I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 163

At the beginning were three men, two of them were younger brothers of the Hoshino team in black suits, and one was the mercenary contact who limped after being shot in the leg.

He was escorted out of the warehouse by two members of the Hoshino team.

And as they came out afterwards, the safety has now been ensured, Hitomi Hoshino who was successfully rescued in this kidnapping case, and Hideka Sato who was responsible for accompanying Hitomi Hoshino.

"...Mr. Mercenary Liaison, is there anything else?"

Seeing the lame forward body of the mercenary contact person in front of him, he suddenly stopped, and the face of Hitomi Hoshino, who stood behind him and walked out of the warehouse, couldn't help but a little curious.

"Suddenly I thought of a very important thing. I forgot to tell you. May I explain to you now?"

The fox-faced mercenary contact person who came back to his senses took a serious look. Thinking about it, he might have really thought of something very important that he had forgotten to tell Hitomi Hoshino in the warehouse.

"Please." Hitomi Hoshino made a please gesture, allowing the mercenary contact person's request.

But after getting permission from Hitomi Hoshino, the serious expression on the mercenary contact person's just now changed into a worried look.

"That's it, Miss Hitomi, you didn't ask before, and I forgot to tell you.

That was when your people attacked us just now to rescue you. At the time, I was talking on the phone with our hirer, that is, your cousin."

"On the phone?" Hitomi Hoshino tilted his head slightly when he heard this.

"What you mean is that my dear cousin already knows the situation of your mission failure now?

And it was precisely because he knew that you have been caught by my people now.

So now, it is very likely that he has moved from his original hiding place, right?"

"I think so, Miss Hitomi. This time our hirer is a prudent person. In order to escape the pursuit of your people, he even went to cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation.

Moreover, at that time, when your people were rushing to our side, your cousin who was on the phone with me even reminded me directly on the phone that your people had already rushed towards Pier 97. come.

You should know what he said to me on the phone."

"What does it mean?" Following the contact person's words, Hitomi Hoshino, who was still tilting his head, raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

The dull hair on her head couldn't help shaking her eyebrows from side to side twice at this moment.

"It means that our people were seen by my dear brother on the way to rescue me?

Means that maybe he was near Warehouse No. 97 at that time?

It means that even if I ask you to take me to his hiding place to find him, I might be out of nowhere, right?

Because it was discovered in advance that the people under me had found the stronghold of Pier 97 where you used to hide, and discovered him in advance of your failed mission.

I'm sure I won't stay honestly in the hiding place where he lived in the past two days, waiting for my dear sister to take you, a guy who knows where he is hiding, to find him in his hiding place, right?"

"Yes, Miss Hitomi."

Facing Hitomi Hoshino's analysis, the contact person who made these explanations answered the truth.

However, after listening to Hitomi Hoshino's analysis, his eyes still carried the deep worries he had before.

Come to think of it, there may be something that hasn't been fully explained to Hitomi Hoshino at this moment.

However, he hasn't waited for him to express the unspoken worry in his heart.

Hearing his explanation, Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help but turned his gaze to Hideo Sato who was standing beside him, and a questioning color began to appear in his burgundy eyes.

I wanted to come, asking if Sato Hidenaka, who came to rescue her before, found out what might be suspicious or something suspicious of her cousin Yuichi Hoshino.

Faced with the attention of her leader, Sato Hidechaka, who knew she wanted to ask something for herself, immediately made a look of thinking.

Immediately, there was a look on his face as if he had thought of something.

As soon as he bowed, he apologized to Miss Hitomi, who looked up at him with a questioning expression in the tone of a subordinate who knew he had made a mistake.

"Subordinates are negligent, please forgive me, Miss!"

"I remembered?"

"Yes, on the way to rescue you, we saw a black Lamborghini on the side of the road, but because you were still being kidnapped at the time, we did not order anyone to stop for investigation in a hurry."

"Really." Hitomi Hoshino withdrew her questioning gaze, she nodded, her face didn't mean to blame Sato Hidechu who pleaded with her.

Because she can also understand that when she was still being kidnapped, Sato Hidenaka didn't have the time to take care of a sports car parked on the side of the road because of first aid.

This can be considered excusable, and there is nothing to blame.

However, it is one thing not to blame the other party, but he has already passed by, but he still failed to recognize the other party and caught it on the spot.

To be honest, Hitomi Hoshino's cute little face still showed an uncomfortable color uncontrollably.

There was a hint of hesitation that appeared with this discomfort.

After all, now my cousin must have found out that she was slicked on the soles of her feet after being saved, how could he obediently look like an honest person in his original hiding place, or wait with some fluke mentality? Find him by yourself?

Contacting the so-called hiding place of his cousin Yuichi Hoshino in the population, now it doesn't make much sense to go or not to go.

So, it also means...

[Is this guy useless?

Hoshino Hitomi looked at the contact person in front of her with a hint of coldness, but soon she hid the coldness again.

After all, regardless of who he is, the cousin who hired him this time by the mercenary is still not in his previous hiding place.

Even if it is a cutscene, this hiding den, Hitomi Hoshino still has to let this contact person who is now trying to protect himself in front of him, take her, or take her people to investigate.

"No matter what, even if it's empty, I have to go and see it, Mr. Contact, please lead the way."

"Yes, Miss Hitomi, but..."

Hitomi Hoshino's brows frowned slightly, at this moment when the contact person's conversation turned again.

It seems that the other party really knows how to protect oneself well?

These useful information for her Hoshino Hitomi can be said to be a bit squeezed.

After trying to understand all the information he knows at once, he can get him to sink Hitomi Hoshino in Tokyo Bay.

At this moment, I couldn't help feeling a little angry.

After all, if the other party wants to really regard herself as a toothpaste, squeeze the information that is extremely important to her Hoshino Hitomi.

After that, she was really not good at doing what she had originally thought, giving the other party the guy who dared to kidnap her, claiming to be a staff member of the International Mercenary Organization, and then took it and buried it alive.