I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 85

"After that, this thing was then secretly sold by the main combatant senator who recreated this thing, and the capitalists who participated in the sale of this thing for some [international terrorist organizations] and [mercenary organizations] for some time. After.

It was discovered by the [three groups] at the time and a gang group that was established in the early stage to protest the US troops stationed in Okinawa and then gradually developed into a large Japanese mafia.

And this gang organization is exactly the gang organization that the real big brother attended the funeral of his gangster five years ago."

"They clashed with force over the [DI-X] potion?" Hitomi Hoshino continued to guess.

"Yes, [three groups], the mafia where the real big brother went to attend the funeral of his gang boss, and the capitalists who marketed this medicine, there was a melee among the three parties.

The end result is that the capitalists who marketed this medicine were suppressed by the gangster who went to the funeral with the [three-member group] and the real brother.

Part of the basic liquid of the potion fell into the hands of [Group of Three], and the other part fell into the hands of the gangster who was going to attend the funeral by the big brother, the dead gang boss.

And because the boss of this gang at the time was a member of the peaceful development faction who resembled a real brother.

The relationship with the eldest brother has always been very close.

In the end, before dying, the dead gang boss delivered the original solution of the few bottles of [DI-X] medicine in front of you to the big brother for safekeeping."

"Then Jun Hoshino picked up the gun to blast my father's head because..."

"The reason is that after seeing his eldest brother getting the [DI-X] drug stock solution, Hoshino saw the huge profits that this drug can provide.

Then I told my big brother that I wanted my big brother to continue to use the bottles of stock solution he obtained to put this medicine into production again, and learn from those capitalists who sold this medicine to the rebels in the Middle East and those international Mercenary organizations and killer organizations continue to provide and sell this medicine.

Miss, you should understand the purpose of the eldest brother who established the [Hoshino Group], the character of the eldest brother, and why the pacifist gang boss will cause such a huge negative social impact once it falls into the hands of the wicked The reason for choosing to hand over the dangerous drugs to the eldest brother instead of others.

The reason is that the eldest brother is not a person who will use this kind of inexplicable drug to profit from the bottom line of the relationship.

Therefore, in the end, the older brother did not agree with Hoshino's proposal.

Not only did he disagree, he finally reached out and hit Hoshino's big mouth, whose wife and daughter had already been driven out of the house by himself.

This finally led to Hoshino’s emotional impulse. Before the funeral of the gang boss who delivered the [DI-X] potion to the eldest brother was not over, he carried a shotgun and wanted to blow his head. This happened."

Hitomi Hoshino nodded, she understood from Watanabe Ikeko's words, why the old ghost of her family was almost hit by her own brother Jun Hoshino with a shotgun five years ago.

There was a faint sigh of emotion in my heart.

In fact, the one that Jun Hoshino proposed to his father, the senator who learned to study these drugs, and the capitalists who united with the senator to sell the drugs, continue to go to some international The opinion that illegal organizations sell this drug is correct.

After all, if you want to say what is the most wealthy in the world, it is naturally a national crisis and war wealth.

Hoshino's only fault was that the person who made this advice at the time was his elder brother Shinichi Hoshino.

An inspirational person who wants to change the present day by establishing a peaceful way of political parties and participation in politics. He is not a protagonist himself, or can be regarded as a peaceful developmentist. His father put forward this point. Proposals that are not peaceful to make a fortune.

"So, in the end, what is the effect of this thing?

If it only plays a role in making the user feel no pain, and in addition, it will become extremely excited. Some of these are the effects of general stimulants and painkillers.

I believe that this medicine named [DI-X] cannot be bought by [International Mercenary Organization] and some [International Killer Organization] and terrorists, right?

Buying this is not as good as buying drugs and stimulants."

After understanding the origin of this point, and the causes and consequences of Hoshino's shotgun blasting his father's head back then.

Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help asking about the specific effects of this drug.

"Of course it's not only the eldest lady, I have already explained to you before, this will be after the main battle senator ordered the research and development.

The composition is no longer as simple as a drug that was developed by the Nazis. It is a combination of several drugs.

If it is said that the [DI-X] drug produced by the German Nazis during World War II only paralyzed the user's nerves, so as to allow the user to explode with strong mobility and not afraid of the effect of pain.

So now the [DI-X] medicine in my hand, which has been re-studied and produced, is mainly aimed at stimulating the rapid secretion of adrenal hormones in the human body and strengthening the user’s desire to attack the surrounding living creatures and the judgment of danger. The role of capacity in this regard."

"Stimulate the secretion of adrenal hormones in the human body?" Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help but tilted his head.

"Yes, you should have heard of it? Human beings secrete adrenal hormones in large quantities when encountering crisis situations, and stimulate the brain and body through this adrenal hormones to improve their own awareness of dangerous situations Physical avoidance."

Hitomi Hoshino nodded, somewhat noncommittal about Watanabe Ieko's words.

Because no matter in her previous life or in this life, she has heard and seen some news reports that humans have exploded beyond their usual physical potential in crisis situations.

Among them, a grandmother in her 60s and 70s, in order to rescue her grandson who was crushed under the small truck, lifted the small truck with both hands alone to rescue her grandson.

A mother who went home after shopping for food saw her toddler falling from a window of a high-rise building. She burst out with a running speed comparable to or even faster than the world sprint champion, and rushed downstairs to catch herself accurately. Child.

Wuling Hongguang broke down on the train tracks. When the train came, the driver got out of the car alone and pushed his Wuling Hongguang to escape.

Such things can be said to be everywhere.

Although, things like this, although there may be some fake news in it.

But it is undeniable that when people encounter extreme danger, they can indeed break out some extraordinary performances that are impossible in ordinary days.

Probably, many people have experienced such a situation when going down the stairs.

That is when you go down the stairs, when you do not pay attention to the foot slip, the foot that you stepped on the building body or the foot that you did not step on the slippery body will play the role of the self-protection function of your body. Desperately to stabilize your body that is falling.

"I probably understand what you mean. In other words, as a user of this medicine, after using this medicine, the body will be in a state of extraordinary performance during the time the medicine takes effect.

Or is it simply in a state where the body is not controlled by the brain and faster than the brain's response, the state of crisis protection consciousness?

In addition, you said that the body has a strong desire to attack the surrounding living creatures when the body is extremely excited, and the effect of numbing pain nerves.

In the end, these states are combined to form a state that is far superior to ordinary people and can fight and hide, and the desire to attack is extremely strong. Is the super-conscious combat state right??"

"Yes, these are things that general stimulants and drugs cannot do."

"What about its side effects? Is it still addictive?"

"Yes, after all, no matter how it is improved, most of this drug is still a drug.

Moreover, because of its effect of accelerating the secretion of adrenal hormones, the damage to the human kidney is far more than ordinary stimulants."

"Then why did you choose to give it to me again?"

"Because you said, what kind of socialism you want to build in the future, you have to fight against capitalists and the politicians in the Japanese Senate.

Once you become an enemy of these people, your life safety will completely lose the most basic guarantee.

The number of assassinations by those people for you may be more than when the eldest brother was alive in the future.

Out of consideration for your safety, I chose to deliver to you what this big brother is not willing to show up.

I think, when necessary, you may be able to give her to the guards who are responsible for protecting your safety, so as to improve their ability to guard you in a short time.