I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 155

"please wait."

"Is there anything else?"

Miss Kyoko's voice sounded again, causing the figure of Watanabe Kakoto who was dragging Shenmu Haruka into the pier gate to suddenly stop.

And after seeing Ms. Katsuko suddenly opening his mouth to stop the action of Ieko Watanabe dragging herself toward the gate of the pier, the eyes of Miss Shenmu Haruka, whose eyes were already desperate, were at this moment. Hope and prayer arose in the direction of Ye Jian Temple Kyouko.

"Ah~ Kyouko, I know what you said before that you want this dead face to grab me to reward a man is a joke~

Although you don't admit it with arrogant lips, in your heart you have already admitted that I am your friend who carried the gun together!

The ringtone is the best~ I love you to death~ See you here to protect me when I am about to fall into the fire pit!

In the future, when bend your black-hearted lady, I will leave you a position on her petite and weak body that is enough for you to gallop~

Kyoko, let's go after your black-bellied young girl from now on!

Then I started a 3P between girls and girls and girls..."

"I just want to ask, is the eldest lady successfully rescued by everyone?"

"... right... I misunderstood you..."

Ms. Kyoko continued to question Watanabe Ikeko with an attitude of ignorance, and facing her ignoring her own appearance, she originally thought she wanted to save herself from the hands of the Great Demon Watanabe. These days There has never been a day since Shen Mu Haru, who was truly safe and chaste, disappeared in an instant with that gratitude expression.

Instead, a married woman looked at her husband with bitterness and hatred when she saw her husband outside.

"I'm sorry, according to the reports of our staff, although our people have driven the enemy to death, four of the four people who have kidnapped the eldest lady, the four who escaped from Hoshino's house, and their five contacts have been killed Party personnel control.

However, due to the unfavorable handling of her subordinates, the current eldest lady has been threatened as a hostage by the robber who was not under our timely control."

"and so?"

Ms. Kyoko's gaze finally turned to Shen Mu Yao, who was dragged by the collar of Watanabe Jiaxing's grasp, and looked at her like a deep-seated woman.

At the same time, she immediately revealed a clear look in her eyes. She thought to understand the purpose and reason why Watanabe Ieking came to borrow from her.

"We will do our best." Watanabe Keshin gave a salute, just like a general in the ancient army who gave a military order to the marshal.

"Then, please, Miss."

The maid Yakami Tera Kyouko also gave a gift, but this gift is not so much for Watanabe Ieko, as it is Shixiang who is being dragged by the back collar of Watanabe Ikeo. of.

Then, under the sincere bow of Miss Xiangzi.

With an expression of resentment, Miss Kamiki Haruka, who did not resist at all, was successfully dragged into the gate of Pier 97 by Ikeo Watanabe...

"At the same time, thank you too." Miss Kyoko, the maid sitting on her knees, turned around, keeping her kneeling posture.

Then, with her sincere look, she saluted the street girl who had just received her treatment.

And sincerely thanking her for this.

The stray girl who was originally at a loss as a small animal seemed even more embarrassed.


"If it weren't for you to report in time this time, the eldest lady will be in danger."


The vagrant girl tilted her head because of some unknown.

It is said that she, who came out to wander before even finishing elementary school, can't understand Ye Jian Si Xiangzi, which is quite strong in both form and ancient flavor.

"That is, if it weren't for you, even if you called us this time, the safety of the lady would be hard to say.

"Is this...this...that...now...is the child saved?"

She could be regarded as a vagrant girl who had understood the other party's second explanation, her face without much expression could not help showing a little enlightenment at this moment.

Then she continued to ask Miss Kyoko cautiously with her small animal appearance, and asked tentatively.

"Not yet, but Miss Yoshito has her own astronomical phenomenon. I believe that with the efforts of Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Sato, the safety of Missy will be absolutely guaranteed in the end."

As long as the other party is not forced to tear the ticket in a hurry.

Of course, at this time, Ye Jian Si Xiangzi didn't say it to the wandering girl who asked her.

In other words, this possibility, she has never thought about any unexpected problems with Hitomi Hoshino's life safety at all!

In her heart of Yomita Kyouko, the eldest lady is not her father Shinichi Hoshino, and the eldest lady will not die!

If the eldest lady is really dead, then her childhood playmate, this close maid, and this sister who has always regarded the existence of Hitomi Hoshino as her own sister will never live alone!

"The eldest is safe! The eldest is safe! The girl that Watanabe brought with him successfully rescued the eldest from the robbers after injecting the green potion!

one strike!Just one blow!The girl successfully knocked down the robber who held the young lady!The action is as fast as a wild cat!

Miss Kyoko!Miss Kyoko!Missy is safe!Please hurry up and feel the lady next to you to confirm whether she is injured!

Please, you are the only one of us who have medical knowledge!

Please hurry over!"

It may be that God saw the firm belief of the maid Miss Kyoko, and that she believed in the determination of the young lady she served until death.

Just when the maid Miss Kyoko had just made this to the wandering girl, it was full of firm assurance.

A little brother who ran out of the pier gate in a panic brought the news that Hitomi Hoshino was successfully rescued by Ms. Haruka Kamiki who had just been dragged away by Kako Watanabe.

In the face of such a gratifying news, the firmness on Miss Ye Jian Si Xiangzi's face remained unchanged.

She stood up immediately, carrying her slightly obstructive maid dress, turning around and taking hurried steps, and the members of the Hoshino team who came to inform him that Hitomi Hoshino is safe, prepared to walk quickly go with!

It's just that she took two steps before she waited for the same joy in her heart.

Holding the long skirt, she stopped her steps toward the gate of Pier 97.

Turned around and looked again at the homeless girl who was still sitting on the ground.

I saw that, under the gaze of the opponent who was obviously still a little overreacting.

"Don't go, and see the eldest lady with me? I think the current eldest lady should really want to see you."

The maid Miss Kyoko said so.

Faced with the enquiry of the maid, after hearing the voice of the maid Xiaozi, this was the vagrant girl who was suddenly awakened from the daze who was obviously unable to react.