I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 87

"I just heard someone calling for help? Did you hear that?"

"Is there? I didn't hear it?" Hearing what my eldest lady said, Ikeko Watanabe, as the interviewee, couldn't help but learn what her eldest had just done.

Symbolically turned his head and looked around casually.

"No one asks you for help, Miss, did you get it wrong just now?"

"Really?" Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and a strange color appeared on his cute little face.

But soon, with a weird face, she adjusted her expression back to the normal look of Gujing Wubo.

Then, with a look of indifferent expression, he said to Watanabe Ikeko who answered her question just now.

"It may be that there have been too many things recently, and I am so busy that I have hallucinations~ Since I heard it wrong, then we still don't care~

Keep going~"

With that said, combined with Watanabe Ikeko's answer, he judged that he seemed to be Hitomi Hoshino who had just had auditory hallucinations. He looked indifferent and prepared to continue to lift his legs toward the door of the custom shop!

However, it was at this moment when she was about to continue raising her leg to go!

A petite figure suddenly rushed out from behind Hitomi Hoshino who was about to lift his leg to leave, behind a little brother who was surrounding her!

Under the instinctive reaction of Hitomi Hoshino’s four-year-old brother and Ieko Watanabe as a bodyguard to the master’s guarding consciousness!

This petite figure that had been pointed at the muzzle of the seven pistols in the next second, suddenly rushed towards Hitomi Hoshino.

Just like that, at a speed that could not cover his ears, he rushed directly behind Hitomi Hoshino, who had not yet been able to turn around in this sudden situation, and stretched out from behind, and he knew it was a female. White hands!

Like a wronged little daughter-in-law who is about to be kicked out of the house by her husband!

Hugging Hoshino Hitomi's thigh wrapped in white silk tightly!

"Hey! Don't just ignore the prayers of helpless people so casually!

When someone is calling for help!Shouldn't the response of normal people be to immediately search for the location and situation of people calling for help around!?

You hesitate for a while and prepare to ignore the helpless people's prayers as hearing hallucinations. Have you really thought about the feelings of people who ask you for help??

Fortunately, I just saw you as an angel when I saw you walk out of the elevator!

As an angel!Please don't just ignore the prayers the believers make to you when they are desperate, bastard--!!!"

Chapter 71 Girl, set out to the pinnacle of life!

I, Shenmuyao, I am 15 years old this year.

Is a junior high school student of Modo City National High School in Tokyo.

As a junior high school student, although I am cheerful, I am outstanding in school, and I have excellent sports performance!

But also because only the sports performance is outstanding, the students in the same class have been given the nickname of "beautiful sports fool"...

My father was originally a small factory manager of a small processing factory near Tokyo, and my mother was an employee of a Tokyo news studio.

At the age of twelve, his father died of cancer, and his mother was devastated afterwards.

After all kinds of tragic experiences and the oppression of life, the mother fell into gambling and became addicted to it.

Finally, after incurring a gambling debt, he ran away.

I left behind my daughter who became unaccompanied after a single-parent family.

However, on the day when my mother ran away, my apartment building in Modo City also welcomed a group of evil forces who were supposed to come to my mother for debt...

"This is what your mother sent to our agency this morning."

Among my mother's creditors, a sturdy man in a suit handed me an envelope.

The envelope left a message like "My dear daughter Shenmu Yaoshou" and the signature of the mother.

And when weak and helpless, I took the envelope that was handed me in the opposite direction. Under the indifferent and contemptuous gazes of several uncles who knew they were not good people at first glance, I opened the envelope tremblingly and took it out. At the same time as the letter.

What I see is...

{My lovely daughter~ Please forgive mom for everything you have done in the years since your father's death, and the neglect of you in the past few years.

At the same time, please also forgive mom for what you did to you today.

Mom, I'm actually helpless. Who said the interest on loans from usury would be so ridiculously high that my mother could no longer pay it back?

So, in order to repay the debt, but also to pay off the huge debts owed, after running away, these things will not be pursued by the debtor.

My lovely daughter~ Please cooperate with the big brothers who seem to be the gangsters in front of you~

Follow them to welcome your new life full of unknowns in the future!

Don't worry, I have already greeted them!

Considering that you are outstanding, physically strong, cheerful and lively, and you are only fifteen years old, the age is not suitable for signing various social formal employment contracts that can only be signed by the age of sixteen. These restrictions are not suitable for going to the custom shop. Pick up in here!

and so...}


"So let me run part-time to shoot AV while taking care of going to school!? Is there any mistake? Hey——!!!

and!It is said that minors like me are not suitable for working in a custom shop!?

Why was it brought by force in the end——!!!"

"Miss Shenmuyao, would you please understand our work? Respect your mother who owes us the money and dared to run away. We really don’t want you to work in this custom shop. ."

"Then why are you arresting a good girl like me to come here!?"

"Respect your request from the mother who owes us [Hoshino Group] and dares to run away, shoot AV~"

"Taking an AV to come to the custom shop!?"

"Working framing~ We have thought about the name, it is called "Junior High School Student Beautiful Girl Chu Ye Customs Store Brutally Tragedy by Shibuya Homeless Group of 5 Forced Top"."

"Why a tramp! Also a group of five!?"

"Because homeless people are cheap to hire~ As for why they are in a group of five...

Sorry, this is a social need."

At this moment, Ms. Shen Muyao, who fell in her family, was completely desperate...