I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 40

"Your father, really big brother, he asked me to give it to you," said Watanabe Ikeo, who handed over the notebook.

While his words successfully attracted Hitomi Hoshino, he couldn't help but greet the six elders such as Oshima Chenggou who was standing in a straight line with Hitomi Hoshino.

At this moment, Hitomi Hoshino's eyes couldn't help but curiosity. He didn't ask if Watanabe Jiaxing had read this notebook that his father gave him for safekeeping.

Just like that, under the gaze of almost everyone beside him, he reached out and took the notebook.

Turn to the first page.

{My stupid girl...}

Hitomi Hoshino turned directly to the second page.

{Na~ Girl, do you have a dream?}


--------------Dividing line----------------

Happy May Day, everyone!!!

Also, don't you want to collect it?

Chapter 38 The Way of Cubs' Awakening and Dumb Hair and Apostasy


Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help but tilted his head. Is it a dream to be an ordinary person and wait for death?

If you are more ambitious, find a dozen girls to warm up the bed when you are sixteen years of age?

Regardless of 3P, 4P, or 5P, relying on your own money to make dozens of P first, make you die?

Well, although it should be said that it is fine. It is right to die, but why do girls only have fallopian tubes?

Withdrawing his unbearable mind, Hitomi Hoshino continued to read the notebook that seemed to be specially left to her by her father.

{Before telling you my dream, let me tell you about my life first~

I was born in a low-level family, my father is a social animal-level wage earner, and my mother is a standard housewife. I...}

Hitomi Hoshino turned directly to the third page.

She was not interested in reading this kind of sensational story that was obviously used to make up the number of words!

Then, she saw the first line of the third page but she saw...

{Heh~My impatient daughter, knowing that you can't read this boring story of the older generation, you will definitely skip the second page!However, I really want to tell you about my past experience.

So, what I wrote on the third page is the same as the second page!

Let us do it again!

I was born in a family in the bottom of the society, my father is an animal-class wage earner, and my mother is a standard family...}

"..." Hitomi Hoshino turned directly to the fourth page.

{The content is the same as above.}

Fifth page!

{The content is the same as above.}

Sixth page!!

{The content is the same as above.}

Hitomi Hoshino turned directly to the last page!!!

{The content is the same as above.It is also necessary to remind you that what I really want to say to you is mixed in the personal experience I have written countless times. As for which page?

Heh~ You can slowly search for it~}

"..." In silence, Hitomi Hoshino once again set his eyes on the tombstone that had just been erected for his father in front of him.

At this moment, she only felt that there was no fluctuation in her heart~

Even want to dig a grave!


After going through all sorts of difficulties and dangers, after being overwhelmed by the life experience of his father’s older generation, Hitomi Hoshino, whose complexion was already pale, was finally on page 122 of this diary. Somewhere, I found the old thing in my own home that even pitted her daughter when he died, what I really want to tell her...

{Because I am a person who has climbed from the bottom of the society to this position, I know clearly what the people at the bottom of the society in Japan want.

They just want to eat, dress warmly, and usually have some spare money to buy some gadgets they like.

According to Japan’s current economic situation, which ranks third in the world, I think the government has the ability to do this for the people.

But has the government done it?In other words, will they really consider these for the people?

They won’t, I know, they won’t...

Economically, from the 1980s to the beginning of the decade, after the trade war with the United States ended in failure, the world has watched.

The entire Japanese economy has begun to become deformed and extreme. Fruits cost thousands of yen each. Beef and pork have become luxury items in the eyes of ordinary families.

More than 40% of the Japanese people have no deposits, that is, a 40-square-meter vacant lot located hundreds of kilometers away from Tokyo, next to a remote woodland, requires a price of more than 20 million yen to be able to buy it.

Of course, some people may say that the existence of the government certainly not only guarantees the living standards of the people, but also guarantees the safety of Japanese citizens.

But about this, did they do it again?

In 2010, in the Fukushima nuclear leak, the government asked the Self-Defense Forces to go to Fukushima immediately for disaster relief. How about the Self-Defense Forces' response?

They left, and immediately evacuated near Fukushima after receiving a disaster relief order from the government.

In the end, we hired gang members and homeless people scattered across the country to take care of the radiation area.

Is Tokyo that was safe now really safe?With the rise of the celestial dynasty and the awakening of East Asian countries, the companies in the past in the erotic industry have turned their usual sights on women in other East Asian countries and returned to the Japanese women.

Threats, forcing, kidnapping, and finally making one after another Blu-ray movies and 18 banned magazines into the market.

Is Tokyo still safe?Is this country still safe?Can this country give ordinary people in Japan a stable future on the road ahead?

No, there is no future, there is no future in sight. Homeless people can’t even stay in a hotel for 500 yen a night. Many young people squeeze into capsule hotels like coffins. In a black grid-like Internet cafe...

This country is sick and dying...