I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 23

"Big brother told me to kill someone... I'll kill someone..."


When Sato Hidenaka replied to his little master, a little embarrassment appeared on his face.

Faced with his answer, Hitomi Hoshino, who was facing her back, felt speechless for a while.

"...I hope you will treat me like my father in the future."

"It should be so!"

The loyalty shown by the other party satisfied Hitomi Hoshino's heart, but he still couldn't help but sighed at Sato Hidechu's extremely uninspiring experience over the years.

"Next, continue to tell me about my father? In your impression, what kind of person is your father?"

"You mean..."

"Character, character, interest."

"In terms of character... eldest brother, he is a uh... how to put it? I should say that he is a very lively person? Although he is already an uncle in his forties, he is always the same no matter who you see He smiled, but he was more majestic than anyone when he needed majesty.

Needless to say in terms of character, to be honest, I have seen many leaders of gangs at home and abroad over the years with my eldest brother.However, such as Big Brother actively donates to people in social difficulties, advocating that domestic and foreign adult and underage women should not be forced and deceived to participate in the pornography industry, and they are determined to change the entire Japan, which has become abnormally deformed since the 1990s. The mafia leader of the bubble economy is really the only one!

As for the interest... Uh..." At this point, Sato Hidenaka's face once again showed that unspeakable expression.

He looked awkwardly at Hitomi Hoshino, who was still silently listening to him with his back facing him.

"...Don't you already know... marry... marry dad... cough!"


"Ah! I remember! In addition, elder brother he especially likes idol groups like ATB48!

I have heard from a few brothers who were responsible for protecting the safety of Big Brother before now!

When he is free, the eldest brother often disguises to attend these concerts of idol groups composed of young girls.

In addition, they will also blend into ordinary people in the venue, holding light sticks to make crazy calls for the young girls on the stage!"


"Even...According to unreliable sources, for these years, my eldest brother has been troubled whether to form an idol group composed of young girls himself, and wait for the idol group to become completely famous. The members of this idol group initiated the legendary unspoken rules of the industry!"


"Um... Miss... Miss? Are you... listening?"

In order to alleviate this, I accidentally stepped on the embarrassment of my eldest lady's painful foot [begged by my father for dating].

In this desperate situation, in Hideo Sato, who has always regarded himself as the loyal dog of the Hoshino family, another accidental black history of Hitomi Hoshino, her father, Shinichi Hoshino, has been continuously updated over the years!

And in the face of such a dark history of his own father...


"Um... Miss? You... what's wrong?"

Seeing Hitomi Hoshino who suddenly turned his back to his belly and laughed in front of him, Hidekazu Sato, who was frightened by the other party's previous silence, couldn't help but asked cautiously.

Faced with him, this was a tentative inquiry. Hitomi Hoshino, who had already laughed so much that the whole girl was lying on the ground, wiped the tears that overflowed from the corner of his eye with his little white and delicate hand.. .

"No... I didn't expect that my father is such a humorous person~ I knew that, his funeral shouldn't be so boring by us!


"Miss! What's your order!"

"Immediately drive to bring a few groups of famous idol teams living in Tokyo!

Let them dedicate a few happy music to my father!

Hurry up!No time to explain!"

Ever since, four hours later...

When the six elders who couldn't survive the first half of the funeral, and the people in charge of the [Hoshino Group] who came to participate in Hoshino Shinichi's funeral, get up.

The scene before their eyes is...

Twenty well-known Japanese idols in colorful concert costumes and a group of [Hoshino Group] brothers.

Sad tears flowed, inspirational and youthful music played, cheerful and lively dances, and the coffin containing the body of his elder brother.

Walked to the van leading to the crematorium...

"Elder Oshima!!!"

"Brother Chengwu! Brother Chengwu, wake up!!!"

"Quick! Call an ambulance!!!"

--------------Dividing line--------------

Um... I'm sorry everyone, there have been a lot of things in the past few days, the computer has not been around, so sorry for not asking you for leave!

Chapter 24 The Origin of the Gangster

'Because it is short~ so short~ no matter how much milk you drink~'

"...Turn off the song."

At the request of Hitomi Hoshino, who was sitting in the back of the car with a maid, Hideka Sato turned off the switch on the bridge player.

Because he knows that his own eldest who is only 1.2 meters tall, but he really minds that people don't presume the word [short] in front of her!

"Is there any news from the hospital? How is Grandpa Cheng Wu now?"

"In the words of Elder Oshima, it is said that he has recovered from a coma. Fortunately, his body has not been detected in the hospital except for the coma. According to the brothers who accompanied Elder Oshima and the other five elders to the hospital, said Now the elders of the Big Island and the other five elders are already on their way to the cemetery Tibetan area, and they will meet with us there."


Hearing this somewhat noncommittal answer from my eldest lady, Sato Hidetaka, who was sitting in the front passenger seat of the car, couldn’t help but tilted her head. He looked at the scene projected in the rearview mirror of the car. Status.

As a result, what he saw was the ashes of his eldest brother's ashes in the ashes that his eldest lady was holding in her hands.

"...Miss, although the death of our eldest brother makes us feel very sad, please take care of your body and don't be too sad. After all, the next [Hoshino Team] still needs your leadership."

"I know, just looking at such a good person, suddenly turning into such a box, I feel a little emotional..."