I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 72

That is more than three thousand yuan is close to four thousand!

This is just the expense of eating alone!Not counting the sum of water, electricity, gas, rent or loans!

And there is another problem worth noting that in Japan, although some conditions have improved to a great extent since the 1980s.

But women want to enter the workplace to work, this kind of thing is somewhat difficult.

Therefore, the vast majority of Japanese families are still in a kind of family where women are full-time housewives at home, and men are alone to go out to work to support the whole family.

So, what the men earn when they go home, these two hundred twenty-two thousand to two hundred fifty thousand a month have to work overtime to get the salary?

Is it really enough for an ordinary family?

To be honest, let’s not talk about anything else, would you dare to weigh a catty home on the day of the payment of a 5,000 yen strawberry to celebrate your payment today?

"You know, as far as I know, the strawberry fruit is put there in the sky, just buy a box and throw it at home. If it is rotten at home, few people will eat it." The current prices in Japan can't help it. At the beginning, Hitomi Hoshino, who rubbed his temples with his strangely fair hands, said weakly.

In the face of Hitomi Hoshino's complaints about the current prices, the reply from Ikeko Watanabe was somewhat plain.

In other words, he can't be like the eldest lady of the wealthy Hitomi Hoshino, who is like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks. He has long been accustomed to the excessively high prices in Japan.

"This is not something to be surprised, Miss, this is the status quo in Japan. Speaking of it, in fact, the salary of 220,000 to 250,000 a month is not low on the side of the sky. "

"It can't be regarded as low, but the current situation in Japan, it is not wages that are low, but the prices of necessities in life are too high!"

Yes, as Hitomi Hoshino said, Japanese wages cannot be considered low, but prices are too high.

It is so high that it feels weird. Even if you get a salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month, you can only use it as the three or four thousand in the heaven.

Most people support a family of three with three to four thousand dollars. In this situation, people can realize that the vast majority of Japanese people can only use the word "survival" when they think about it. To describe the standard of living.

It is no wonder that in the official statistics of Japanese per capita savings, more than 40% of young people in Japan have no savings.

With such a salary, it would be considered a hard work to live a month!

And it can't be counted in this, even this can only be used for three or four thousand yuan in the day, and one or two thousand yuan a month's salary can't be obtained, and it is the poor who account for a large proportion of the population!

You know, many of the lowest-level people in society rely on the homeless people who make a living by picking up rags every day, and their income in a day is less than 1,000 yen!

This is why they can't even stay in a hotel for 500 yen a night!

This one thousand yen will be used to eat!

The cheapest and absolutely unsatisfied instant noodles with oily tofu in the supermarket, they all cost 180 yen to 250 yen per box!

"So, if you are the prime minister of the ruling party in Japan, how are you going to solve the problem of excessively high prices in Japan?"

"This..." Hitomi Hoshino, who was still rubbing his temples with his hands after hearing Ieko Watanabe's words, couldn't help but fell into deep thought again...

"While answering your question, first of all I think I have to be clear,

Who are the culprits who drive up the prices of these necessities of life..."

--------------Dividing line--------------

The second female is in the first five chapters, please buy insurance, fasten your seat belts and wear anti-collision helmets, and be ready to roll over at any time!

We will not be responsible for the old car accident!

Chapter 60 The So-called Enemies

"The culprits..." Watanabe Ikeo repeated Hoshino's words.

To be honest, in the [Hoshino Group], Hidenaka Sato may be the most loyal dog to his owner, and Ikebuki Watanabe may be the most qualified employee.

But whether it is the former or the latter, these two kinds of people are not suitable for calculating others like a conspirator, politician, or even capitalist.

What are they suitable for?

What they are most suitable for is just doing their best to do their own boss, the orders and their own jobs given to them by their masters.

Therefore, even now, Hitomi Hoshino mentioned the four words [the culprit] in his mouth.

At this moment, Watanabe Ikebuki also failed to quickly reflect in his brain, what kind of people this [culprit] in Hitomi Hoshino's mouth refers to.

"The culprit in your mouth is..."

"Noble, family, family."

Faced with the question of Watanabe Ikeko, who was not good at thinking about such a high level, Hitomi Hoshino simply said three simple words like this.

And while hearing these three words, in the half-opened eyes of Watanabe Ikeko, who was still suspicious in the opposite tone, the listless pupils inevitably shrank suddenly!

Immediately, that face that seemed indifferent to anything, could not help but put on a little solemn color.

"You guys, go eat next to you." Watanabe Ikeko, whose expression became serious, took the gap where Hitomi Hoshino's voice just fell, and turned to the few people around him who were still holding the remaining bowl of ramen soup and There are already a few ramen, listening to this conversation between him and Hitomi Hoshino, the little brother who is a little unsure on his face said hello.

And these little brothers may also be regarded as old fritters that have been mixed in the group for a long time. After hearing this simple gesture from Watanabe Ikeko, they probably knew their own lady Hitomi Hoshino and their boss brother Watanabe. , The next conversation is not something people of their level can listen to.

Since then, the younger brothers each carried a bowl of ramen that was almost eaten, and quickly evacuated this place where Hitomi Hoshino, the maid Kyoko, and the three of Ikei Watanabe were located. dining table.

Yes, the maid Miss Kyoko did not change tables with these little brothers, because at this time she had already understood that from the time when her own Miss Hitomi made up her mind to inherit the second black boss of [Hoshino Group].

She was a junior high school girl who grew up watching Hitomi Hoshino grow up. She has already lost the opportunity to be alone by the dark vortex of Hitomi Hoshino...

"Miss, do you know what you just said? Do you want to be an enemy of all the capitalists in Japan?" Watanabe Ikeo poked his head towards Hitomi Hoshino, and asked with a solemn low voice.

In the face of this cautious inquiry from Watanabe Ikeko, Hoshino Hitomi's voice with a hint of irritation and indifferent appearance on his small face could not help but be affected by him, and he unconsciously lowered it.

"Otherwise? You should understand that we have already talked about how to reduce Japanese prices. If we don't fight against these Japanese aristocrats under the banner of capitalists, how can Japanese prices be kept down? ?

You know, during this period of time, I have also learned a lot about Japan’s economy, and as far as I know, the reason why Japan’s prices are so high now is largely because of these Japanese capitalists. Aristocrats, out of consideration for their own interests.

The current Japanese government in disguised control has issued a series of protection laws for the trade of domestically produced products in Japan, and it is these so-called trade protection laws that have created the excessively high prices in Japan.

Otherwise, as long as the Japanese government lowers tariffs on foreign trade and provides appropriate levels of support and preferential treatment to some foreign-funded enterprises, the current economic situation in Japan will not become the current situation that people want to smash. Looks like."

Yes, this is what Hitomi Hoshino thought, and what Hitomi Hoshino said is also reasonable.

The reason why Japan's prices are as high as they are now is entirely because the Japanese capitalists who control the Japanese government in disguise, in order to make money, secretly manipulated the Japanese government to introduce many related bills that deliberately raise Japan's foreign trade tariffs.

Otherwise, even if Japan is an island country, surrounded by coastal areas, and the land is not easy to grow agricultural and sideline products, relying on foreign trade tariff reduction and exemption, a large number of foreign agricultural products from neighboring countries such as Southeast Asia are imported.

The prices in Japan are not so high that it makes people feel abnormal.

Of course, some people here may ask how these so-called tariff protection measures are implemented, and why they are implemented to cause the current prices of Japan to become so abnormal.

Let's make an analogy~