain, it is a hooligan, then what should we do? Is this not just running a tiger hole or Longtan?"

"Yeah, if this is the case, it is better to die.

Congli is also tangled this problem, but this is the only chance to get help, as a neutral martial art, although the martial arts can be used free, but because there is no corresponding forces, it is found in this key moment. Can support the power.

How is this good? !

In the morning of the second day, the sun started.

As the mountain's charge sounded, the seven thousand troops of Yunding Mountain were up.

In the face of combo offensive, Baguio Palace relies on topography, although this is a woman who is brave and good, but it can't resist the enemy like floods.

Only at noon, more than 200 disciples were not enough to be in the palace because they did not support their physical strength.

Although they are already great enough for this woman, they have made them more serious.

Tens of thousands of troops have surrounded their groups.

Fushu has a huge belly, wearing a fire red armor, wearing a helmet with a general righteous needle, slowly coming to the front of the team.

"Gong Yue, you have heard it clearly, hand over Shen Yanzhu, bring you all the disciples to me, Foliao looks at your long, and accepts you, you The brothers who gave my disciples as a daughter-in-law, otherwise, this is your end.

After saying, the Foshi was cut down, and suddenly chopped a knife in front of a female disciple.

The dog legs smiled at this time: "Fushan, there are three in the evening.

Fu Ye smiled, his face was full of bliss.

Inside the temple, the Lary is the last hundred disciples, and one is pale, and the body is scarred.

Huge physical consumption plus the number of people, the Bagui Palace has been in danger.

Looking at the disciple after the body, the lancen bite, and took the silver cloth last night to a female disciple: "Hanging the flag.

The voice just fell, several female disciples immediately squatted: "The palace master, think twice.

"I thought, if the other party is really like the people in Yunding Mountain, we are dead, but if they are good people, we may have a line of life.

Congyue is serious.

She can die, but this is still young, she shouldn't do it.

"But ..."

A group of female disciples clearly not support the practice of the cemented moon, and they have already died, I would rather want to live with life, and I am not willing to be guilty of anyone.

Moreover, many people don't feel that there is any use of this banner at this time.

After all, even if the other person is coming, if you want to deal with so many disciples, the other party must have enough people.

It was last night that the Kelong was already sent by the disciples in the nearby, and the result was that there was no massive team to station nearby.

"No matter, rise!

Gongshi is cold.

At this time, the Fushu who led the thousands of people honestly sounded the temple, and it was thought that the Bagui Palace finally couldn't hold, and when I was surrendered.

The door opened, a female disciple came out, her hand, holding a long rod, then she slowly raised the long rod.

The long pole is full of heads, it is a banner that engraves!

The breeze blows, the banner is fluttering.